Tag: Norovirus
Norovirus, occasionally acknowledged as the winter vomiting bug in the United Kingdom, is the utmost common reason of viral gastroenteritisin human beings. It affects individuals of all ages. The virus is transferred byfecally polluted water or food, by person-to-person interaction and through aerosolization of the disease and following adulteration of surfaces.
Articles (Page 1)
Norovirus: Nursing Care and Case Study
Nursing Case Studies
Norovirus is a virus that causes gastroenteritis, which is regarded as the most common disease in all age groups worldwide...
Last modified: 3rd Nov 2020
Factors for Infection Prevention and Control
Nursing Assignments
INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL INTRODUCTION In this assignment I will explain what Infection prevention and control is, describe the infection prevention controls in my workplace, describe the corre...
Last modified: 11th May 2020
Norovirus: Strategies To Improve Terminal Cleaning
Nursing Essays
This paper provides comprehensive background information related to norovirus outbreak and critically evaluate the implications of the issue by expounding on the adoption of infection control measures...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Norovirus: Causes and Solutions
Nursing Essays
Contents Origin and spread of the Norovirus: Symptoms: Transmission in health care facility: Prevention of Norovirus: Preventive measures for spread of virus in health care facility: Early (or primar...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Features of Modern Society that Enhance the Risk of Infectious Diseases
Nursing Essays
Are there features of modern human societies that enhance the risk that new infectious diseases will appear and spread? Think about aspects such as speed of transport, population density, human s...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020