Essays on: Leadership

The importance of leadership is now widely recognised as a key part of overall effective healthcare, and nursing leadership is a crucial part of this as nurses are now the single largest healthcare discipline. Research into nursing leadership has shown that a culture of good leadership within healthcare is linked to improved patient outcomes, increased job satisfaction.

Tagged Essays / Articles

Title: Healthcare Leadership and Mental Health
Last modified: 25th Jun 2021
Introduction: In general, mental health appears to be a topic that very few people seemingly wish to discuss— predominantly within the work environment.  The prime contributing factor may be obvious: A destitute mental state—that is left unresolved—could manifest within the workplace and ultimately afflict an individual’s work performance. ...

Title: Essay on Hypertension
Last modified: 14th Jun 2021
Introduction:  Hypertension is a modifiable risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease through the development of atherosclerosis....

Title: Impact of Leadership Development in Healthcare
Last modified: 6th Jan 2021
Introduction: A crucial factor dominating health organisations in NSW, Australia and the world has been identified as patient safety and quality of care. Literature indicates that in order to achieve these objectives...

Title: An Analysis Of Personal Leadership Skills Nursing Essay
Last modified: 16th Dec 2020
Introduction: For this essay I have audited my leadership skills using theoretical models and referred to specific situations and experiences. ...

Title: Reflection On Leadership And Management Skills
Last modified: 14th Dec 2020
Introduction: This essay will be used as a tool to critique and improve my leadership and management skills as this is essential to the changes that are needed in the NHS improvement plan. ...

Title: Leadership And Management In Nursing Nursing Essay
Last modified: 4th Dec 2020
Introduction: Mergers illustrate the focus on organisational restructuring as the key lever for change as indicated by the ninety nine health care provider mergers in England between 1996 and 2001. (Fulop, Protsops...

Title: Annotated Bibliography on Nursing and Leadership Styles
Last modified: 10th Nov 2020
Introduction: The health care climate today is extremely challenging even for skilled nurses with strong, different styles of leadership as they relate to health care and nursing....

Title: Identifying Leadership Theories And Applying Reflection Nursing Essay
Last modified: 6th Nov 2020
Introduction: There are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept ( Stodill, 1974:p.259).  Dubrin (2000) states that there 35,000 definitions ...

Title: Theories of Leadership in Professional Practise
Last modified: 6th Nov 2020
Introduction: Leadership is one of the greatest challenges faced by the nursing profession. Powerful leadership skills are needed by all nurses. ...

Title: Emergency Nurses Association: Organizational and Systems Leadership in Nursing
Last modified: 24th Sep 2020
Introduction: ENA has a five years strategic plan called the 2020 vision that guides their organization. It is comprised of five strong pillars: knowledge, advocacy, quality and safety, community, and infrastructure....

Title: Leadership And Nurse Job Satisfaction Nursing Essay
Last modified: 26th Aug 2020
Introduction: A detailed study of articles and journals, critically analyzing the ways in which nurses can feel satisfied in their workplace, and satisfaction in the profession....

Title: Factors of Transformational Nursing Leaders
Last modified: 22nd Jun 2020
Introduction: A great nursing leader sets the gold standard for all others to follow by being committed and passionate about their work. A true leader is able to mentor, to coach, to listen to others, offer ad...

Title: Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Accountability and Leadership
Last modified: 2nd Jun 2020
Introduction: This essay is a critical reflection on the NMC mentor outcomes of assessment and accountability and Leadership. The changes brought about by development of nursing education was explored as well as NM...

Title: Nursing Shortage Issues: Leadership, Standards and Jesuit Values
Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: The Nursing Shortage  Universally nurses are being asked to do more with less:  Less staff, less resources, and in some cases, less pay.  While on the other hand, nurses are being given...

Title: Leadership Development in the Deaf Community
Last modified: 25th May 2020
Introduction: Coaching situation Deaf community Leadership development Scenario topic Community Communication Access Topic Focal point Interpreter Shortage Demographics Various Deaf individuals with little or no pr...

Title: Application of Leadership, Management and Organisational Theories to Medical Ward
Last modified: 19th May 2020
Introduction: Preparing for Professional Practice A critical evaluation This essay will discuss, analyse and critically evaluate the application of leadership and management and organisational culture, as well as r...

Title: Change Leadership in Nursing (ChLN)
Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Brief Chapter Synopsis, and Change and Implementation Process Description Chapter two of Change Leadership in Nursing (ChLN) explored the theory of focusing on the good aspects of nursing which totall...

Title: Leadership Management and Team Working for Professional Practice
Last modified: 14th May 2020
Introduction: Nurses in United Kingdom are encouraged to prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety and promote professionalism and trust in nurse practice (NMC, 2018). This can only be achieved when ...

Title: Leadership Styles in Nursing Setting
Last modified: 11th May 2020
Introduction: Nurses in United Kingdom are encouraged to prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety and promote professionalism and trust in nurse practice (NMC, 2018). This can only be achieved when ...

Title: Examining Concepts Of Leadership And Reflection In Nursing Essay
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: Western (2008) says that, the term leadership has different meanings and we will aware of leadership when we see it. By the estimates of Durbin (2000), in academic literature there are 35,000 defini...

Title: A Case Study About Healthcare Leadership
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: Effective leadership is essential in health care organisations as in other organisations. It is necessary for driving innovation, effective patient care, patient safety, improving working within clini...

Title: Case Study Research Into Healthcare Leadership
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: Healthcare is facing numerous challenges in the twenty-first century. In Nigeria, in addition to the burden of infectious diseases chronic disease incidence continues to rise and poor quality of servi...

