Tag: MMR
The MMR vaccine protects the child, family, and community from measles, mumps, and rubella, and eliminate the resurgence of measles, mumps, and rubella. Vaccination has become an extensively useful strategy for the prevention of infectious disease and continues to be one of the most successful health interventions and remains one of society’s best healthcare investments.
Articles (Page 1)
Importance of Vaccinations
Nursing Essays
Each year the Department of Health and Human Services releases a list, essentially a schedule, of optional vaccines for children 0-18 months. ...
Last modified: 15th Dec 2020
Health Promotion Controversy: MMR Vaccine
Nursing Essays
Health Promotion Controversy: MMR Vaccine “Vaccines are one the greatest scientific inventions available to prevent illness and death” (Papachrisanthou & Davis, 2019, p. 391) even though they ...
Last modified: 27th May 2020
Analysis of Reasons and Impacts of Parental Hesitancy of MMR Vaccine
Nursing Essays
ANALYSIS OF THE REASON AND IMPACT OF HESITANCY AMONG PARENTS REGARDING ACCEPTABILITY OF MMR VACCINE Abstract This study shed light on importance of MMR vaccine by addressing its acceptability and adva...
Last modified: 19th May 2020
Debates on the MMR Vaccination
Nursing Essays
Master document text “I am no longer trying to dig up evidence to prove vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence……This debate is not scientific but is political̶...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
For and against the use of vaccination
Nursing Essays
“I am no longer trying to dig up evidence to prove vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence……This debate is not scientific but is political” (Ayoub, D. (2006)....
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Arguments For and Against the Vaccine
Nursing Essays
Vaccine Debate Introduction There has always been a debate over the idea that children our newborns don’t need vaccinated. Some people think they give babies deadly diseases that would kill them. W...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020