What happens if I’m not happy with the work? What happens if my essay does not meet the grade ordered?

Type: Support Article. Published: 1st Apr 2024

If you are not happy with the work, then we do advise that you send us an amendment request through your online account (see below for further details on how to do this), so that we can rectify this issue for you. This way you can clearly state, in writing, what you feel that the writer needs to change; we wouldn’t be able to take this information over the phone as we wouldn’t want to miscommunicate anything or interpret this incorrectly.

We will then contact your writer regarding this issue and arrange a delivery date for your amended work. The standard amendment period is 7 days. However, if you place your order using the Elite service you will be provided with a longer amendment period of 3 months.

If your essay does not meet the grade, we would advise that you login to your online account and click on ‘Leave Feedback’ next to the order. By doing this, your message will be forwarded to the relevant department for them to review.

We would also ask that you attach the work you have completed yourself, alongside the confirmation of the grade you have received and the feedback from your tutor explaining why you have received this grade. This is so our Aftercare team can thoroughly review this for you. Once this has been fully reviewed, someone in the Aftercare team will contact you to discuss this further.

How to request changes to your work

You can request changes at any time by logging into your control panel.

  1. Log in to your online account.
  2. Find your order and click the request amendment button. This will open the amendment request form for you to explain what you need.
  3. Explain the issue(s) you have with your work and what changes you would like. You can add multiple, separate issues if you like.
  4. Attach any supporting files or information, and click send amendment request.
  5. Our dedicated after care team will review your amendment request in full and get back to you ASAP.

How to request a refund

You can request a refund at any time by logging into your control panel.

  1. Log in to your online account.
  2. Find your order and click the leave feedback button.
  3. Select Discuss your order
  4. Select 'Report a problem'.
  5. Explain the problems with your work and why you believe you are entitled to a refund.

Tip: Attach the work you have completed yourself, alongside the confirmation of the grade you have received and the feedback from your tutor explaining why you have received this grade (if this is relevant to your request).

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