Essays on: Mental Health
Advanced practice nursing exemplifies the pinnacle of clinical expertise, leadership and specialised knowledge within the nursing profession. This field encompasses roles such as nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anaesthetists and nurse midwives, who blend advanced skills with holistic patient care in diverse healthcare settings.
The following collection explores the multifaceted nature of advanced practice nursing, from its historical development to current challenges and future prospects. It examines the expanded scope of practice, impact on patient outcomes and role in addressing healthcare disparities.
These essays and articles cover policy implications, educational requirements, technology integration and evidence-based practice, offering a comprehensive overview of advanced practice nursing. They highlight the profession's adaptability in meeting evolving healthcare needs and its potential to reshape patient care delivery in our complex healthcare landscape.
Tagged Essays / Articles
Title: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Provisional Social Anxiety Disorder
Last modified: 3rd Sep 2021
Introduction: A detailed case formulation, literature review, treatment goals and treatment plan for a client diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and provisional Social Anxiety Disorder....
Title: Essay on Children’s Mental Health Services
Last modified: 25th Jun 2021
Introduction: Based on the data provided by the 2010 National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), suicide serves as the second leading cause of death among youth, ages 12-17....
Title: Healthcare Leadership and Mental Health
Last modified: 25th Jun 2021
Introduction: In general, mental health appears to be a topic that very few people seemingly wish to discuss— predominantly within the work environment. The prime contributing factor may be obvious: A destitute mental state—that is left unresolved—could manifest within the workplace and ultimately afflict an individual’s work performance. ...
Title: Mental Health Facility Closure
Last modified: 26th May 2021
Introduction: Mental health facilities provide different services to a person at any age who are experiencing mental and emotional crisis. ...
Title: Development of Mental Illness Treatments
Last modified: 11th May 2021
Introduction: Since the beginning of time people have suffered from mental illnesses. However, how they viewed it and handled people with this illness has evolved throughout time...
Title: Essay on Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Last modified: 23rd Apr 2021
Introduction: The adoption of psychotherapy by psychiatric nurses when dealing with individuals with mental cases has been and always going to be effective only when the nurses has both compassion and respect for the individuals that seek help. ...
Title: Essay On Mental Health in Women
Last modified: 15th Apr 2021
Introduction: The battle with mental illness has been ongoing in the United States but has become more prevalent in recent years. There are many factors that contribute to the development of mental illness with our focus on the female gender and the different affects it has on women....
Title: Essay On Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Last modified: 15th Apr 2021
Introduction: Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s death. The person who committed may be suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse....
Title: Repercussions of Language in Mental Health Essay
Last modified: 13th Apr 2021
Introduction: The language that we use to refer to mental health issues and related topics, with the intention of conveying compassion, providing hope, empowerment and optimism, under closer inspection, ironically reveal to express messages that divide and stigmatise....
Title: Review of Literature on Schizophrenia
Last modified: 9th Apr 2021
Introduction: Schizophrenia is a prolonged and severe mental disorder that affects the cognitive abilities of a person. This disorder mostly appears in the late adolescent stage or the onset of early adulthood....
Title: Mental Health - Definition and Case Study
Last modified: 29th Mar 2021
Introduction: This assignment is going to explore about what mental health is and make a distinction between mental disorders and mental illnesses. A case study of a patient suffering with depression is going t...
Title: Case Study: Mental Health Problems
Last modified: 29th Mar 2021
Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to select a client with the diagnosis of enduring mental illness and carry out an assessment based on the presenting problem of the chosen patient and the psychosocia...
Title: Social Media Harmful Effects on Youth Mental Health
Last modified: 26th Mar 2021
Introduction: Analysts are correct in their declarations suggesting that young people are in the middle of a mental health crisis due to the rise of social media....
Title: Case Study of Living with Schizophrenia
Last modified: 29th Jan 2021
Introduction: As we have seen the symptoms or rather the results, of Schizophrenia can be life disheartening, depressing and take an emotional toll on the patients and their family. ...
Title: Healthcare Operations for Mental Health Support
Last modified: 11th Jan 2021
Introduction: According to U.S. DALY’s graphs on Mental Health awareness, there is an epidemic with how patients suffering from mental health are not receiving the proper treatment...
Title: How will rising mental health issues impact the field of health and social care?
Last modified: 23rd Dec 2020
Introduction: Question
How will rising mental health issues impact the field of health and social care?
Decades of research with regards to mental health in the UK have begun to finally lead to substantial r...
