Essays on: Ethics

Tagged Essays / Articles
Title: Ethical Dilemma In Healthcare Case Study
Last modified: 13th Apr 2021
Introduction: As a healthcare professional, Doctor Simon is to abide by the Ethics that is in the best interest of his patients. This means that he must provide the best healthcare and at the same time, reduce the amount of harm done on his patients. ...
Title: Reflective Account: Ethical Dilemma Treating Cancer
Last modified: 29th Mar 2021
Introduction: This reflective account will discuss an ethical dilemma which arose during a placement within a community setting. To assist the reflection process, the Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle which encompasses...
Title: Example Essay on Professional and Ethical Practice in Nursing
Last modified: 25th Feb 2021
Introduction: The Royal College of Nursing (RCN, 1981) and the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2004; 2008) described the word accountability as one’s responsibility to somebody or for something, in this c...
Title: Ethical Issues of Clinical Ethics in the Developing World
Last modified: 11th Feb 2021
Introduction: Ethical Issues of Clinical Ethics And Research Ethics In The Developing World And Pakistan: Is There Any Solution?...
Title: Code of Ethics for Healthcare Professionals
Last modified: 11th Feb 2021
Introduction: Ethics are appropriate in all the fields of human activity. Ethics are important for us while dealing with others, environment and animals....
Title: Health Care Ethical Legal Conflict: Case Study
Last modified: 11th Feb 2021
Introduction: In the present case study there is an ethico-legal arise when doctors have to perform treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...
Title: Nursing Reflective Essay on Ethics Committee
Last modified: 11th Feb 2021
Introduction: As a part of our course, we should engage with six ethics committee. I have attended six ethics committee which ...
Title: Nurse’s Professional Role in Advocating for Others
Last modified: 8th Feb 2021
Introduction: Using the 4 Ps to underpin your essay and using legal, ethical and professional issues discuss the nurse’s professional role in advocating for others and how personal knowledge, skills, values...
Title: Ethical Analysis of Social Media Sharing in Nursing
Last modified: 8th Feb 2021
Introduction: This essay will discuss about Anh who is a Registered Nurse (RN) working on the orthopedic ward of a tertiary hospital after completing her TPPP. She was working with most of the elderly ...
Title: Life decisions and moral dilemmas
Last modified: 8th Feb 2021
Introduction: Introduction: This assignment illuminates the use of ethical decision making model in taking decisions while managing patients in their best interest....
Title: Life Decisions Moral Dilemmas In Patients Best Interests Nursing Essay
Last modified: 8th Feb 2021
Introduction: Introduction: This assignment illuminates the use of ethical decision making model in taking decisions while managing patients in their best interest. Ethical decision making is very challenging for t...
Title: Case Study of Ethical Dilemma in Nursing
Last modified: 15th Dec 2020
Introduction: Jacqueline Glover defines ethics as the formal process of intentional and critical analysis with clarity and consistency...
Title: Theories and Principles of Ethics and Law in Healthcare Services
Last modified: 15th Dec 2020
Introduction: Liam (random name) aged 72 years old male was suffering from severe rectal bleeding and suspected rectal cancer, refused preparation for colonoscopy for further investigations and staging of the cancer....
Title: Nursing, ethics and sociology
Last modified: 14th Dec 2020
Introduction: In this essay, I will discuss several issues that seem to bind nursing practice with questions of ethics, sociology and management. Reflective practice is an important aspect of nursing....
Title: Driscoll Model of Reflection on Nursing Care Ethics
Last modified: 10th Dec 2020
Introduction: In this essay I will be using the Driscoll Model of Reflection, Driscoll 2011. Reflection in nursing is when we are consciously looking and thinking about our experiences....
Title: Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Nursing
Last modified: 10th Dec 2020
Introduction: Ethics regards standards of moral judgement and professional conduct. Nurses are highly accountable to patients, the public, employers, and the entire profession. ...
Title: Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing
Last modified: 28th Oct 2020
Introduction: Patients are the core of professional and ethical nursing practice. Practicing and using the professional nursing values in the clinical setting can help create a professional, ethical and legal issues to the nurses....
Title: Ethics of End-of-Life Care
Last modified: 28th Oct 2020
Introduction: Many factors contribute to the difficult decisions that must be made at the end of life, including autonomy vs. paternalism, issues of advance directives, rationing of health care, cost of treatment and subsequent financial burden, physician-assisted suicide, etc. ...
Title: How Ethics affect a Nurses role in Euthanasia
Last modified: 23rd Oct 2020
Introduction: Euthanasia is an emerging argument seen all over the world. In this argument includes the role of the nurse and the four ethics the nurse is to abide by, justice, beneficence, autonomy and non-maleficence...
Title: Evaluation of the Code of Nurse Ethics: Provision 5.2
Last modified: 23rd Oct 2020
Introduction: This paper aims to evaluate both the necessity for and benefit of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses, specifically in relation to provision 5.2. ...
Title: Use of ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses
Last modified: 23rd Oct 2020
Introduction: Ethical dilemma is a condition where there may be opposite but equally morally lawful perspective to resolving a dilemma, it is also called moral dilemma....
