Tag: Cbd
Cannabidiol (CBD) has risen in popularity and is known as a holistic miracle for a variety of ailments. Cannabidiol (CBD) can be used to help with certain skin conditions, disease states, and mental disorders. CBD is related to cannabis plant, but is used more for its medicinal properties.
Articles (Page 1)
Cannabis and Cannabidiol Policy Proposal
Nursing Essays
Healthcare policy is the public program that identifies specific community goals, plans, decides, and implements programs and actions to achieve those goals. Healthcare policy determines an...
Last modified: 17th Jun 2020
The Medical Benefits of CBD Oil
Nursing Essays
The Cannabis Sativa (cannabis) is among the earliest known plants to be cultivated by man. The first evidence of the use of cannabis was found in China. Archeological and historical findings in...
Last modified: 8th Jun 2020
Medical Cannabis: A Review of the History, Pharmacology, and Clinical Implications
Nursing Essays
Medical cannabis: A review of the history, pharmacology, and clinical implications The recent resurgence of cannabis as an alternative treatment modality has been of interest to the American public, a...
Last modified: 26th May 2020
Cannabidiol: Uses, Pharmocology and Legality
Nursing Essays
A Cannabidiol Era Introduction In recent years, Cannabidiol (CBD) has risen in popularity and is known as a holistic miracle for a variety of ailments. Cannabidi...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Efficacy of Medical Cannabis for the Treatment of Chronic Pain
Nursing Essays
Introduction Chronic pain has been defined as pain that persists past normal healing time. Pain is usually classed as chronic when it lasts or reoccurs for more than 3 to 6 months.(1) Ch...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Should the UK Allow Medical Marijuana?
Nursing Essays
Should Marijuana be Decriminalised and or Legalised for Health Reasons in the U.K? Research Plan Today most young people use some type of drug, even though they are illegal. According to Gov (2...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020
Effects of Medical Marijuana on the School Nurse
Nursing Essays
Introduction Literature Review The topic of medical marijuana is as complex as it is interesting to many people, including physical therapists, care...
Last modified: 11th Feb 2020