Title: Personal Reflection On Community Psychiatry And Mental Healthcare Nursing Essay
Last modified: 22nd Dec 2020
Introduction: As a part of my clinical SSC, I had to do visits to a variety of mental health care settings: 1 visit to River House at Bethlem Royal Hospital and 1 visit to Scutari Clinic at St Thomas’ Hospital...
Title: Mental health illness and emotional wellbeing
Last modified: 10th Dec 2020
Introduction: This assignment will discuss mental health, mental illness and how it relates to our emotional wellbeing. The relevance of working with patients with mental health will be discussed....
Title: Policy on Restraints and Person Centred Nursing Care in Mental Health Services
Last modified: 3rd Dec 2020
Introduction: In this assignment I will be looking at a national policy on restraints and the implications of the policy to person centred nursing care in relation to mental health services....
Title: A Human Rights Based Approach to Mental Health Care
Last modified: 3rd Dec 2020
Introduction: Human rights within adult mental health are enshrined in the 2006, Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD). Ireland signed the Convention in 2007 and further to its ratification in March 2018. ...
Title: Promoting Holism and Diversity in Mental Health Nursing
Last modified: 27th Nov 2020
Introduction: Holism is derived from the Greek holos meaning whole, this term was first introduced in 1926 by South African philosopher Jan Christian Smuts...
Title: Mental Health Providers in Alabama: Last in the Nation
Last modified: 10th Nov 2020
Introduction: In 2018, the United Health Foundation published their annual review that focuses on health disparities throughout the U.S., providing valuable information on each state....
Title: Time Limited Therapy: A Necessary Evil in Contemporary Mental Health Provision?
Last modified: 10th Nov 2020
Introduction: Within this assignment the theatrical framework and assumptions regarding to brief therapies will be analysed and evaluated. The analysis will be based on topics such as political, social, economic and technological factors....
Title: Mental Health Standards for Involuntary Community Treatment Orders
Last modified: 9th Nov 2020
Introduction: In Australia there are currently over 600,000 people living with severe mental illnesses such as psychotic disorders and debilitating forms of anxiety and depression...
Title: Placement at a mental health rehabilitation centre
Last modified: 6th Nov 2020
Introduction: The purpose of this write up is to explore and analyse how learning theories informed knowledge development and competence in promoting health and psycho education in clinical settings. I will examine...
Title: Mental Health Action Plan: Prevention of Suicide in University Students in UK
Last modified: 29th Oct 2020
Introduction: This action plan is going to demonstrate some strategies and new implementation for prevention of suicide ration in university and college student in England, for its coming brief paper assist and outlines....
Title: Importance of Mental Health Awareness
Last modified: 28th Oct 2020
Introduction: Students of today are the future. It is important to make sure that kids are being properly educated, in all aspects, so that they can be successful in life....
Title: Perspectives on the Concept of Mental Health
Last modified: 27th Oct 2020
Introduction: This essay will examine and evaluate various relevant perspectives in understanding the concept of mental health and ill health. Review theory and evidence to demonstrate an understanding of multidisciplinary approaches to meeting mental health needs. ...
Title: Is Social Media a Cause of Mental Health Decline?
Last modified: 8th Oct 2020
Introduction: Social media. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat everyone is obsessed, but is it making our mental health worse than it already is? ...
Title: Recovery-Oriented Practice in Mental Health
Last modified: 7th Oct 2020
Introduction: What is the difference between ‘clinical recovery’ and ‘personal recovery’ for people with lived experience of mental illness? ...
Title: Influence of Community Treatment Order (CTO) for Mental Health Individuals
Last modified: 6th Oct 2020
Introduction: In this commentary, a critical analysis and evaluation of the influence of Community Treatment Order (CTO) as a policy and legislation on individuals with mental health is demonstrated....
Title: Annotated Bibliography: Effect of Social Media on Teen Mental Health
Last modified: 24th Sep 2020
Introduction: This annotated bibliography will introduce five scholarly articles regarding research on social evidence of the need of further research that needs to be done. In order to fill in the gaps additional research needs to be sufficiently demonstrated on how social media sites promotes or declines the mental health of teens....
Title: Impacts of Cancer on Mental Health
Last modified: 24th Sep 2020
Introduction: There are two articles that are going to be discussed in this paper. The research conducted by Fraser, Chapman, Brown, Whiteford, and Burton (2015) was qualitative. The research conducted by Millman, Galway, Santin, and Reid, (2016) was quantitative....
Title: Contextual Framework on the Barriers, Assessments and Treatments
Last modified: 24th Sep 2020
Introduction: Introduction
Everyone experiences emotional ups and downs from time to time caused by certain events in our lives. Mental health related conditions go beyond these emotional reactions to specifi...