Title: Importance of Code of Ethics in Nursing Profession
Last modified: 23rd Oct 2020
Introduction: The International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization defined nursing as a profession or practice that involves independent as well as collaborative care of all individuals, families, communities and societies, sick or well in all state of affairs. ...
Title: Living the Nursing Code of Ethics
Last modified: 23rd Oct 2020
Introduction: In 1950 the ANA adopted its first code of ethics. Since then, it’s undergone many revisions to offset advances and changes in analysis, technology, law and overall challenges in nursing....
Title: Ethics and Influence of Mengele's Medical Experiments in the Holocaust
Last modified: 7th Oct 2020
Introduction: To what extent did the medical experiments conducted by Dr Josef Mengele during the Holocaust considered influential to modern medicine in today’s society?...
Title: Role of Interpersonal Relationships in the Healthcare Team
Last modified: 8th Jun 2020
Introduction: Introduction
Looking at the Collaborative aspect of the Professional Attributes of the Nurse Anesthetist, one would expect that as baseline, the Nurse Anesthetist should be equipped with tools do thei...
Title: Ethical Justifications of Birth Control
Last modified: 3rd Jun 2020
Birth control, also known as contraception, is ‘is any method, medicine, or device used to prevent pregnancy.’ (WomensHealth. 2015) As there are conflicting...
Title: International Organ Trafficking and Medical Ethics
Last modified: 3rd Jun 2020
Introduction: Abstract
Medical ethics is are an exceedingly complex topic and with today’s advancements in technology the debate only gets more intricate and weightier. This paper addresses the current problem of...
Title: Legal and Ethical Case Study: Consent and Negligence
Last modified: 3rd Jun 2020
Introduction: Introduction:
Michael Olasoji
Michael Olasoji
Nurses must meet specified standards with constrains of the law regarding legal and ethi...
Title: Human Service Practice, Law and Ethics for Domestic Violence Support Worker
Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: The relationship between Human Service Practice, Law and Ethics is both inextricable and multifaceted, yet this symbiosis is critical for the provision of ethical, competent and compliant services by ...
Title: Research Methodologies and Ethical Principles Underpinning Research
Last modified: 28th May 2020
Introduction: Essay to demonstrate an understanding of research methodologies and ethical principles underpinning research.
This essay uses the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN, 2018) checklist to ...
Title: The Importance of Ethical Theories and Principle in Decision Making for Nurses
Last modified: 28th May 2020
Introduction: The Importance of Ethical Theories and Principle in Decision Making for Nurses
The Importance of Ethical Theories and Principles in Decision Making for Nurses
As nurses, we are put in many diffe...
Title: Physician Assisted Suicide, Is it Ethical?
Last modified: 27th May 2020
Introduction: Physician Assisted Suicide, Is it Ethical?
In our society today, we often face ethical dilemmas in our everyday life. In the world of healthcare, many in the workforce, particularly physicians and nur...
Title: Critique of the ANA Code of Ethics
Last modified: 26th May 2020
Introduction: Abstract
Nurses are faced with ethical dilemmas every day. The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics provides standards for nurses to react within those ethical dilemmas (American Nurses Associat...
Title: Patient Safety and the ANA Code of Ethics
Last modified: 21st May 2020
Introduction: Abstract
The American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics is a necessary and invaluable instrument that provides guidance through ethically charged situations. Conceivably the component that is mo...
Title: Ethics and Professional Conduct in Counseling
Last modified: 19th May 2020
Introduction: Ethics and Professional Conduct in Counseling
Ethical Issues in Online Services
While online services can be useful for some clients, there are a variety of problems that can accompany them. When we u...
Title: Influences of Law and Ethics on Professional Health Practices
Last modified: 5th May 2020
Introduction: The motive of this assignment is to discuss how law, ethics and elements of professional practice have influenced care and professional judgements within this case study. A critical analysis approach ...
Title: Reflection on Ethical Dilemma: Person Centred Care
Last modified: 1st May 2020
Introduction: The aim of this essay is to describe a situation from practice that involved an ethical or legal dilemma, and to reflect on feelings during this time. To enable reflection, Bouds’ model of reflectio...
Title: Holistic Case Study On A Patient With Diabetes
Last modified: 12th Feb 2020
Introduction: This is a case commentary about a diabetic patient, in regards to the patient interviewed in a clinic setting. The case is studied in a holistic manner, where medical and non-medical aspects were full...
Title: Case Study: Elderly Person With Diabetes
Last modified: 12th Feb 2020
Introduction: This is a case commentary about a diabetic patient, in regards to the patient interviewed in a clinic setting. The case is studied in a holistic manner, where medical and non-medical aspects were full...
Title: ANMC Code of Ethics in Australia Case Study
Last modified: 12th Feb 2020
Nursing is a noble profession which requires its members to uphold the highest moral and ethical standards. In Australia nurse’s practice is guided by the ANMC Code of ethics and code of condu...
Title: How can nurses safeguard patient confidentiality
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Question
How can nurses safeguard patient confidentiality in the wake of reports of National Health Service (NHS) computers being hacked, making patient records vulnerable to exploitation?
An i...
