Essays on: Obesity

Generally, obesity is the accumulation of fatty deposits build up inside a person’s body. This occurs when the tissues become excessive fat. Worse, obesity may interfere with and injure organs and eventually cause serious health problems. Being overweight is associated with a higher risk if you have a medical problem such as diabetes and heart disease.

Tagged Essays / Articles

Title: Disparities and Obesity Trends
Last modified: 18th Jun 2021
Introduction: This research paper examined the differences between Whites and Black in the recent trends of obesity and overweight by their educational level. The paper adopted a three-pronged probability and stratified cluster sampling research design in collecting data from the research subjects drawn from African Americans, Caribbean Blacks, and Caucasian households....

Title: Causes of Obesity and Ethical Values
Last modified: 10th Jun 2021
Introduction: Altogether, we must bring to the table all of the possible perpetrators of obesity while questioning the ethical values of schools and businesses. Through all culprits of obesity, the deceitful hand of schools and businesses are in action. ...

Title: Causes of Obesity and Diabetes
Last modified: 9th Jun 2021
Introduction: Obesity is a condition that emanates from malnutrition and presents with serious social and psychological problems. It is present across different ages and affects individuals in the developing and developed countries....

Title: Dealing with the Social Problem of Obesity
Last modified: 11th May 2021
Introduction: Obesity refers to a medical condition in which excess body fat accumulates in a way that creates an adverse effect on health ...

Title: Obesity and Nutrition
Last modified: 23rd Apr 2021
Introduction: How does as a society overcome obesity, and overcome the nutrition problems facing low-income African-American children living in the urban areas within our inner cities?...

Title: Literature Review on Obesity Trends
Last modified: 23rd Apr 2021
Introduction: In this paper we are going to discuss about the various literature review on trends of obesity in USA, academic knowledge impacts and principles of active citizenship might have effect on the contemporary issue of obesity during the subsequent 5 to 10 years....

Title: Education and Obesity Essay
Last modified: 20th Apr 2021
Introduction: There are several reasons that Early Care and Education is important in helping prevent obesity is because if we create habits at a early age, we have a lower risk of adult obesity....

Title: Essay on Obesity Prevention
Last modified: 20th Apr 2021
Introduction: Obesity is attained when a person reaches a certain body mass index. Adults with a BMI of 25 – 29.9 fall in the overweight class, while adults with a BMI of thirty or more fall in the obese class. This plague of the 21st century can cause several types of life-altering diseases including heart failure, type II diabetes, hypertension, cancer, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, etc....

Title: Obesity and Social Demographics in the US Essay
Last modified: 19th Apr 2021
Introduction: Obesity is not a new term in America. As a matter of fact this is a health condition that has become common to the American citizens and the rest of the world. Sadly, this is not a laughing matter considering the fact that it has led to a number of deaths in the U.S. ...

Title: Literature Review On Sleep and Obesity
Last modified: 19th Apr 2021
Introduction: Duration of sleep, the quality of sleep, and the frequency of sleep are topics for discussion when it comes to research into the world of sleep and its consequences on our bodies and health....

Title: Obesity Prevention Strategies Essay
Last modified: 13th Apr 2021
Introduction: The rate of speed in which the occurrences of chronic illnesses has increased in the US has provoked a desperate movement amongst millions of individuals to take daily health decisions more seriously....

Title: Literature Review on Childhood Obesity and Treatment
Last modified: 24th Mar 2021
Introduction: This review was mainly focussing on the use of two articles Obesity in Childhood and Prevention of Childhood Obesity which between then cover all the issues surrounding childhood obesity....

Title: Unfractionated Heparin Dosing in Obesity for Thromboprophylaxis: A Literature Review
Last modified: 23rd Mar 2021
Introduction: It has been well established that venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk is higher in patients with obesity and that standard thromboprophylaxis doses are possibly subtherapeutic....

Title: Genetic Factors For and Against Obesity
Last modified: 23rd Mar 2021
Introduction: Obesity continues to grow around the globe, an epidemic is known to affect millions. The issue more widespread and common that thought to be. In fact, many of us might know or be related to indiv...

Title: Obesity as a Factor of Infertility in Women of Childbearing Age
Last modified: 23rd Mar 2021
Introduction: Obesity as a factor of infertility in women’s of childbearing age. Obesity is the define by the World Health Organizations (2019), as” an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a...