Title: Investigation of Initiatives to Provide Mental Health Care for Veterans
Last modified: 21st Sep 2020
Introduction: In consideration of the known gaps in access to mental health care for veterans, there have been many initiatives that have been put in place to address and bridge these gaps. One initiative in particular is called Healthcare, Evaluation, Advocacy, and Legislation...
Title: Mental Health Care for Doctors
Last modified: 21st Sep 2020
Introduction: This report aims to submit the idea of adapting and upgrading the current programs and policy in partnership with the Victorian State Government to support the mental health of our doctors....
Title: Mental Health Issues in Rural Community of Nepal
Last modified: 25th Aug 2020
Introduction: Globally, one out of four people is facing Mental health issues. Likewise, three out of four people refuse to be treated for mental health disorders...
Title: Issue of Rising Suicide Rates in the US
Last modified: 18th Jun 2020
Introduction: Suicide is a major public health concern in the United States (US). In fact, the US may be facing a suicide crisis. Research has shown suicides in the US are at the highest they have been in the last ...
Title: Early Intervention in Youth Suicide Prevention and Community Engagement
Last modified: 18th Jun 2020
Suicide has a devastating and far-reaching impact on families, friends and communities. The stigma, poor surveillance and the fa...
Title: History of Human Services
Last modified: 17th Jun 2020
Introduction: We, as a society, have not always acknowledged those in need. Nor did we know how to help or provide resources for those less fortunate. The way disabilities were approached was not always the way the...
Title: Effects of Biofeedback on Mental and Physical Health
Last modified: 17th Jun 2020
Introduction: Evaluate two quantitative articles on biofeedback research
Biofeedback was a technique developed in the 1960s to teach the individuals who utilize it, methods to control their body purposes, such as t...
Title: Ignorance of Physical Health in Mental Health
Last modified: 16th Jun 2020
According to the World health organization (2007) “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being , not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”. From this definition we...
Title: Impact of Mental Health on Nursing Care
Last modified: 9th Jun 2020
Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to explore mental health and mental illness, considering the relevance of these terms to nursing in general healthcare. To begin, the terms mental health and mental illn...
Title: Mental Health for Adolescents Experiencing Abusive Relationships
Last modified: 8th Jun 2020
Introduction: Collaborative Opportunities
While romantic interests or relationships are normal during adolescence, many adolescents experience several issues, including violence, abuse, and emotional or cyberbullyi...
Title: Mental Health Study Report: History, Causes and Impacts
Last modified: 8th Jun 2020
Mental health is the condition of an individual with regards to their psychological and emotional well-being. According to mental health charity Mind (England and Wales) there are approximately ...
Title: Book Reflection | No-One Cares About Crazy People by Ron Powers
Last modified: 4th Jun 2020
Introduction: There are endless amounts of misconceptions regarding mental health that are actively circulating through society. Ron Powers tries to combat some of those misunderstandings by sharing his personal st...
Title: What Are The Best-Validated Treatments For Social Anxiety Disorder In Adolescence?
Last modified: 4th Jun 2020
Introduction: Abstract
The objective of this report is to evaluate the different types of treatments to control social anxiety in adolescents. It will explore several articles and journals a total around 8. This ...
Title: Cross-nations of Finland and United States Comparison Coping with Mental Illness
Last modified: 4th Jun 2020
Introduction: Introduction
The burden of depression is rising, affecting both the working and social lives of individuals. Besides depression, many struggles with anxiety, substance abuse, mental disorders, and man...
Title: Impact of Healthcare Initiative on Mental Health
Last modified: 3rd Jun 2020
As per the research of Barr (2016), the mental health crisis in the United Kingdom is imminent. Although the treatments for cancer and hea...
Title: Mental Health Concerns for First Responders
Last modified: 3rd Jun 2020
Introduction: Abstract
The importance of helping professions has been recognised world-wide for its valuable contribution in promoting the physical and emotional welfare of the population. During crisis situations,...
Title: Postpartum Depression: An Important Issue In Women’s Health
Last modified: 29th May 2020
Introduction: Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to educate and inform the audience of a condition known as Postpartum depression (PPD). Throughout this text I will be identifying what exactly PPD is, causes and...
Title: Suicide Risks in Children and Adolescent Youth
Last modified: 29th May 2020
Introduction: Suicide Risks in Children and Adolescent Youth
Each year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), report that the rate of suicide attempts and related deaths have alarmingly increased. Th...
Title: End-of-Life Care for Individuals with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness
Last modified: 28th May 2020
Introduction: This paper explores the intersection of individuals who struggle with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) and how palliative or end-of-life care is administered. This exploration w...
