Reflection on Relationships that Develop in Care Work

Modified: 12th Feb 2020
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Adam Nawrocki   

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Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Individual Client

Reflection on relationships that develop in care work

The first day I started my practice as scheduled at 8 00, was invited to an interview with the CNM, in order to introduce me and I know a standard organization was given a tour on the place of work. After the induction I met (Kelly) HCA with whom I assisted at the morning activities Clients. I felt stressed but I tried to hide it from other, I watched perform work properly demonstrated by the HCA according to the standards organizations.

The day has passed very quickly and I still had energy to absorb knowledge, I was happy

With first day of work meeting new people.

Identification of interpersonal issues that can arise in care work such as recognising diversity and individuality in clients, families and co-workers

On my first day of practice I observed interpersonal problems most clients such as mental, emotional. The clients need my assistance with ADL’s. I participated in a situation where the client’s husband asked me if I had already experience with patient who suffers from dementia, I answered him that this is my first day of practice and would like to learn to perform this work as best I can. Family Clients always trying to look after a member of the family, as the most better, so sometimes it is concerned about seeing a new staff person at the nearest person. At the beginning of my co-operation with the staff, I had problems to understanding, with two members of staff who had different accent, because came from other countries.

Effective reflection on own interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness as a care worker and highlight personal strengths and weaknesses.

I observed that my weak side in the workplace is still the language of English is not my first language, but are given up and I know the more I use it in everyday life is more I am able to understand. I was positively surprised by how well orientated in the workplace I was and always get to where I wanted to go.Using verbal communication in relation to clients noticed the builds relationships between me and them, the trust at the beginning of our cooperation.

Completions of detailed skills audit (provide brief overview for the day here and include more detail in the Skills Audit Template)

On the first day of my practice in the organization, I started as an assist at the morning toilet, dressing with a few clients. I assisted also the issue of meals as well as the feeding clients. After the meal I assisted with transport clients to the Daily room and helping with the toileting and so I passed my first day of practice.

Observations on the experience of receiving guidance and direction, and giving and receiving feedback

During transport to the Client to the toilet I observed how to use a hoist in the correct way.

Using a hoist second time I asked if I can try, I transported the Client to the correct process

has been praised by (Kelly) HCA a job well done.

Reflection of interpersonal care work skills and procedures for safeguarding privacy and dignity of clients’ and caring for clients’ property

When assists during morning toilet, I used a towel to cover with his intimate zone, because the privacy and dignity of the Clients is very important to me, I did not want to make the Client felt embarrassed, worried. During the tour the Clients, noticed clothes lies on the floor so I put them back in the cabinet of client, I informed (Kelly) HCA about the incident remind her no name on the clients clothes.

Reflection of the structure of the health service in Ireland and legislation governing care of a person in residential care

I used a hoist and transported the Client in accordance with the manual handling

(Manual Handling Regulations The Safety Health & Welfare at Work (General Applications) Regulations 2007) in which I have been trained on the course Healthcare support in LOETB w Tullamore

Care Support Learner Record Day 2

Learner Name (please print):ADAM NAWROCKI Date: 27/01/2017

Reflection on relationships that develop in care work

On the second day of my practice I found out that I will assists with another person (Mary) HCA but it got a bigger impression on me because I felt comfortable, I knew what to do and where to go. HCA was surprised at my pace of work and freedom actions. The day passed me very quickly what I was surprised

Identification of interpersonal issues that can arise in care work such as recognising diversity and individuality in clients, families and co-workers

On the second day I was asked to feed the Client during the breakfasts, I agreed without queries. When I went to his room, I noticed that it is entirely dependent, problems with communication with paralyzed left side of the body, difficulty swallowing gentle movement right hand. After a while reflection I decided to get acquainted with the Documentation patient before proceeding to feeding.

Effective reflection on own interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness as a care worker and highlight personal strengths and weaknesses.

On the second day of my practice, I tried to be a man building reliable and trustworthy relationships with clients, while using the other method of matching communication as eye contact, body language, holding a hand, comforting. My weak side is not finished yet with the full course HCA and do not have the knowledge needed me to determine the difference between theory and practice in the organization. Individual strengths that have helped me perform his work in the highest level e.g. caring, friendly, communicative and focused.

Completions of detailed skills audit (provide brief overview for the day here and include more detail in the Skills Audit Template)

I started the day with (Mary) HCA assisted to her the morning toilet with several Clients, I assisted to Clients at breakfast, transporting clients to the toilet, daily room for activities, I assisted at lunch and dinner, transporting Clients to their rooms and just finished my second day practice in the organization.