Title: Examining Models of Reflection on Leadership and Management
Last modified: 13th Feb 2020
Introduction: “The final test of a leader is that he (sic) leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on.” [Lippmann , 1945] The quote from Walter Lippmann above highlights a ma...

Title: Reflective Nursing Essay | Leadership in A&E
Last modified: 12th Feb 2020
Introduction: For the purpose of this assignment I will explore my personal and professional development in my third year and throughout the entire course. In this assignment I will reflect on an episode of practi...

Title: Reflection on Leadership, Communication and Teamwork
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: 1.0 Introduction Complexities in assignments and projects have facilitated the adoption of team approaches to problem solving. In many learning institutions and places of work, team approach has led t...

Title: Reflection: Application of Leadership Skills in Nursing
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: 1. Introduction 1.1 This report looks at my existing leadership skills and how they have developed when implementing a postnatal group within my practice. Through developing this group, I will look at...

Title: Management and Leadership (M&L) Reflection in Nursing
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Description of the incident /near miss The incident occurred in a care centre that provides nursing care and support for 20 young people with a physical disability (YPD) and 65 older people. The sett...

Title: Transformational Leadership in Health & Social Care
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Question In what ways is transformational leadership theory suited to health and social care practice setting (domiciliary care) Answer The transformational leadership theory is the principal theoreti...

Title: What current trends exist with regards to educational standards, continuing professional development and the promotion of leadership?
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Question What current trends exist with regards to educational standards, continuing professional development and the promotion of leadership? Answer Navigating the current health and social care cris...

Title: Leadership and time management skills.
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Leadership is defined as the to make people understand to gain certain course, and also the leader must follow the same power of mind. Leader ship is not an authority of an organization but it’s...

Title: Application Of Leadership Knowledge To Health Visitors Practice Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: 1.1This report will provide evidence of the application of leadership knowledge to the role of the Health visitor’s practice. The report will look at my leadership style and skills in relation t...

Title: Defining leadership as a process and property
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: In defining leadership Jago (1982, p.315) states “leadership is both a process and a property”. The process involves influencing group members to undertake activities that will lead to the...

Title: Implementation And Advantages Transformational Leadership In Nursing
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Transformational leadership is a leadership approach that brings value and positive change to the followers with the ultimate goal of transforming those same followers into great leaders. Accordingly,...

Title: Leadership In Health And Social Care
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: 1.1 This report looks at my existing leadership skills and how they have developed when implementing a postnatal group within my practice. Through developing this group, I will look at how the team r...

Title: Contemporary Issues In Nursing Leadership In Nursing Practice Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Leadership plays an important role in nursing. This essay will define leadership and how leadership qualities relate to nursing practice in order to help nurse leaders to work effectively with in nurs...

Title: The Non Technical Skill Of Leadership Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: The following essay will demonstrate the understanding of the non-technical skill of leadership. This non-technical skill has associated elements, which are setting and maintaining standards, suppor...

Title: Registered Nurses Might Develop Appropriate Leadership Skills Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to examine how registered nurses develop appropriate leadership skills, and how this can be implemented in improving a patients care requirements. Throughout this dis...

Title: Examining the challenges of Clinical Leadership
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: A health care setting institution with advanced health technology and high calibers doesn’t mean quality nursing care can be offered, unless accompanying with effective clinical leadership. This...

Title: Leadership and Management in Nursing Care Delivery Models
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: A care delivery model is an integral component for delivering patient care. Nursing care delivery model is a way of organizing at the unit level to facilitate the delivery of nursing care to the patie...

Title: Theories and Principles Of Leadership And Management
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Leadership is said to be a way of behaving that influence others to respond, not because they want to, but because they have to, it is seen as personal interactions between group of people which aim a...

Title: Personal Leadership And Management Development Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: This unit is interesting in the sense that it will help develop personal leadership and management skills to support the achievement of personal career goals and organisational objectives. There are t...

Title: Introduction Of Leadership And Mentoring Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Leading is mean by setting direction and ensuring that direction is followed. Leading can apply to leading oneself, other individuals, groups, organizations and societies. “If your actions inspi...

Title: Problems Behind People Leadership And Management Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: The purpose of my presentation is about the findings and giving recommendations for the problems in the Parkway in the operational level. In order to attain the growth and profit the organization has ...

Title: Evaluating Forms Of Leadership In Health Care Management Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills. The term l...

Title: Emotional Intelligence In Health Care Leadership Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Emotional intelligence was a popular topic of leadership books and in management training and consulting in the late 1990s into the early 2000s. The Harvard Business Review printed its first article o...

Title: Management and Leadership Styles in Nursing Team Leaders
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: This assignment will focus on the different management and leadership styles and the benefits and shortfalls will be discussed. Definition of the management and leadership styles will be included al...

Title: Team Building and Leadership Self Assessment Paper
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: First of all I would like to thank Prof. Bob Marx for his valuable efforts, kindness and time over the 3 days of marvelous journey together. Objective of this paper Through this paper I am trying to d...

Title: Leadership and teamwork in nursing
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: ABSTRACT Introduction: The treatment of vertebral osteomyelitis includes antibiotics with or without surgical intervention. Debridement is warranted for the treatment of idiopathic spondylo-discitis i...

Title: Benefits Of Leadership Styles Nursing Essay
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Leaders are found everywhere and in every organization to guide people beneath them and build successful teams to have commitment to one another, to the team, to a high level of achievement, to a comm...

Title: Exploring leadership in health and social care practice
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: Today’s vibes in healthcare organisation requires individuals who are creative, flexible, and able to empower others to be creative and flexible. Many leadership issues are the same regardless o...

Title: Management Strategies in Healthcare
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Introduction: 1.1 List factors under the control of healthcare managers that contribute to the decrease in the number of people applying to health professions schools. Describe the steps that healthcare organizati...

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