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Introduction To Inter Professional Education

Info: 2149 words (9 pages) Nursing Essay
Published: 11th Feb 2020

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Tagged: education

You are also required to explain how these skills may be applied in practice. The classroom learning experience/incident can focus on either a timetabled workshop (not all) or the team debates.

In addition to using the Marks-Maran & Rose’s Reflective Cycle (1997) to reflect, you should also integrate a range of literature to support your discussion. You are expected to cite 5-10 references in this section.

You can present your work in first person. For example, the use of ‘I’.

An Introduction to Inter-professional Education.


‘Inter-professional education occurs when two or more professions learn with, from and about one another to facilitate collaboration in practice’ (Barr, 1997, p32). It is widely accepted that how care is delivered is as important as what care is delivered. Inter-professional practice is critical to achieving care that is patient centered, safer, timelier, and more effective, efficient and equitable. Moreover, inter-professional practice enhances collaboration between different health and social care professionals, which is a key aspect of modernizing health and social care systems. Teamwork and cooperation between all health professionals results in high quality clinical care. Inter-professional education, also encourages all health professionals to learn together so would be beneficial in developing more effective teams, with proven benefits for patients or clients. In addition, may demonstrate enhanced inter-professional relationships and improved quality of patient/client care. This module give to students’ additional opportunities to work in multi-professional teams in order to improve understanding of professional boundaries to encourage collaborative learning and work that will bring benefits to patients / service users. Finally, inter-professional education requires students to bring specialist in-depth knowledge of their profession and professional codes of conduct to a group setting so that health and social care pathways are critically reviewed in the context of professional practice.

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“…teamwork requires a shared acknowledgement of each participating member’s roles and abilities. Without this acknowledgement, adverse outcomes may arise from a series of seemingly trivial errors that effective teamwork could have prevented.” (Baker et al., 2005, p. 14) Awareness and appreciation of professional roles and responsibilities is essential for effective co-operation. The professional roles and responsibilities complement each other in patient-centered and community oriented care. . An effective coordination and collaboration can occur only when each profession knows and uses the others’ expertise and capabilities in a patient centered way. For instance, clinical social workers bear a heavy professional responsibility because their activities and proposals can significantly affect the lives of others. Unquestionably, our care for patients must be based on proper judgments, like having a strong sense of what is right or wrong. Health professionals often have to make difficult decisions for which there is not always a quick, easy or “right” answer. For example, professionals usually faced ‘big’ issues; definition of life, human rights. Nevertheless, we all still need to be able to explain and account for these decisions and actions. The code of ethics of each profession can serve as a guide. Professionals must respect a person’s right to make their own decisions as well as support their choices. Summarizing, health care professionals must follow the four ethical codes, in which veracity, privacy, confidentiality and fidelity are required.


After investigations, there is no sufficient evidence to show that inter-professional education allows effective collaborative practice, which in turn improves the health services, strengthen health systems and enhance the health status of patients report higher satisfaction levels, better acceptance health care and improve health outcomes following therapy with a collaborative group. Undoubtedly, collaborative practice can improve access to and coordination of health services and patient care and safety. For example, in the cases of emergency situations, inter-professional teams may have the greatest impact on a public health emergency. The increased coordination and smoother functioning will facilitate a more efficient and effective response, as well as delivering assistance more quickly to patients in need. Collaborative practice that inter-professional working provides can also reduce overall patient complications. In community mental health, collaborative practice can raise patient and care satisfaction as well as promote greater acceptance of treatment. In addition, training and educational programs have been developed as an effective way to improve how professionals work together to take care of patients. Furthermore, it enhances patient centered goals and values, provides mechanisms for ongoing communication among providers of care. Conclusively, Teamwork and collaboration between all health professionals results in high quality clinical care.


There was a renewed interest in collaborative models of health care provided by multidisciplinary teams. Inter-professional collaboration is increasingly seen as a key strategy for providing better quality and more efficient care for people who require multiple services, or using both acute and primary care services.[1] Collaborative practice occurs when multiple health workers from different professional substrates working together with their families, patients, carers and communities to provide the highest quality of care. It enables health employees to attend to any person whose skills may help reach the objectives of local health. [3] Inevitably, contact with other professionals breaks down stereotypes and provides collaborative working. Moreover encourage and facilitate the students of all professions to come together to debate patient journeys; it has a case-based discussion or action learning discussion.