Observations on the experience of receiving guidance and direction, and giving and receiving feedback

Today at dinner time I has been approved by the client to assist with his meal he give me guidance to help slowly. I did this and he enjoy his meal he thank me and I thanked him for co-operative.

Reflection of interpersonal care work skills and procedures for safeguarding privacy and dignity of clients’ and caring for clients’ property

Today in the living room I was asked by a client for keep an eye spectacles and beauticians clients box, because she had to go to the toilet. After the coming of the toilet she thanked me for caring about her things.

Reflection of the structure of the health service in Ireland and legislation governing care of a person in residential care

Every time when I assist at the client I use PPE and use the method of 5 moment hand hygiene (The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, Infection Control) to protect ourselves and the people around me.

Care Support Learner Record Day 3

Learner Name (please print): ADAM NAWROCKI Date: 02/02/2017

Reflection on relationships that develop in care work

I started the third day with (Ann) HCA I assisted to her the morning toilet with several Clients. Ann was stressed because of the previous day and negatively approaches to their duties. I tried to comfort her arouse her positive thinking. After some time, regained smile on her face. She felt at ease and we could continue our work. Day passed me very quickly.

Identification of interpersonal issues that can arise in care work such as recognising diversity and individuality in clients, families and co-workers

I was asked to assists clients with the toilet, and was informed by the Client does not allow assistants client was completely dependent, assisting the client yelled at me, I toned down my voice to calm down and I informed, this is my work and wants to help her, after a while she calmed down. When I finished I was pleased with myself and ended with this situation in an appropriate manner.

Effective reflection on own interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness as a care worker and highlight personal strengths and weaknesses.

When I acted as assistant HCA during the hours of activity, I observed that it I can mobilize Clients to team work as well as to the effort required during exercises. On this day, my weak side was that with not focused on one client because I had served 10 people in the low time.

Completion of detailed skills audit (provide brief overview for the day here and include more detail in the Skills Audit Template)

Check the Skills Audit Table at the Back.

Observations on the experience of receiving guidance and direction, and giving and receiving feedback

On the third day of my practice has been praised by the CNM for the work they carry out has been evaluated for its own contribution to job, punctuality. They say that I am doing good in my work and I am improving and I thank them and told them it is because they taught me well.

Reflection of interpersonal care work skills and procedures for safeguarding privacy and dignity of clients’ and caring for clients’ property

I noticed while sorting clothes in the wardrobe of a Client were mistaken for someone else’s. Some clothing are in the wrong wardrobe, so I decided to fix the problem and brought the right clothing to the right owner’s wardrobe.

Reflection of the structure of the health service in Ireland and legislation governing care of a person in residential care

Every time when I assist the Client I check risk assessment to lest my client to fell safe and protect self from any cases ( Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (2005) Risk Assessment).

Care Support Learner Record Day 4

Learner Name (please print): ADAM NAWROCKI Date: 03/02/2017

Reflection on relationships that develop in care work

On the fourth day of my practice I assisted with another person (Sharon) HCA, after the morning assists in the each of Clients I learned from her that I will assisted on the southern masses organized for Clients.I started to transport the clients into the Daily room where was to be carried out mass. After the mass, the Priest talking to me about my work, I answered him that I am on the practice and in the future I would like to perform this work depends on me for this to be able to help and care for people in their everyday life. Priest lent me good luck in getting qualifications and find a job so I thanked him.

Identification of interpersonal issues that can arise in care work such as recognising diversity and individuality in clients, families and co-workers

On the fourth day I observed that customer Paul has problems with memory and orientation in the environment, I learned from the nurse the Client has Alzheimer’s disease. Client is a person subsidiary which requires assistance in the toilet, I thought that the conversation n and during his walks, allow me to build relationships and trust between me and him. I learned also that causes problems in the toilet (aggressive), my confidence which I will give in the future to assist him without any problems.

Effective reflection on own interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness as a care worker and highlight personal strengths and weaknesses.

My good strengths, know how to use the equipment to transport people (hoist) and my weak side is that I have to wait for someone so I had used it, the law requires using a hoist two people.

Completion of detailed skills audit (provide brief overview for the day here and include more detail in the Skills Audit Template)

Check the Skills Audit Table at the Back.

Observations on the experience of receiving guidance and direction, and giving and receiving feedback

I have been praised by the daughter of the Client whom I am caring in the days of my practice. I have been informed that her mother is very satisfied with my work. I answered her that I am pleased with her opinion of me, because this is very important for me to know and it makes me happy that I am improving and that I know that my client is very satisfied with the duties that I have performed well in my work.