Title: Ethics In Health Care Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: All civilization has faced health challenges from ancient times to the present. In traditional practice, ethicist usually used casuistry case-based approach as a method of analysis for centuries in J...
Title: Ethics As Applied To Pain Management
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Critically evaluate the available evidence regarding the justice beliefs in context of chronic low pain in terms of Mrs. Alice’s case study.
“The relief of pain is a core et...
Title: Ethics And Abortion British Medical Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: In this Journal, Crewford J has reviewed Ethics and Abortion to give a coherent framework to address ethical issues where the moral status of fetuses and embryos is very crucial. The framework has bee...
Title: Examining Ethical Decision Making in Abdominal Pain case
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: In this essay, I am going to discuss the scenario of a 12 years old girl, Christine who has been admitted in a pediatric unit for observation and investigation for recent abdominal pain. I will try to...
Title: What Do Ethics Have To Do With Research?
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Ethical behavior is defined as a set if moral principles, rules or standards governing a person or profession. Most importantly, principles of ethical conduct includes that the researcher should do no...
Title: Ethics For The End Of Life Decisions
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Ms. Long has been admitted to a skilled nursing home after four months in the hospital and has been assigned a public guardian (PG) since she is no longer able to make life decisions on her own (Markk...
Title: Ethical Decision Making in Smoking Cessation
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: According to University of California, School of Medicine (2010), Autonomy is the “personal rule of the self that is free from both controlling interferences by others and from personal limitati...
Title: Ethics and Abuse in Healthcare
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
All health care professionals are responsible for delivering safe, effective and ethical care to their clients. They must deal every day with the situations in which they have to resol...
Title: Issues in Contemporary Nursing: Values and Ethics
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Paul Monahan
Nursing is a career that has spanned centuries with many of its foundations following rise of Christianity. Since then, there have been many different views and opinions of what nursin...
Title: Importance of Confidentiality and Ethics in Healthcare
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Sara Lan
Case Three
Confidentiality protection is an essential component of a patient-physician relationship. Only in a setting of trust can patients feel comfortable sharing personal feelings and ...
Title: Ethics of Physician Assisted Suicide
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Physician Assisted Suicide
The ethical topic of interest within this paper is physician assisted suicide. Physician assisted suicide is known as a person voluntarily taking their ...
Title: Biomedical Ethics Case Study
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Identify and resolve three ethical issues that are raised by a biomedical scenario
Danny Peters is a researcher who works in the field of mitochondrial disease. He is ...
Title: Importance of Autonomy for Medical Ethics
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Many ethicists such as Sumner[1], Buchanan and Brock[2] believe that autonomy is the most important of all principles for medical ethics.
Gillon[3] provides that autonomy should be rega...
Title: Issues of Ethics in Biomedical Trials
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Clinical trials denotes to the practice where generation of new information for treatment, prevention and diagnosis through the research involves with human participants. Currently, the clinical ...
Title: Ethical Issues with HIV Positive Clients
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Introduction
HIV and infectious diseases is a sensitive issue that has prompted the introduction of additional laws to protect the psychological and emotional needs of the clients. Ethical values basi...
Title: Ethics of Research Trials in Developing Countries
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Zoheb Rafique
Asia is the most diverse continent in the world in terms of culture, religion, population size, finance, education, health care, academic research, general population skil...
Title: Professional Standards and Institutional Ethics in Nursing
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Holly Bolick
Case One
Unfortunately, abuse in health care exists, especially in nursing homes. With that being said, all health care personnel must be aware of the possible signs of abuse and educat...
Title: Development of Research Ethics
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Our current perspectives on the ethics of human research were brought about through harsh reaction and adaptation. According to bioethicist Carol Levine, “the basic approach to the ethical conduct ...
Title: Legal and Ethical Issues a Healthcare Provider May Face
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
This pertains to careless acts and/or not doing what needs to be done in accordance with the standards of practice of heal...
Title: Comparison of Public Health and Clinical Research Ethics
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
How Does Public Health Research Ethics Differ From Clinical Research Ethics?
Zoheb Rafique
The field of biomedical ethics arose in late 1960s in the response to some emerging ethic...
Title: Controlling Obesity in Canada
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Public Health Policy: Controlling Obesity in Canada
The World Health Organisation defined health in its constitution as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely...
Title: Effects of the Nuremberg Trials on Experiments and Ethics
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Laws of clinical trials-the Nuremberg phenomenon
Human research and war- German and the allied
The Second World War (1939-45) is considered as the time when human research got a great attenti...
Title: Ethical Justification: Involving Human Volunteers in Trials
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Ethical Justification of Involving Human Volunteers in Phase 1 Trials
Zoheb Rafique
Tremendous development in recent medical science and the consequent discoveries resulting in success...
Title: Ethics & Values in Health and Social Care
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
The global era is getting more competitive and dynamic. For the proper development of health and social care, learners should be acquired skilled knowledge about caring as well as the pr...
Title: Purdue Pharma’s Road to Ethical Misconduct
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Purdue Pharma and its branches create and give physician endorsed prescriptions that meet the developing needs of healthcare experts, patients, and companion care providers. Purdue Pharma were es...
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