Title: Screening Initiative for the Prevention of Diabetes
Last modified: 16th Feb 2021
Introduction: A significant diabetic disparity exist for racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. Since minorites bear a disproportionate burden of the diabetes epidemic,...

Title: Child Obesity Research: Literature Review, Design, Sampling and Identification
Last modified: 23rd Dec 2020
Introduction: Childhood obesity is at an all-time high throughout the United States, and primary care offices should have a streamlined intervention on how to manage this disease. ...

Title: Obesity and heart disease
Last modified: 22nd Dec 2020
Introduction: A high body mass index (BMI) can lead to an increased risk of coronary heart disease. ...

Title: What Are The Causes Of Childhood Obesity Health Essay
Last modified: 17th Dec 2020
Introduction: Throughout the years, obesity has been a very important topic in our society and has risen exponentially among children and many researchers have wondered what are the causes of childhood obesity. ...

Title: Obesity: Causes and effects
Last modified: 10th Dec 2020
Introduction: This paper is to inform one how important it is to be educated on the causes and affects of obesity. It will answer how one can catch the early signs of obesity and detect the symptoms in themselves....

Title: Obesity: Causes, Effects and Treatments
Last modified: 10th Dec 2020
Introduction: Obesity , is one of the common and serious disease over the world. There must be cases of obesity no matter in urban or rural area, as it is a widespread and escalating concern. ...

Title: Tackling the Rise of Childhood Obesity
Last modified: 22nd Oct 2020
Introduction: Obesity is a growing problem in the United States; it is particularly alarming amongst children. With the high rise of childhood obesity within the past few years it has led to concerns about the health issues attributed to it....

Title: Health Promotion in Nursing: Child Obesity Interventions
Last modified: 14th Oct 2020
Introduction: This essay will explore the knowledge, skills and attitudes nurses need for health promotion. In the last decade health promotion has been a significant part of health policy in the UK (Piper, 2009)....

Title: Effects of Childhood Malnutrition and Child Obesity
Last modified: 7th Oct 2020
Introduction: A literature review is a compilation of resources that provide the ground work for further study. It is frequently found as a subsection of a published research study. ...

Title: History and Development of Obesity in America
Last modified: 24th Sep 2020
Introduction: Obesity in America is becoming a problem. It has been on the rise since the beginning of the twenty first century, but seems to be getting higher in more recent years. ...

Title: Relationship between Parenting Styles and Obesity
Last modified: 21st Aug 2020
Introduction: Obesity, in general, affects the physical and psychological wellbeing of the individuals affected, as well as increases the risk of other premature illnesses including cardiovascular disease, particular types of cancer, hypertension, stroke, and even premature death (Foss & Dyrstad, 2011)....

Title: Proposed Intervention to Decrease Obesity Rates
Last modified: 18th Jun 2020
Introduction: The intended purpose of this project is to decrease the rates of childhood obesity by decreasing BMI by 5-10% through education of dietary intake and increase physical activities. The intervention wil...

Title: Impact of Obesity in Society and Solutions to the Problem
Last modified: 18th Jun 2020
Introduction: Analyse how rising obesity is causing a crisis in modern society, and evaluate current solutions to address this problem. Increasing numbers of obese people in modern society have caused a series of s...

Title: Is Obesity a Disease?
Last modified: 4th Jun 2020
Introduction: Obesity is Not a disease- Michel Tanner AMA Declares Obesity a Disease- Liz Neporent John Pollina One of the most controversial issues related to the health field is obesity. Obesity affe...

Title: Health and Social Impacts of Obesity
Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: Introduction Today, we have two groups of people, young people who are struggling with obesity and others who do not care. We are in a time where being obese can be detrimental to good health and for ...

Title: Health Problem: Child Obesity in Canada
Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: Health Problem: Child Obesity in Canada Needs Assessment and Rationale An excessive accumulation of body fats causes childhood obesity over time due to positive energy balance. Therefore, the conditio...

Title: World Awareness of Pathological Conditions: Obesity
Last modified: 29th May 2020
Introduction: Abstract Obesity being a non -communicable disease has a big impact on many things. It is a battle that has affected so many and a fight that is still being fought for many years in the past and the o...

Title: Examining the Need for Obesity Prevention Programs in Schools
Last modified: 29th May 2020
Introduction: Results  A phenomenological study was conducted to explore the need for a school-based obesity prevention program in rural elementary schools by principals. The face-to-face interviews were vari...

