Tag: Pain Management

Pain management is a challenging issue in delivery of healthcare. Despite significant achievements, the adverse impacts of unmanaged pain are considerably unresolved. Ineffective handling of pain can result in a marked decline in anticipated medical and physiological outcomes and the overall quality of life for a patient.

Pain Management

Articles (Page 1)

Management of Nerve Injury

Nursing Essays

Nerve injury following implant therapy often results in paraesthesic or anaesthesic effects that affect quality of life of the patient. Patients usually experience postoperative changes in sensation....

Last modified: 14th Jun 2021

Case Study Into Female Pain During Childbirth

Nursing Case Studies

Objectives of this study were to assess and compare the pre and post test level of episiotomy wound status and psychological wellbeing among the experimental group of postnatal mothers....

Last modified: 8th Apr 2021

Literature Review on Pain Management

Nursing Literature Reviews

In the article “Culture’s Effects on Pain Assessment and Management by Mary Curry Narayan (2010) describe some aspects in the process to treat and manage a client during the process of pain....

Last modified: 23rd Mar 2021

Assessing Pain in in Post Operative Breast Cancer Patients

Nursing Essays

Comparison between Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) and Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) for post-operative pain assessment in Saudi Arabian breast cancer patients. Questions Does BPI assess post-operativ...

Last modified: 19th Mar 2021

Risk Safety and Pain Management for the Elderly Patient

Nursing Assignments

The aging process is normal and it is something that every human beings will all experience. During the aging process our bodies will go through a variety of changes whether it is subtle or profound....

Last modified: 8th Oct 2020

Understanding and Treating Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Nerve Block Treatment Approach.

Nursing Assignments

Understanding and Treating Complex Regional Pain Syndrome : A Nerve Block Treatment Approach. There are a variety of treatments with established effectiveness for the management of complex regional pa...

Last modified: 18th Jun 2020

Exploring Nonpharmacological Pain Management Options

Nursing Essays

Nonpharmacological Pain Management Abstract The concentration of controlling chronic pain is to allow each patient to have the best outcomes despite living with a serious illness. Healthcare providers...

Last modified: 18th May 2020

Case Study of Anxiety and Pain Management in Palliative Care

Nursing Case Studies

Anxiety experiences different in everyone in different times, it’s a normal response to actual danger, promoting the body through stimulating of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system wi...

Last modified: 13th Feb 2020

Literature Review of Post Operative Pain Management

Nursing Literature Reviews

1. INTRODUCTION The aim of the project will be to provide a critical review for the improvement of clinical and medicinal management of post operative pain. If the points put forward are taken into c...

Last modified: 13th Feb 2020

Case Study Of Palliative Care And Pain Management Nursing Essay

Nursing Case Studies

Permission for use of Leslie’s (ficticious name) case notes was granted verbally from the director of Nursing following a letter of application for same (appendix 1). Due to restrictions on word...

Last modified: 13th Feb 2020

Pain Management and Post Operative Care Case Studies

Nursing Case Studies

This is a scenario based essay in which two scenarios will be looked at. One is on osteoarthritis and osteoporosis patient and the other one is based on oesophageal reflux disorder and peptic ulcer d...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Postoperative Pain Management Case Study

Nursing Case Studies

Introduction Postoperative pain management is the main issue in the case study of Josie Elliot, a 26 years old woman who had a surgery for internal fixation of fractured right wrist- the radius and s...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Evaluating foot massage minimizing pain among cancer patients

Nursing Essays

But to you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness Shall arise with healing in his wings. – Mal.4:2 Cancer is a disease that poses a threat to many aspects of life. Caring for clients with c...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Ethics As Applied To Pain Management

Nursing Essays

Critically evaluate the available evidence regarding the justice beliefs in context of chronic low pain in terms of Mrs. Alice’s case study. Introduction “The relief of pain is a core et...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Chronic Pain Management: An Insight Into Neuropathic Pain

Nursing Essays

Many people suffer from chronic pain. In these patients, the most common ‘wish’ is to be pain free. Even though modern Medicine has advanced at an unprecedented rate over the past century,...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Pain Management In Palliative Nursing Essay

Nursing Essays

Pain management has been chosen as the aspect of care. It is the symptom that the writer has been confronted with very often in her daily work with palliative patients; this has been very distressing...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Providing Guidelines of Pain for Pain Management

Nursing Essays

This essay will define pain in both the context of acute and chronic and define comfort. The meaning if pain can be quite subjective, therefore the definitions provided are guidelines to aid in unders...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Study into pain management of Phlebitis

Nursing Essays

Intravenous therapy is an infusion of medicine and fluids into a vein. IV therapy is essential part of clinical use. There are also complications which included in IV infusion are local and systemic, ...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Review of Barriers to Effective Cancer Pain Management

Nursing Essays

Pain management is an important indicator of a patient’s quality of life because pain is the most feared of all the symptoms associated with cancer. Unfortunately, ineffective and inadequate can...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Pain and pain management in the dying patient

Nursing Essays

For many years there has been a question as to whether or not providing pain medication to a dying patient is ethical or not. This subject practices on what is considered morally ethical as well a...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Report And Scale Of Pain Management Nursing Essay

Nursing Essays

All nurses get exposure to post operative recovery room and ward during their training rotation period to learn about various aspects of nursing care required immediately after major surgery. Rotation...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Pain Management in Nursing

Nursing Essays

ABSTRACT General researches that address pain management after cardiac surgery have been conducted. However, few studies that focus on the nurses working in cardiac setting have been carried out. The...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Total Knee Replacement Post Op Pain Management

Nursing Essays

To improve the quality and mobility of life, the most frequently used operative procedure is the total knee replacement. But it is necessary to administer the pain relief measures in the post operativ...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Importance of Postoperative Pain Management

Nursing Essays

CHAPTER-II Review of literature is a key step in research process. The literature review is to discover what has previously been done about the problem to be studied what remains to be done, what meth...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020

Improving Quality of Care Through Pain Management

Nursing Essays

Patrick Bobst   A Qualitative Study Quantitative research involves testing hypotheses, making predictions, studying specific variables, collecting numbers and statistics, identifying statistical r...

Last modified: 11th Feb 2020