Tag: Dyslexia
Poor decoding and spelling abilities along with difficulties in precise and fluent recognition of words characterise the learning disability of dyslexia. Despite the extensive scientific attention that dyslexia has received there is still much debate about its causal explanation.
Articles (Page 1)
Social Constructive Ideas of Dyslexia
Nursing Essays
This essay is going to explore and explain the social constructive ideas of dyslexia, a specific learning difficulty. I will explore research around dyslexia and look at different approaches and theor...
Last modified: 20th May 2020
Causal Explanations of Dyslexia
Nursing Essays
Introduction Poor decoding and spelling abilities along with difficulties in precise and fluent recognition of words characterise the learning disability of dyslexia (International Dyslexia Associati...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Causes of Dyslexia
Nursing Essays
Possible Causes of Dyslexia Dyslexia is a learning disability that causes reading and language difficulties, in terms of spoken or written. Today, there are many researches actively taking place rega...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Development of the Understanding of Dyslexia
Nursing Essays
Introduction The following three chapters offer not only an introduction, but an in depth analysis of the current state of the study of Dyslexia today. Much of the information evaluated for this stud...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
What is dyslexia?
Nursing Essays
It has been 100 years since the first case of developmental dyslexia was described. Hitherto numerous researches had shed light on the causes and consequences of this disorder but the debate...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020