Title: Obesity Epidemic in America: When Does the Individual Take Responsibility?
Last modified: 29th May 2020
Introduction: Abstract This paper examines who is responsible for the growing obesity epidemic that has affected and continues to affect millions of people. Some people blame the obese individuals themselves, and o...

Title: The Effect of Television Watching on Obesity
Last modified: 20th May 2020
Introduction: Abstract This study looks to further the theory that too much time spent sedentary or watching television will lead to a higher rate of obesity and type 2 diabetes.  Participants in this study will b...

Title: Uncertainty Reduction and Social Penetration Theories in Tackling Obesity
Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Introduction Communication is inescapable in human life and living things at large. Communication refers to the passing of information between two parties, interpersonal, or within oneself in mind, in...

Title: Health Promotion Case Study of Patient with Coronary Heart Disease
Last modified: 14th May 2020
Introduction: Introduction Throughout this assignment I have chosen to discuss a patient I have previously cared for during my placement on a cardiology ward. The patient which I will be writing about was diagnosed...

Title: Effects of Physical Inactivity on State Diabetes Rates
Last modified: 14th May 2020
Introduction: Introduction Diabetes is an issue that continues to grow and plague the United States. According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in 2015 (ADA 2015...

Title: Critical Thinking Skills in Patient Diagnosis and Care
Last modified: 7th May 2020
Introduction: Case Study: Mrs. Wong The basis of this paper is to enhance critical thinking skills when it comes to diagnosis and plan of care for Mrs. Wong by utilizing the information in the case study to formula...

Title: A Case Study of Change: Obesity
Last modified: 12th Feb 2020
Introduction: Obesity in primary care has become an increasingly common problem. Like any other medical condition overweight and obese patients should have access to appropriate treatment and care using a delicate,...

Title: Risks of overweight and obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Question What are the known health risks of overweight and obesity? Answer It is well documented that an increasing prevalence of obesity will lead to a significant strain on healthcare services globa...

Title: Patients who blame their difficulties losing weight on their genes
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Question What should nurses tell patients who blame their difficulties losing weight on their genes? Answer A recent article in The Daily Telegraph (Knapton, 2016) summarises the findings of a study p...

Title: Relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Diabetes and obesity have been highest in the most serious threats in world’s health. Diabetes is now one of the serious chronic diseases which have affected many of the Australians as it is...

Title: Promoting Health and Well-being in Nursing: Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: The aim of this essay is to clarify and explain role of professional nurse in relation to the public health issue of obesity. This essay will explore the different concepts, such us legal and ethical,...

Title: Reducing Childhood Obesity: Health Promotion or CBT
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: NuRS21010 Understanding Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Concept Terms Boolean Operator Hits Population: Childhood Childhood, young people, children, child, youth. (Childhood obesity...

Title: Can breastfeeding Prevent Childhood Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Can breastfeeding in the first six months prevent childhood obesity? ‘Obesity’ is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of ≥25kg/m2 (World Health Organisation 2015). In the past decade, thr...

Title: Health Promotion Strategies for Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Introduction Australian Health Ministers have identified obesity as an area of National Health Priority Area as evidenced and supported by Durand 2007 “reversing the obesity epidemic is an urgent pr...

Title: Models of Health for Obesity Intervention
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Introduction Public health has been a topic of government debates. It is an increasing issue that is provoking a lot of publicity. Strategies are being implemented as well as policies in order to tac...

Title: Effect of Anti-obesity (Orlistat) on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Remission
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Effect of Anti-obesity (orlistat) on Type 2 diabetes Mellitus remission in patients in Saudi Arabia.   Abstract Introduction Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one ...

Title: Effects of Obesity on Pregnancy
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction:  In 2015-2016, the CDC found 71.6% of the American adult population exceed healthy weight standards. More of the population was considered obese at 39.3% compared to 31.8% for the overweight...

Title: The Global Childhood Obesity Epidemic Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: In this paper, the author will examine the complex interaction of social, economic, biological and environmental determinants of health that may explain the recent explosion and shifts in demographic ...

Title: Public Health Obesity And Nhs Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: When the NHS was established in 1948, one of its founding principles was that it should improve health and prevent disease as well as providing treatment for those who are ill. In November 2004, the g...

Title: Obesity And Bariatric Surgery Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Abstract Obesity is rapidly becoming the world’s largest health issue with no sign’s of moderating (National Health Service (NHS), 2007). Not only does obesity have significant human cost ...

Title: Human Obesity The Built Environment Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Human obesity is a serious public health issue that presents detrimental physical, social, and mental health consequences. There are many cultural, economic and political factors that all have associa...