Title: Evaluation of Support Programme for Social Anxiety in Adolescents
Last modified: 27th May 2020
Introduction: Identify the need(s) and strength(s) this program is intended to address, in general and specific terms.
For Social Anxiety Disorder, or social phobia, there are many needs and/or strengths that need ...
Title: Healthy People 2020: Increase Juvenile Residential Facilities that Screen for Mental Health
Last modified: 25th May 2020
Introduction: Healthy People 2020: Increase Juvenile Residential Facilities that Screen for Mental Health
Healthy People 2020 (HP 2020) defines mental health as being vital to personal well-being familial ...
Title: Resilience and Mental Health Care in College Students
Last modified: 25th May 2020
Introduction: Introduction
When we think about resilience and mental health, we want to be able to understand that life has many challenges and barriers to overcome that causes setbacks for each individual. W...
Title: Physiological, Psychological and Sociological Needs of Patient with Post-Natal Depression
Last modified: 20th May 2020
Introduction: Introduction
Pregnancy and parenthood require multiple changes and adjustments which are obtained through, physical, social and psychological alteration. The prospect of becoming parents can impac...
Title: Mental Health Nurse Role in Person Centred Care
Last modified: 19th May 2020
Introduction: Introduction
The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of a mental health nurse’s role in providing person centred care to service users and their holistic care need...
Title: Patient Physical and Mental Health Care Decisions
Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: INTRODUCTION
Simon Evans, a 32 year man has been diagnosed of schizophrenia at just 20 years of age and his illness comes with negative symptoms. Simon’s diet is poor; e...
Title: Application of Groupwork Theory to Discharge Group
Last modified: 14th May 2020
Introduction: Identify an intervention with a service user or service users from your own practice. Discuss the theories for practice that informed the chosen intervention. Illustrate your answer with examples from...
Title: Types of Bullying and Impacts on Health and Mental Health
Last modified: 12th May 2020
Introduction: Assignment: Bullying and Harassment
1.) 5 types of bullying and harassment
Physical: Form of bullying/harassment that involves physically inflicting harm upon an individual, that may end up causing ...
Title: Communication Skills in Mental Health and Addiction
Last modified: 7th May 2020
Introduction: Task 1
The communication process is the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver by getting over the barriers that affect its transfer. In simple terms, communication is the exchan...
Title: Case Study and Treatment Plan: Major Depressive Disorder and Alcohol Use
Last modified: 5th May 2020
Introduction: Part 1 – Case study and treatment plan
Jacob is a 63 year old man with a history of Major depressive disorder and Alcohol use disorder. He lives alone and has had many failed relationships, ...
Title: Reflection on Mental Health Education
Last modified: 5th May 2020
Introduction: Reporting. Mental illness treatments have a long history of bizarre and inhumane practices being performed on mentally ill patients which has given rise to a variety of professional, social as well as...
Title: Reflection On Communication In Experiencing Mental Illness Nursing Essay
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to critically reflect upon on aspect of my professional practice and development that arose whilst out in clinical practice. The paper will show emphasise based on co...
Title: Reflecting Personal Development Study Of Mental Health Nursing Nursing Essay
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: This essay will illustrate how I developed from being a novice to an expert within my three year study of mental health nursing programme. The chosen topic from my log book to be discussed will be man...
Title: Mental Health Service User Case Study
Last modified: 12th Feb 2020
Introduction: 1.1 “Decision making by nurses is now firmly established in practice, policy and educational agendas. New constantly evolving, roles, and a policy context that is challenging traditional p...
Title: Effective Communication in Mental Health Care | Case Study
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Amanda is a young woman who has been heard yelling who looked confused and anxious. When she was handed over to the emergency department the young women looked tense and walking throu...
Title: Reflection on Self Development in Mental Health Nursing
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: The Nurse Association (ANA) (2003) defines nursing as the promotion, protection and improvement of health and abilities, stopping of illness and injury, relief of suffering through identification, med...
Title: How will rising mental health issues impact the field of health and social care?
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Question
How will rising mental health issues impact the field of health and social care?
Decades of research with regards to mental health in the UK have begun to finally lead to substantial r...
Title: How will rising mental health issues impact health and social care?
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Question
How will rising mental health issues impact the field of health and social care?
Decades of research with regards to mental health in the UK have begun to finally lead to substantial r...
Title: Application Of Therapeutic Communication In Mental Health Setting Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Communication is an interactive process of transmitting information between a speaker and a receiver as stated by Townsend 2012.According to Townsend 2012, therapeutic communication is all about &...
