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Reflective Essay on Stress Management

Info: 1321 words (5 pages) Reflective Nursing Essay
Published: 11th Feb 2020

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Tagged: reflective practicestress

  • Wong Wing Sze

Nowadays, many Hong Kong people have stress, which are come from some external factors likes some changes, difficulties or challenges in their life, such as change of job, examination, marital problem whatever in any age group. Apart from external factors, internal factors may also causing stress such as personality, thinking style, attitude in facing problem and ability to relax, etc. Some people may think that stress is something negative that needs to be got rid of. In fact, an adequate level of pressure can motivate us perform well in our work, study or other areas in our life and enhance our efficiency, also when face some problems, we may seek for solutions. However, when stress level are too high or under prolonged stress may have negative effect, for example, decrease our efficiency, job performance and harm for our psychological health.

In this course, stress management is the most impressive topic that i have learned, as I am a student, I always face a lot of stress in my study life likes examination, assignment, presentation. At this time, I will afraid that the result, how can I do it well, so many reasons causing stress. I am agree that too high level of pressure may decrease efficiency, I have the experience of deadline fighter, it means work hard just before the deadline. At this time, I am fear that I cannot complete my assignment before the deadline, so I am very careless in my work, such as in the data research part, I just found from internet and only come from 2-3 websites and then write it. Eventually, the final result is bad as it is not deeply to analyze the data, it shows that the pressure affects my performance. After I learned how to release stress, I never delay a job task until the last minute.

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According to the research fromRegus, World-renowned office solutions provider in 2012, it shows that Mainland China workers work pressure level is the highest in the world. 16,000 people in the workplace of 80 countries and regions, they think that the pressure is higher than last year. 75% is Mainland China and 55% is Hong Kong, which are rank the first and the forth, it have exceeded the global average of 48%. As we want to develop economic and enhance social development in a very short period to contend with other nations, hope that become a powerful country in economic and culture aspects, such things can causing pressure. Besides, happy sex life can release pressure, according to the study of Pfizer, Hong Kong people have sex an average is only 3.55 times per month, compared with the most romantic French is less than half, while most people are dissatisfied with their sex life. Expert analysed that poor diet, stress and smoking can affect performance in sex life. Expert explained that Asians being poor diet, smoking and the pressure of life is directly affecting the sex performance. Hong Kong is the one example. DR Kwan Ka Mei, Betty said that Hong Kong people live in stress, many people suffer from insomnia or mood disorders, some workers in order to avoid dismissal by company, sacrifice sleep time and sex time. What’s more, a research done by Reader’s Digest about politeness, the survey conducted in 35 countries have published the magazine and regions with three tests as indicators, including the local people will open the door for others, while shopping, salesclerk will say “Thank You” or not and fall document in a busy street, passer-by will help to tidy up initiatively or not etc. The result show that Hong Kong people rank in 25th in this 35 countries. Some scholars think that Hong Kong people have much stress of life is one of reason cause to impolite. Professor Eva Kit Wah Man, the Head of the Humanities Programme and a professor of the Religion & Philosophy Department of Hong Kong Baptist University said that because the people in Hong Kong have life stress, emotion will vent to someone else such as buying things will vent to the salesman. The above cases shows that the people in Hong Kong always face lots of stress from work, family, study, so they are really need to learn how to release stress. For example, having reasonable demands and expectations on self, cultivating a good work habit, taking a new perspective in your thinking, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and adequate sleep hygiene, doing relaxation exercises regularly, it can can life well.

Managing stress and health in gender are different, female are more acutely aware of their stress than men. Even male and female suffer the same reason of stress, women are more likely to report symptoms of stress than male. For example, fatigue, feeling nervous or anxious, overwhelmed, depressed or sad, like crying, lacking interest, motivation or energy, having headaches, changes in sleeping habits, e.g., oversleeping, night waking, difficulty falling asleep. Although both of male and female are believe that social networks can support in making lifestyle and behaviour changes, female report getting more value from them compared with male. Also both men and women will seek help from a mental health professional or a psychologist to manage their stress, women are more likely to believe that psychologists can help them to manage stress and make lifestyle and behaviour changes.

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To concluded, stress management is as important in our daily life, as every people will face stress, mood disorder is become more and more universal in Hong Kong. There are some courses holds in Hong Kong about stress management. Timway Education is an example, such course aim to using a variety of orthodox psychological principles, so that everyone becomes motivated, energetic, use a positive attitude of view to manage pressure. Last but not least, we need to understand that ways always more than problem and we need to face positive. Anyways, if everyone can manage their stress well, they can have a better life.


  1. American Psychological Association.(2012). Stress by Gender Retrieved April 11,2014, from http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2012/gender.aspx?item=2#
  2. Appledaily. (2006). 35城市調查排名25 港人無禮貌 學者:因為壓力大Retrieved April 11,2014, from http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20060621/6047031
  3. Institute of Mental Health Castle Peak Hospital.(2012). Stress Management Retrieved April 11,2014, from http://www3.ha.org.hk/cph/imh/mhi/article_01_02.asp
  4. Peopledaily.(2006).香港人壓力大 每月僅做愛3.55次Retrieved April 11,2014, from http://hm.people.com.cn/BIG5/42276/4421460.html
  5. Peopledaily.(2012). 壓力全球第一呼å-šç©æ¥µå¿ƒç†å­¸Retrieved April 11,2014, from http://opinion.people.com.cn/BIG5/n/2012/1018/c159301-19303911.html
  6. Timway Education.(2014). Stress Management Course Retrieved April 11,2014, from http://edu.timway.com/stress_management_courses.php#aqueryForm


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Stress may be defined as the physical and emotional response to excessive levels of mental or emotional pressure, which may arise from issues in both the working and personal life. Stress may cause emotional symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability or low self-esteem.

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