Title: Epidemiology Of Childhood Obesity Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: This brings me to the Epidemiology of Childhood Obesity. One of the Major health problems that plague the United States is Childhood obesity. Since the 1980 the amounts of children who have been consi...

Title: Health Promotion Interventions For Obesity Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: This chapter presents findings from the articles that matched the inclusion criteria. It will introduce evidence found via literature search described on ‘Chapter 2: Methodology’. Therefor...

Title: Young Children Exercise And Obesity Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Above given is a case study of on lifestyle health intervention. It is main case study for the following essay. The essay can be a It shall be a critical analysis of intervention`s design, delivery an...

Title: Communication Strategy In Obesity Awareness Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Communication is a procedure that is basically concerned with the transmission and acceptance of messages which may either change people’s perception or not (Tones and Green, 2005). This deliver...

Title: Health Promotion Proposal Reducing Obesity Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: The increase in obesity has been identified as a major public health threat. It has been predicated by the Government Office for Science Foresight that without taking action nearly 60% of the UK population will be obese by 2050....

Title: Childhood Obesity And Obesity Epidemic Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Han et al. (2010) identified that the global prevalence of childhood obesity has significantly increased over the last ten years. Story et al. (2009) note that adolescent obesity as a significant glo...

Title: Physiological Effects Of Obesity - Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Measuring body shape can be a rich data about health and the risk of disease. Measuring anthropometry manually could be time-consuming, only a few indexes of shape (e.g. body girths and their ratios) ...

Title: Time For A Fat Tax: Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Obesity has been a growing worldwide problem for the past three decades, especially in European countries and the United States of America. Between 1980 and 2004, the prevalence of obesity in Europe a...

Title: International Obesity Health Risks and Policies
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction:   Anja Bialas Jörn Janssen Alice Temitope Olude   Table of content 1 Obesity as the major health risk for the population of the Republic of Nauru –Causes and Impact ………………………...

Title: Obesity In The United Arab Emirates
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: A health problem in the UAE and the world today, is obesity. We find it in large proportions. The UK and other countries also suffer from this disease. There are many causes of obesity and it affects ...

Title: Impact of obesity on womens health during pregnancy
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Obesity is a clinical term used to describe excess body fat. The most common method of measuring obesity is the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is used because, for most people, it correlates with their am...

Title: Causes and effects of childhood obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Childhood obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, and the condition is now obvious much earlier in life. Thirty years ago, less than five percent of children were considered obese. Today’s figu...

Title: Diabetes A Major Public Health Issue Health Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: According to current estimates about 366 million people have diabetes in 2011 all over world. It has been projected that by 2030 this will have risen to 552 million. The number of people with type 2 d...

Title: Should obese people pay more for medical treatment
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Obesity is an incredibly expensive disease, both for the patients and the hospitals. Aside from being a disease which is associated with many further complications and problems, which themselves lead ...

Title: Health Essays - Childhood Obesity Overweight
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Childhood Obesity Overweight Introduction Childhood obesity in the United States is proving to be a topic of major concern. Throughout the past decades, this issue has been overlooked and simply...

Title: Importance of Breakfast in Relation to Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: A critical evaluation Through many influential sources, such as research and advertising, breakfast has been widely portrayed as the most important meal of the day. In fact, much epidemiological evi...

Title: Evaluation of Public Health Agenda in Community: Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Module Title: Promoting the Public Health of Populations in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Module Code: SHN3048 Critical evaluation of the current public health agenda in relation to a h...

Title: Government Policies to Reduce Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Aaron Lukse Obesity is a major issue facing the United States. Over the past two decades the percent of Americans who are considered overweight has increased dramatically. This phenomenon is not only...

Title: Obesity Epidemics Related to Racial/Ethnic Differences
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Obesity Epidemics Related to Racial/Ethnic Differences Kheesha Abreu  Obesity is becoming a serious health issue in the United States. Overweight is defined as having a body mass index between 25 an...

Title: Causes of Obesity and Strategies for Change
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Introduction Generally, obesity is the accumulation of fatty deposits build up inside a person’s body. This occurs when the tissues become excessive fat. Worse, obesity may interfere with and i...

Title: Effect of Obesity on Children
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Chapter One: Introduction Overweight and obesity have turn out to be the most serious health problem in children, adolescents and adults. “Overweight in children and adolescents was defined as ≥ ...

