Essays on: Assessment

Tagged Essays / Articles
Title: Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury
Last modified: 29th Sep 2021
Introduction: The case of a 24 year old kick-boxer with history of a non-contact knee injury with minor complaints is studied to show the difference in clinical findings and imaging....
Title: Reflective Assessment of Holistic Wellbeing
Last modified: 22nd Dec 2020
Introduction: Health, like beauty, lies in the eyes of the beholder and a single definition cannot capture its complexity. To this end, this essay aims to explore what health means to me...
Title: Calgary Family Assessment Model | Case Study
Last modified: 14th Dec 2020
Introduction: This paper will discuss the components of the Calgary Family Assessment Model and bringing into context ...
Title: Reflective Assessment of Patient Care
Last modified: 14th Dec 2020
Introduction: Introduction
Reflection within Healthcare, has been outlined as the active process of reviewing, analysing, and evaluating experiences and then interpreting or assessing them (Atkins and Murphy,1994)...
Title: Defining Assessment And The Importance Of Assessment Nursing Essay
Last modified: 10th Dec 2020
Introduction: ” Assessment is the first stage of the nursing process, in which data about the patients health status is collected and from which a nursing care plan can be devised”...
Title: Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Assessment
Last modified: 10th Dec 2020
Introduction: I am presenting here my overall health assessment by using the Gordon’s functional health patterns. Then, my stress is presented as focused assessment. ...
Title: A Critical Analysis of Patient-centred Assessment Including a Reflective Analysis Simulated Problem Focused Assessment
Last modified: 4th Dec 2020
Introduction: Richard and Whyte (2011), report that patient-centred practice is acknowledged to be a fundamental component of individual sessions between patients and healthcare professionals....
Title: Assessment and Care Management for Dementia Patients
Last modified: 17th Nov 2020
Introduction: When assessing for dementia, it is important to determine the persons baseline cognitive status. Nurses, family members, and caregiver play an important role when it comes to this task....
Title: Biopsychosocial and Risk Assessment of Addiction Patient: Development of Treatment Plan
Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: Addiction in itself can be complex and there are a lot of different types of addictive disorders, such as alcohol use disorder, opioid use disorder, stimulant use disorder and many more...
Title: Education and Assessment of Proper Electrocardiagram Lead Placement
Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: Electrocardiography (ECG) is a diagnostic test that has been used for over a century. ECGs are one of the most common diagnostic tools to assess for signs of cardiac disease....
Title: A Pediatric Assessment of Kawasaki Disease
Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: Kawasaki Disease is a rare condition that affects children typically from an infant to 5 years of age....
Title: Analyse Contribution Of Engagement In Biopsychosocial Assessment Client Nursing Essay
Last modified: 2nd Nov 2020
Introduction: In this essay the process of building a therapeutic relationship and assessing clients’ own circumstances within the inpatient admission and the framework found in practice will be uses analysed...
Title: Myocardial Infarction (MI): Nursing Assessment and Care
Last modified: 2nd Nov 2020
Introduction: The purpose of this reflective essay is to critically analyse the clinical assessment and nursing care of a patient suffering from an Myocardial Infarction (MI). ...
Title: Reflection on Client Interaction and Assessment
Last modified: 28th Oct 2020
Introduction: The purpose of the client interaction was to conduct an initial assessment on a newly admitted patient....
Title: Role Of Nurse In Family Health Assessments
Last modified: 14th Oct 2020
Introduction: The family can be defined simply as any group of people who live together. The role of the family is to help meet the basic human needs of society. (LeMone, Lillis, and Taylor 2001, p 27). ...
Title: Contextual Framework on the Barriers, Assessments and Treatments
Last modified: 24th Sep 2020
Introduction: Introduction
Everyone experiences emotional ups and downs from time to time caused by certain events in our lives. Mental health related conditions go beyond these emotional reactions to specifi...
Title: Holistic Assessment of Patient with Asthma
Last modified: 20th Aug 2020
Introduction: The holistic assessment is an assessment of a person as a whole. It is used in the nursing process and creates a foundation for the patients care. This is done using therapeutic communication and collecting subjective and objective information about the patient....
