Health Organization Case Study

Modified: 11th Feb 2020
Wordcount: 1946 words

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Banner Health has its headquarters at Phoenix, AZ and drives 25 hospital branches, related health services in seven states of United States. Banner Health has grown from hospital system to an integrated system including services that are provided through Banner Medical Group and Banner Health Network. Banner Health is considered as a top system in providing stable quality health to the patients. It offers physician services, home care, comprehensive services and hospice. Specialized services are offered by the organization at Western States Burn Center, Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, Banner Heart Hospital and Banner Concussion Center. The organization runs in seven states of Colorado, Nebraska, Alaska, California, Arizona, Wyoming and Nevada (Banner health at a glance, 2014).

Healthcare strategies for future

Banner health offers simulation education program for healthcare professionals, which is considered as a largest program in the country. This program makes use of simulators, mannequins and virtual reality programs to provide new generation method of learning. Banner health employees can perfect their medical techniques prior to attending the real patients at the facility (Simulation education at Banner health, nd). The medical director of Banner health simulation medical center, Dr. Mark Smith says that he was convinced with the fact that innovation in the current activities would definitely throw light on showing efficient and high quality care towards the patients. He reminds that demand for health services are increasing, while the resources are becoming scarce with the aging population, evolving technology and uncertainty in the health system of the country. With the help of cutting edge technologies, Banner Health is improving the services and minimizing the errors (Banner Innovation, 2011).

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Simulation training is a training method that gives an opportunity for the clinical experts to practice and do mistakes in the activities which have no consequences. Therefore, the trainers can easily estimate the cognitive and psychomotor skills of the clinicians. Training also includes examining the procedural knowledge of clinician, documenting capacity, decision-making capacity, communicating with the care team and patients, and time management skills of the person (Banner Innovation, 2011). The areas considered to be improved to buildup existing health network are enhancing patient care through skills in emergency care, surgical skills, common procedures, team work, labor and delivery skills. The cardiac life support training courses of Banner health were also restored.

Preparedness to handle Ebola Cases

Though there are no reported Ebola virus cases in any of the places where Banner health services are present, the organization is taking necessary steps to address the Ebola virus cases, if there is any need in the community. All the branches of Banner health have policies and procedures sufficiently in form to isolate the patient who is suspected to be infected with Ebola virus. It has been an important endeavor on the part of Banner health during the past seven months to conduct special training sessions for the hospital staff with the help of infection prevention specialists. These sessions focused on preventing the virus spread (Ebola virus, nd).

Large hospital rooms in various facilities of Banner health are designed to isolate the Ebola patients or patients with infectious diseases, and treat them effectively. These isolation rooms are equipped with integral infection control precautions, specific equipment and airflow. As there is a constant practice of treating various contagious diseases here, these specific rooms are always engaged in accommodating patients regularly with the same precautionary measures. The guidelines provided by the Center for disease control and prevention for the safety of the staff and other patients at Banner health facilities are considered for preparing and planning the necessary activities (Ebola virus, nd).

RN Case Manager

Banner Health RN case managers help in providing right care to the patients at the right time. The resources are utilized to the maximum extent to augment the quality of health services and to coordinate healthcare with RN case managers. The case management teams differ based on diverse work settings. These teams comprise of RN case manager, case management technician and social worker. The specific needs of the patient are evaluated by the case management team.

The roles of RN case managers in banner health are communicating with insurance companies and acute care setting. The roles of them in banner health network are home health visits, telephonic support service, planning long term care, coordinating communication within the network and communicating with insurance companies (RN Case Manager Careers, nd).

Resource management

Banner health offers nurse practitioner courses to introduce leading-edge technology tools such as electronic medical records, simulation learning centers and remote intensive care monitoring. Medical innovation at banner health is considered as good as healthcare professionals treating the patients. Banner health trains the nurses to confidently and safely deliver patient care. Employing nurses here opens options for nurses to continue clinical education, tuition reimbursement, scholarships and so on (Registered nurse careers, nd).

Banner medical group comprises of more than 1300 practitioners across more than 65 specialities to deliver safer and quality patient care. The medical staff is transforming patient care delivery, which can be observed in patient-centered medical home implementation (PCMH). Care planning for patients is done through PCMH by coordination, tracking and working in teams. This results in efficient and quality delivery of healthcare (Healthcare careers at Banner health, nd).

Banner health provides sufficient training in business through an advanced simulation center. Competitive compensation, private housing, electronic medical records, attractive bonuses, travel allowance and stability offered by Banner health are enjoyed by the employees of the organization (Banner staffing services & Banner health travelers, nd).

Patient satisfaction

It is the policy of Banner health to resolve complaints related to the services, healthcare or any alleged actions. Several centers of the Banner health ensure care departments that can be contacted to give any complaint regarding the patient care. Banner health centers provide certain rights for the patient, offer pastoral care, have complaint policy, provide living will, healthcare power of attorney and mental healthcare power of attorney as advanced directive, provide communication assistance for the patients, and provide access to the hospital ethics committee (Patient satisfaction, nd).

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Advance directives and written statements generated by the patients can help the healthcare practitioners and family members to understand what the patient actually desires (Advance directives, nd). There is a notice of privacy practices prepared in the form of a fact sheet by Banner Health to protect the confidentiality of patient information. The notice explains the way patient information is used by the organization inside and outside the campus. The notice also explains the patient’s rights towards their own health information (Privacy practices for banner health, nd).


Advance Directives. (nd). Patients & Visitors. Banner Health, retrieved from

Banner health at a glance. (2014). About banner health, Banner Health,Retrieved from

Banner Innovation. (2011). Banner Health Innovation: Welcome to the future, Focus on Innovation, About Banner Health, Banner Health, Retrieved from

Banner Health. Patient satisfaction. (nd). Retrieved from

Banner staffing services & Banner health travelers. (nd). Banner health careers, Banner health, Retrieved from

Ebola virus. (nd). Banner Health Services. Banner health, Retrieved from

Healthcare careers at Banner Health. (nd). Physician careers, banner Health, Retrieved from

Privacy practices for banner health. (nd). Patients & Visitors, Banner Health, Retrieved from

Registered nurse careers. (nd). Banner health careers, Banner Health, Retrieved from

RN Case Manager Careers. (nd). Banner Health Careers, Banner Health, Retrieved from

Simulation education at banner health. (nd). Courses/Applications, Banner Health. Retrieved from


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