Title: Obesity in the Southern United States
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Marion T. Stevens   Introduction Obesity has emerged as one of the leading causes of death in the United States of America. In the Bible belt (Southern States) obesity is very common which complic...

Title: Childhood Obesity as a Global Epidemic
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions worldwide and its prevalence is increasing e.g. In america, direct measures of body mass and height obtained through the national health and nutritio...

Title: Obesity in Bahrain
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: The current situation Currently in Bahrain, the things that aid obesity are more than a few things. For example, there are more than ample amounts fast food and cafeterias that are open throughout th...

Title: Childhood Obesity in UAE
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Childhood Obesity in UAE: Mind Map: Sources: The sources which are being used in this research relating to online cyber software, and academic books and other journals to take help in this research ...

Title: Relationship Between Sedentary Lifestyle and Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Topic: Is the rise in Childhood Obesity a result of a sedentary lifestyle or due to pre-disposing factors? Executive Summary This review examines the relationship that predisposing factors and sedenta...

Title: Breastfeeding in first six months and Childhood Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Can breastfeeding in the first six months prevent childhood obesity? Childhood obesity is becoming a worldwide concern given the potential health implications in the future. Obese children are more li...

Title: Strategies for the Dietary Control of Diabetes
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: A survey of the recent strategies for the dietary control of diabetes in the Middle East INTRODUCTION Significant changes in the political and socio-economic climates have been the hallmark of the la...

Title: Health Risks of Weight Gain and Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: This essay will analyse some of the main health risks posed by weight gain and obesity such as the risk of developing chronic heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It will also discuss some of the fact...

Title: Controlling Obesity in Canada
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction:   Public Health Policy: Controlling Obesity in Canada The World Health Organisation defined health in its constitution as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely...

Title: Child Obesity in Canada: Strategies for Intervention
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction:  Child Obesity in Canada Immediate Action Needed for a Better Future Executive Summary Obesity is a condition that there is excessive body fat which leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Obesi...

Title: Causes of Obesity and Strategies for Obesity Prevention
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Introduction Nutrition and health are closely intertwined. Children’s growth as well as the adults as it is being said what you it is what you become and what you will be, you will be the produ...

Title: Leading Causes of Morbidity and Mortality in the US
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: The Leading Causes of Morbidity and Mortality in the United States Crystal Mullen ASSIGNMENT: Research the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States. What are the leading cause...

Title: Tackling Obesity at a Global Level
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Shirley PANG Obesity has become increasingly recognized as a serious health issue and has aroused public concern. World-wide, 475 million adults and 200 million teenagers are currently struggling w...

Title: Role of Fast Food in Increasing Childhood Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: The pandemic of childhood obesity is something that should be concerning to the individuals of our country as it is something that can be prevented. Within the last 3 decades, child obesity has more ...

Title: Obesity: History, BMI Classification, Determinants and Effects
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Obesity is fast becoming a serious epidemic in the United States due partly to eating habits and physical inactivity amongst Americans. According to the Centre for Disease Control, Seventy-three percent of adults and 43 percent of all children in the United States are overweight or obese....

Title: Who, or What, is to Blame for Obesity in America?
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Who, or What, is to Blame for Obesity in America? Introduction As of 2015, the number of obese people in the world surpassed the number of malnourished pe...

Title: An Investigation into GP's Promotion, Prescription and Referral of Physical Activity for Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Title: Ethics Supplementary Information Table of Contents Section A: Detailed study rationale………………………………………………..3 Section B: study...

Title: Proposal to Address the Obesity Crisis in the UK
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Table of Contents Executive Summary The UK obesity crisis What is obesity? What does the UK obesity crisis stand for? Obesity facts in the context of...

Title: Education to Improve Overweight and Obesity in Children
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: IntroductionOverweight and obesity are significant health concerns in Australia, with these conditions increasing a person’s risk of developing other serious health concerns, such as type two d...

Title: Relationship Between Media Use and Teenage Obesity
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Does the exposure and length of time spend on media/smart technology cause obesity in teenagers? Topic Justification Paragraph: My topic is about the relationship between media ...

Title: Arguements For and Against Obesity as a Disease
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Obesity: Disease or Not Over time there have been many debates on the topic of obesity, and whether it is classified as a disease or not. It has been very difficult to actually pinpoint ...

Title: Heavy Cost of Obesity in Healthcare
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Health Care Finance Abstract  This paper analyzes multiple studies that encompass a variety of the effects of the obesity epidemic in America. The current state of obesity ...

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