Title: Risk Factors in Venous Thromboembolism Risk Assessment
Last modified: 20th Aug 2020
Introduction: Venous thromboembolism, commonly known as VTE is a condition in which a blood clot develops mostly in deep veins of the leg, groin or arm and travels in the circulation and lodging in the lungs, called pulmonary embolism (PE). VTE generally occurs after major general surgery and if not taken care of on time, it might become life threatening...
Title: Manual Handling Risk Assessment Report
Last modified: 22nd Jun 2020
Introduction: Manual Handling Risk Assessment Report
I am the Health and Safety Officer (HSO) for The Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) ROC (Resource Outreach Centre). This is a day facility for the p...
Title: Compare and Contrast: LVNs and RNs
Last modified: 18th Jun 2020
Introduction: The nursing standards of practice and nursing scope of practice are rules and regulations for the given state, that promote competent nursing actions are being performed during clinical practice. Alth...
Title: Family Assessment and Interventions in Nursing
Last modified: 18th Jun 2020
Introduction: Family Assessment and Intervention of the Rogers’
The purpose of this paper is to expand on the interview conducted with a selected family while using the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) ...
Title: Community Needs Assessment for Cardiovascular Disease
Last modified: 15th Jun 2020
Introduction: Environmental Assessment
The target population for this community needs assessment is those who have cardiovascular disease and qualify for cardiac rehabilitation. In order for a patient to receive th...
Title: Community Health Assessment of a Virtual City
Last modified: 9th Jun 2020
Introduction: This is a community health assessment of a virtual city called Sentinel City. As the location of this city is unknown a direct comparison to other cities is impossible to perform. The city...
Title: Complex Adult Health Needs Assessment
Last modified: 3rd Jun 2020
Introduction: Background Information
Patient J. H. is an 84-year-old African American female. Past medical history includes upper gastrointestinal bleeding, hyperlipidemia, Cerebral Vascular Accident in the cereb...
Title: Intake Assessments and Examinations Issues of Newly Arrived Inmate/Patients
Last modified: 28th May 2020
Introduction: Intake Assessments and Examinations Issues of Newly Arrived Inmate/Patients
California Correctional Health Care System (CCHCS) provides overall health care of inmates of inmates/patients housed in Cal...
Title: Genogram and Ecomap for Family Nursing Assessment
Last modified: 22nd May 2020
Introduction: Introduction
A genogram depicts inter-generational family maps to provide a picture of what is occurring across families and across generations, providing a broad framework with which to view family, ...
Title: Study on Exposure Assessment of Pregnant Women and Petrochemicals
Last modified: 21st May 2020
Introduction: Introduction
The environment has a significant impact on human health. In terms of global disease burden, air pollution accounts for more than one-third of deaths from lung cancer, stroke, and chronic...
Title: Holistic Assessment of Client in Psychiatric Unit
Last modified: 21st May 2020
Introduction: Holistic Assessment of Client in the Psychiatric Unit of North Vista Hospital
This student assessed an 85-year-old female diagnosed with neurocognitive disorder with behavioral disturbances. T...
Title: Patient Health and Well-being Assessment
Last modified: 20th May 2020
Introduction: The purpose of this essay is to focus on the health and wellbeing of the patient that was observed during the writer’s placement, and to Illustrate an understanding of health and wellbeing, the anat...
Title: AIDS-Related Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Management
Last modified: 19th May 2020
Introduction: Abstract
AIDS-related dementia occurs in the advanced stages of the HIV virus. When the virus attacks there is a worsening of both motor skills and mental declining. It also attacks the nervous sys...
Title: ABCDE Structure Assessment of Patient with Cystic Fibrosis
Last modified: 11th May 2020
Introduction: The ABCDE structured assessment will be discussed throughout this essay. The ABCDE approach is a tool which Healthcare Professionals use to assess a deteriorating patient quickly and effectively. The ...
Title: Significance of Assessment in Adult Nursing
Last modified: 4th May 2020
Introduction: The following essay will highlight the significance of assessment in the field of adult nursing. It will bring out issues on when and to what degree it is carried out working on examples and structure...
Title: Reflective Account of a Nursing Assessment of a New Admission
Last modified: 1st May 2020
Introduction: Reflective account of a nursing assessment of a new admission
This essay is going to reflect upon the care that was provided to Patient A, a 16-year-old with a diagnosis of self-harm an...