Title: Poor Nurse Patient Communication In Mental Health Setting Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Communication is defined asthe imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions or information by speech, writing or signs. It is the tool which strengthens healthcare provider-patient relationship th...
Title: Strategies for Community Mental Health Services
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Topic Paragraph:
In our current society, many believe that barriers to mental health treatments are “limited availability and affordability of mental health care services, insufficient mental ...
Title: Integrated Treatment for Substance Use and Depression
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Mental Health: Simone Case Scenario
Dual diagnosis, co morbidity and co-occurring disorders are terms often used interchangeably to describe mental ill health and substance abuse (drugs and/or alcohol...
Title: A Health Promotion Program Proposal Health And Social Care Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: There are many substance abuse and mental health organizations throughout the country but minimal effort has been expended in targeting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention programs toward pe...
Title: Mental Health Support for Youth Depression
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Feeling sad, unhappy, or “down in the dumps” occasionally is not unusual, however when these feelings outweigh a youth’s happiness or excitement it is concerning. De...
Title: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Analysis
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Recuperation is delineated by steady progression and improvement in one’s success and prosperity that may fuse misfortunes. The strategy for recuperation is fortified through affiliations ...
Title: Major Depressive Disorder: Symptoms, Treatment and Management
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Major depressive disorder (MDD), also known as clinical depression is a medical condition that affects many areas of a person’s life. MDD can affect mood, behavior, and physic...
Title: Issue of Mental Health Support in Prisons
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Correctional Facilities Can Not Substitute for Mental Hospitals
In the United States, there are more mentally ill people in prison than there are in mental health facilities. Menta...
Title: Overview of Causes of Mental Illness
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
There is no surprise that mental health is very imperative when it comes to living a healthy life. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) on National Institute on M...
Title: Effects of Puberty on Mental Health and Self-esteem of Teenage Girls
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Puberty is a critical stage of human development where adolescents physically, mentally and psychologically transition from childhood to adulthood. The development stage of adol...
Title: What is mental health?
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: What is mental health?
Mental health refers to our emotional wellbeing, it is all about how we think, feel and behave.
The relevance of working with patients with mental health problems for me will be...
Title: Mental Health Begins in Early Childhood
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Children mental development alludes to the changes that happen as a youngster develops and creates in connection to being physically solid, rationally caution, sincerely sound, socially skilful and p...
Title: Relationship between Introversion and Depression
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. As a psychological disorder, depression affects more than 350 million people all over the wo...
Title: Evidence Based Mental Health Nursing
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
This report will focus on the assessment and care planning for an individual using the mental health services. Evidence based approach will be deploy in order to be able to record, revi...
Title: The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan
In the National context of Mental Health in New Zealand during 1800 and 1900, almost 50% of people living in New Zealand are experiencing of s...
Title: Outpatient Treatment for Mental Health in New York
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Michael Woodworth
For many individuals in the United States, mental and behavioral illness is something they must deal with on a daily basis. For many of those, the depression, anxiety, and feelin...
Title: Impact of Frailty on Depression
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
With increasing life expectancy, diseases associated with old age have increased in growing proportion in recent decades. (1) The integration of frailty measures in clinical practice is c...
Title: Schizophrenia: Causes, Effects and Treatments
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Cognition is a complex and multidimensional set of mental processes that empower an individual to ‘know’ the world and the immediate environs and interact accordingly1.Cognition from...
Title: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment for Depression
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Antony Nguyen
Depression is common mental health disorder, which affects over 350 million people of all ages worldwide1. It is estimated that one in every six people in Australia are lik...
Title: Mental Health of Children with HIV
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Chapter 1
Women are more at risk of acquiring HIV infection than men in sub-Saharan Africa mainly due to Gender inequality, this relatively increases the risk of children acquiring HIV...
Title: Factors Influencing Mental Illness Rates in Pakistan
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
At the 13th year of her life, she was worried due to the recently started bleeding from her vaginal area without any manifested injury. She ran to her mother and asked that what is happe...
Title: The Underdiagnosis of Mental Health Disorders
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
What makes mental disorders overdiagnosed? How can we, as a society, define a mental disorder? And what dictates a mental disorder? A mental disorder is a condition that affects one’s mood, thi...
Title: How Does Physical Activity Impact Mental Health?
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
The benefits of exercise and the impact it has on our mental and physical wellbeing is well documented and researched.
The NHS and the department of health have invested heavily into ex...
Title: Challenges to Developing Mental Health Policy
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Identification of Issue
The lack of mental health care providers is an issue in our rural health community. Currently the patients located in the rural communities of Texas do not hav...
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