As I have mentioned, inter-professional work is a specific way of working with others. Concerns in collaboration with professionals and non-professionals from another healthcare / social science work. Therefore, in order to engage with inter-professional working it is necessary for individuals to have specific skills to learn collaboratively with their student peers. Forming skills needed to organize the team and establish minimum rules for proper behaviours. The most significant rules of this class are noise monitor, participation monitor, voice monitor, and turn-taking monitor. Functioning skills needed to arrange the group’s activities to accomplish a project and to retain effective working relationships between members. Formulating skills are necessary to comprehend the material being studied at a deeper level, to promote the use of higher quality reasoning strategies, and to maximize knowledge and retention. Finally, fermenting skills are those close numbers necessary for becoming involved in academic debates such as criticizing ideas without condemning people. [4]

Having a personal relationship with members of the group helped to build confidence between us, and colleagues who trust one another are much more inclined to seek cooperation. Inter-professional education is generally well-received by participants who develop communication skills, further their capacities to consider critically, and learn to appreciate the challenges and benefits of working in teams. Besides, effective collaborative learning, promotes respect between health professions, eliminates harmful stereotypes, and triggers a patient- centred ethic in practice. Moreover, workers to health know how to work with colleagues from other professions equipped with the skills to set their knowledge into action inter-professional and with respect for the values ​​and beliefs of their colleagues. [3] Health care professionals can also interact, negotiate and work jointly with health workers from any background.

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An increasing body of research from the United Kingdom and elsewhere demonstrates that the organization and delivery of care can be improved when the skills and coordinated among professional groups. [3] Basic skills involved in the reflection is the development of self-awareness based deal with emotions and behaviours to deal with negative emotions and building on the positive – and this is a cyclic process. There are a number of different frames are typically used to provide a structure for writing reflective pieces. [5]

Marks-Maran and Rose reflective cycle (1997) is example of cycles of reflection concerning a critical; is report that the difference in knowledge and comprehension brings a new situation and the knowledge and understanding from one gets a new state is invited learning. It is through reflection that the difference is recognized. To make a positive experience to learn and acquire new prospect to this, the practitioner must actively listen to everything people mean and not only what they say. Moreover, practitioner should recognize that there may be an alternative solution to a situation, even if it contradicts their own beliefs professional. In addition, they must share ideas with others and to accept that sometimes one option may be better than theirs. [6]

The aim of inter-professional education is to bring fictitious case scenario’s which you we be working our student peers in the class-room setting. Case scenarios encouraged us to share our ideas with our peers. The experience of learning and working together will provide us with the opportunity to work inter-professionally with different members of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT). [7] One of the scenarios that I did during which I worked collaboratively with my student peers, was when a series of mistakes occurred before the patient is transferred to hospital, during hospitalization and at home after discharge. This scenario was about an elderly who was admitted to orthopedic ward via the Accident & Emergency department with a fractured left femur. She tripped and fell in her bungalow after catching her foot on a loose carpet. [8]

In this case communication errors occurred. Here it appears that there was no communication between the patient and nurses. The nurses had to check through their information better. Moreover, when the doctor looked at her x-ray, he noticed that the right hip had been x-rayed by mistake. Also when the nurses started to prepare her diabetic medication as she was delayed having it, they noticed that the incorrect medication had been dispensed by the hospital pharmacy .Therefore, the doctor as well pharmacists had to be more careful and crossed the right information. The old lady was diabetic but she eats what she liked. Although mentioned in dietician, dietitian prepared diets for patients with obesity. As a dietitian, in this case I would do the necessary tests on the old lady and then I will do her diet. Eventually, the old lady had surgery. She was not impressed however, by the fact that her physiotherapy was delayed. This was because the physiotherapist arrived at her bedside with the referral form and noticed that a different patient’s name and personal details had been recorded on it. The physiotherapist raised concerns about this and pointed out that she would not see her until the correct information was documented on the form. Here, nurses should have been more careful with the personal information of patients and communicate among them. Also, the physiotherapist should check through the old and not unfairly delayed. Although the nurses made a mistake and forgot to notify the social worker, the social worker should have an interest itself. [8]

During this scenario, I will be learning with my peers and also be encouraged to share ideas in relation to the case scenarios. Furthermore, I have learnt the importance of communication skills to enhance patient care. If there existed discussion amongst the team, the communication error will not occur. It therefore needed to communicate effectively as no one health care professional can meet all the needs of any one patient/service user. In conclusion, Teams can benefit patients if they work well. If the group is not can also work well influence the patient [8]

Taking everything into consideration, inter-professional collaboration is widely promoted as a way to improve the effectiveness and profitability of healthcare. This study investigated the nature of collaboration among professionals on medical wards.[9]


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