Title: Nursing Student Medication Administration Performance: A Longitudinal Assessment and Randomized Trial
Last modified: 30th Apr 2020
Introduction: The study was a longitudinal, descriptive experimental two group pretest posttest design. Nursing students were randomly assigned to an ISE or a traditional practice session when they learned the skill of medication administration....
Title: Nursing Assessment Problem Identification Case Study Mr Lim
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: The medical record also shows that Mr. Lim has Type 2 diabetes (DM). His blood glucose level is 6.5mmol//L which according to Changi General Hospital (2009), is well-controlled for a diabetic patient....
Title: Case Study And A Oncology Health Assessment
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: This case study concerns a patient, Mrs. Singh who is diagnosed with stomach cancer and is being managed with chemotherapy. Mrs. Singh, a 78yr. old female, presents to the oncology center with the chi...
Title: Case Study Of A Functional Health Pattern Assessment Nursing Essay
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: The following Functional Health Pattern assessment is based on a 65 year old Scottish woman who lives independently with her husband in their home at Happy Valley.
The purpose of the interview was exp...
Title: This reflective essay is centred on pain assessment
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: For the purpose of the case study I intend to use Gibbs(1998) model of reflection as this model is clear, precise allowing for description, analysis and evaluation of the experience, then prompts the...
Title: Reflective Assessment on Communicative Nursing
Last modified: 12th Feb 2020
Explain why communication is important in nursing and using a reflective framework, describe how communication skills were used in practice specifically related to the use of the nursing process.
Title: Nursing Reflection Essay - Skills Assessment
Last modified: 12th Feb 2020
Introduction: According to the New Collins International Dictionary of the English language, a reflection is to reflect or to be in the state of reflection. (Collins & Brash, 1983) In this essay, I aim to give...
Title: Case Study: Patient Needs Assessments
Last modified: 12th Feb 2020
As part of the FETAC Level 5 Major Award in Healthcare Support the author was asked to do this assignment on Care Skills covering all aspects of caring for a confused person. The model o...
Title: Case Study: Health History Assessment
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
According to (D’Amico, 2011), health assessment to be a patient means the systematic way of collecting client’s data, with an aim of determining his/her current health status, th...
Title: Physical Examinations for Assessment | Case Studies
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Jon Teegardin
A thorough assessment of a patients head, eyes, ears, neck, and throat can reveal a wealth of objective information that is useful in developing nursing diagnoses. Careful attention t...
Title: Patient Case Studies for Accurate Nursing Assessments
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Jon Teegardin
Performing accurate nursing assessments on patients establishes a baseline of information regarding a patient’s complaint and history of present illness. The patients represented in...
Title: Family Health Assessment Case Study
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Rubina Malik
Family health assessment is important to learn about the individual’s family and life style. Being a nurse it is important for me to know various dynamics of individual’s behavi...
Title: Literature Review of Pain Assessment Tools
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
This essay will identify the issue of poorly addressed acute pain in hospitalized patients and critically compare and discusses a range of pain assessment tools referring to contemporary...
Title: Operating Theatre Practice Reflective Assessment
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Activity 1
Register nurses who work in the operation theatre where they are trained to care patient before, during and after surgery. There they gain both classroom learning and hands on experience.
Title: Pressure Ulcer Assessment and Management | Reflection
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Chitse Wheeler Albon
The purpose of this reflection is to contemplate on the critical incident that brought to my attention regarding the pressure ulcer assessment and management of sta...
Title: The importance of person centred care in patient assessments
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Question
Discuss the importance of assessment in the nursing process demonstrating person centred care
Assessment is the first step in the nursing process and refers to the systematic method of...
Title: Health Assessment Care plan for Bladder Cancer Patient
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Theresa is a 37 year old; who was diagnosed with bladder cancer. She recently commenced her course of chemotherapy .She rushes to the Emergency Room at 11.45pm complaining of having a fever.
Title: Emergency assessment and management of diabetic ketoacidosis
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is developed due to deficiency in insulin which is moving all over the body. DKA is developed in the body due to depletion of water r and electrolyte...
Title: Using early warning scores in acute illness assessment
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: This Assignment is in two parts. Part one will describe how I undertook a literature search on my chosen topic of ‘using early warning scores in acute illness assessment’. From this initia...
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