Essays on: Critical Care

Critical care nursing requires licensed professional nurses to be able to provide competent care with confidence in the dynamic and critical environment where patient’s condition changes rapidly and unpredictably. Moreover, these rapid changes lead to life threatening situations which have to be dealt vigilantly.
Critical Care

Tagged Essays / Articles

Title: Review of Literature on Response to Alarms
Last modified: 23rd Apr 2021
Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to review the literature for healthcare professionals’ (HP) understanding and response to monitor alarms in the hospital and any solutions proposed....

Title: Reducing the risk or development of HAIs of Critical Care ICU patients
Last modified: 22nd Oct 2020
Introduction: Clinical Problem: Patient’s admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are critically compromised and have higher risk of Healthcare Associate Infections (HAIs)....

Title: Critical Care Nursing: Interdisciplinary Care
Last modified: 18th Jun 2020
Introduction: Critical Care Nursing: Interdisciplinary Care  Background Information Summary Demographics: Patient K.L is a fifty-two-year-old, Caucasian female; of Italian decent. She is married and lives with he...

Title: Reflection on Critical Care of COPD Patient
Last modified: 1st May 2020
Introduction: Foundations of critical care. Introduction The aim of this essay is to present a situation in describing my experiences caring for am identified female patient, and reflecting upon the issues which a...

Title: Anaphylactic Shock Critical Care Case Study
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Introduction (200 Words) In this project a medical case is going to be studied deeply with literature support as a case study. My topic is about an anaphylactic shock that happened to patient in hosp...

Title: Critical Care Nurses And Pulmonary Artery Catheter Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Introduction The use of the pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) and the care of the associated patients have been debated rigorously over the past two decades (Aragon et al., 1998). The knowledge of the n...

Title: Should Novice Nurses Work In Critical Care Area Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Choosing a nursing career is very challenging; because we take the responsibility of ones life. A nurse has to be competent enough and hard worker, but the critical care nurse should be more skillful ...

Title: Defining Critical Care Nursing Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Graduating from a nursing program and accomplishing the long cherished journey to become Registered Nurse gives the sense of pride to many new graduate nurses. However, most nurses face challenges wh...

Title: Septic Shock: Causes and Treatments
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Jessica Jensen North Mohave Community College Nursing 222 Monika V. Wise, RN, BSN, MS Septic Shock It knows no boundaries. It is not biased or racist, and it is a killer. It will affect any age or...

Title: Fluid Resuscitation in the Prehospital Trauma Patient
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Antony Nguyen Abstract Introduction: Patients with traumatic acute blood loss from injury lead to a lack of perfusion in systemic and cerebral circulations. Without treatment these organ become acid...

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