Tag: Obesity

Generally, obesity is the accumulation of fatty deposits build up inside a person’s body. This occurs when the tissues become excessive fat. Worse, obesity may interfere with and injure organs and eventually cause serious health problems. Being overweight is associated with a higher risk if you have a medical problem such as diabetes and heart disease.


Articles (Page 1)

Disparities and Obesity Trends

Nursing Essays

This research paper examined the differences between Whites and Black in the recent trends of obesity and overweight by their educational level. The paper adopted a three-pronged probability and stratified cluster sampling research design in collecting data from the research subjects drawn from African Americans, Caribbean Blacks, and Caucasian households....

Last modified: 18th Jun 2021

Causes of Obesity and Ethical Values

Nursing Essays

Altogether, we must bring to the table all of the possible perpetrators of obesity while questioning the ethical values of schools and businesses. Through all culprits of obesity, the deceitful hand of schools and businesses are in action. ...

Last modified: 10th Jun 2021

Causes of Obesity and Diabetes

Nursing Essays

Obesity is a condition that emanates from malnutrition and presents with serious social and psychological problems. It is present across different ages and affects individuals in the developing and developed countries....

Last modified: 9th Jun 2021

Dealing with the Social Problem of Obesity

Nursing Essays

Obesity refers to a medical condition in which excess body fat accumulates in a way that creates an adverse effect on health ...

Last modified: 11th May 2021

Obesity and Nutrition

Nursing Essays

How does as a society overcome obesity, and overcome the nutrition problems facing low-income African-American children living in the urban areas within our inner cities?...

Last modified: 23rd Apr 2021

Literature Review on Obesity Trends

Nursing Literature Reviews

In this paper we are going to discuss about the various literature review on trends of obesity in USA, academic knowledge impacts and principles of active citizenship might have effect on the contemporary issue of obesity during the subsequent 5 to 10 years....

Last modified: 23rd Apr 2021

Education and Obesity Essay

Nursing Essays

There are several reasons that Early Care and Education is important in helping prevent obesity is because if we create habits at a early age, we have a lower risk of adult obesity....

Last modified: 20th Apr 2021

Essay on Obesity Prevention

Nursing Essays

Obesity is attained when a person reaches a certain body mass index. Adults with a BMI of 25 – 29.9 fall in the overweight class, while adults with a BMI of thirty or more fall in the obese class. This plague of the 21st century can cause several types of life-altering diseases including heart failure, type II diabetes, hypertension, cancer, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, etc....

Last modified: 20th Apr 2021

Obesity and Social Demographics in the US Essay

Nursing Essays

Obesity is not a new term in America. As a matter of fact this is a health condition that has become common to the American citizens and the rest of the world. Sadly, this is not a laughing matter considering the fact that it has led to a number of deaths in the U.S. ...

Last modified: 19th Apr 2021

Literature Review On Sleep and Obesity

Nursing Literature Reviews

Duration of sleep, the quality of sleep, and the frequency of sleep are topics for discussion when it comes to research into the world of sleep and its consequences on our bodies and health....

Last modified: 19th Apr 2021

Obesity Prevention Strategies Essay

Nursing Essays

The rate of speed in which the occurrences of chronic illnesses has increased in the US has provoked a desperate movement amongst millions of individuals to take daily health decisions more seriously....

Last modified: 13th Apr 2021

Literature Review on Childhood Obesity and Treatment

Nursing Literature Reviews

This review was mainly focussing on the use of two articles Obesity in Childhood and Prevention of Childhood Obesity which between then cover all the issues surrounding childhood obesity....

Last modified: 24th Mar 2021

Unfractionated Heparin Dosing in Obesity for Thromboprophylaxis: A Literature Review

Nursing Literature Reviews

It has been well established that venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk is higher in patients with obesity and that standard thromboprophylaxis doses are possibly subtherapeutic....

Last modified: 23rd Mar 2021

Genetic Factors For and Against Obesity

Nursing Essays

Obesity continues to grow around the globe, an epidemic is known to affect millions. The issue more widespread and common that thought to be. In fact, many of us might know or be related to indiv...

Last modified: 23rd Mar 2021

Obesity as a Factor of Infertility in Women of Childbearing Age

Nursing Essays

Obesity as a factor of infertility in women’s of childbearing age. Obesity is the define by the World Health Organizations (2019), as” an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a...

Last modified: 23rd Mar 2021

Screening Initiative for the Prevention of Diabetes

Nursing Essays

A significant diabetic disparity exist for racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. Since minorites bear a disproportionate burden of the diabetes epidemic,...

Last modified: 16th Feb 2021

Child Obesity Research: Literature Review, Design, Sampling and Identification

Nursing Literature Reviews

Childhood obesity is at an all-time high throughout the United States, and primary care offices should have a streamlined intervention on how to manage this disease. ...

Last modified: 23rd Dec 2020

Obesity and heart disease

Nursing Questions

A high body mass index (BMI) can lead to an increased risk of coronary heart disease. ...

Last modified: 22nd Dec 2020

What Are The Causes Of Childhood Obesity Health Essay

Nursing Essays

Throughout the years, obesity has been a very important topic in our society and has risen exponentially among children and many researchers have wondered what are the causes of childhood obesity. ...

Last modified: 17th Dec 2020

Obesity: Causes and effects

Nursing Essays

This paper is to inform one how important it is to be educated on the causes and affects of obesity. It will answer how one can catch the early signs of obesity and detect the symptoms in themselves....

Last modified: 10th Dec 2020

Obesity: Causes, Effects and Treatments

Nursing Essays

Obesity , is one of the common and serious disease over the world. There must be cases of obesity no matter in urban or rural area, as it is a widespread and escalating concern. ...

Last modified: 10th Dec 2020

Tackling the Rise of Childhood Obesity

Nursing Essays

Obesity is a growing problem in the United States; it is particularly alarming amongst children. With the high rise of childhood obesity within the past few years it has led to concerns about the health issues attributed to it....

Last modified: 22nd Oct 2020

Health Promotion in Nursing: Child Obesity Interventions

Nursing Essays

This essay will explore the knowledge, skills and attitudes nurses need for health promotion. In the last decade health promotion has been a significant part of health policy in the UK (Piper, 2009)....

Last modified: 14th Oct 2020

Effects of Childhood Malnutrition and Child Obesity

Nursing Essays

A literature review is a compilation of resources that provide the ground work for further study. It is frequently found as a subsection of a published research study. ...

Last modified: 7th Oct 2020

History and Development of Obesity in America

Nursing Essays

Obesity in America is becoming a problem. It has been on the rise since the beginning of the twenty first century, but seems to be getting higher in more recent years. ...

Last modified: 24th Sep 2020