Reflection of interpersonal care work skills and procedures for safeguarding privacy and dignity of clients’ and caring for clients’ property

With the assistance of the Client to the toilet, I noticed that he had trouble with walking frame, I saw the does not belong to him but to another Clients, so I went to exchange for the relevant who was in his room.

Reflection of the structure of the health service in Ireland and legislation governing care of a person in residential care

Sometimes when I’m not sure what problems have my Client I use documentation which is a sharing in the nurses’ station for service users (Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003)

Care Support Learner Record Day 5

Learner Name (please print): ADAM NAWROCKI Date: 09/01/2017

Reflection on relationships that develop in care work

I started my fifth day, with the (Polly) HCA. She is the new employee in the organization. She asked me if I could show her work looks like in the workplace, so we started from the morning toilet of a few Clients, then asked her to assist at breakfast at Betty clients. Switchable transported the Clients to daily room. We gave coffee tea for Clients, came time for dinner, I showed Polly which the client must assist and where not, after dinner we transported some Clients to toilets and move again to daily room for activities, the time going so fast and I finish my fifth day of my practice.

Identification of interpersonal issues that can arise in care work such as recognising diversity and individuality in clients, families and co-workers

On the fifth day I assisted clients with bathing, I observed the client has trouble maintaining balance, so I asked HCA (Polly) for help, I wanted to be sure the client does not fall to me if her will I bath.

Effective reflection on own interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness as a care worker and highlight personal strengths and weaknesses.

Fast accommodation in the workplace, teamwork, punctuality, loyalty these are my strengths which we make use, my weak side is that I am only a man and I can not to look at the suffering of another man selflessly.

Completion of detailed skills audit (provide brief overview for the day here and include more detail in the Skills Audit Template)

Check the Skills Audit Table at the Back.

Observations on the experience of receiving guidance and direction, and giving and receiving feedback

I have been called for an interview with the CNM has informed me of the management is very pleased with the work which is performed and offered me collaborating asked me belonged to the agency CPL because organization works with them, I replied with a thank you for the feedback and suggestions and point I would like to work.

Reflection of interpersonal care work skills and procedures for safeguarding privacy and dignity of clients’ and caring for clients’ property

The client asked me to rang her phone to her son, I called gave her the phone to talk in peace and got out of her room to respect her privacy. After a finite conversation she called buzzer so I went to her asked me plugged the phone to the charger, I plugged her phone and I asked if something needs, she answer with thanks for my help.

Reflection of the structure of the health service in Ireland and legislation governing care of a person in residential care

In the place of my practice I co-operative with people from different cultures, who speak different languages, religions, ages, races and I’m from outside from Ireland and English is not my first language, I don’t feel discriminate (The Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 outlaw discrimination in a wide range of employment and employment-related areas).

Learner Signature

Care Support Skills Audit Template

Learner Name (please print): ADAM NAWROCKI Date: 27/02/2017

Personal Skills

Skills I hope to learn/ improve upon in the workplace

How I will improve these skills

Benefits of these skills to an employer or to a workplace

1. Understanding

Understanding the aspects of my job.

Not make a mistakes going true with the rules company.

2. Personal Hygiene

General Rules in the

Healthcare Sector

Use PPE every each Clients.

Wash the hand, recycle waste.

Prevent Infectious Agent

(Staff, Clients, People around me).

3. Cooperative

Cooperative is my advantage, in everyday life collaborates in private and professional life.

I always try to cooperate with respect to staff and my


4. Time Keeping

I start to work on time.

Fit in time for the implementation of my work place.


Interpersonal Skills

Skills I hope to learn/ improve upon in the workplace

How I will improve these skills

Benefits of these skills to an employer or to a workplace

1. Effective Listening


Listening Staff, Clients to understand them needs.

Effective listening gives me the opportunity to understand how it should look like properly performed work.

2. Verbal Communication

I speak with Client to build relationships, trust with them.

Conversation with the Client to satisfy their needs, it is a benefit for staff or employer.

3. Non Verbal


Use different method of communication e.g. (body language, eye contact) for Clients with speech disability.

Creativity is my asset who I would like to be used in my workplace to improve the quality of the company and Clients.

4. Trustworthy

I try to be a person reliable and trustworthy to build relationships with my Clients and service users.

I behave loyally in relation to my employer; the duties entrusted to perform due diligence and reliability.


Practical Skills

Skills I hope to learn/ improve upon in the workplace

How I will improve these skills

Benefits of these skills to an employer or to a workplace

1. Observation

Watching how the doing work right, shadowing my mentor

Observation Clients, any situation to not doing mistakes.

2. Hand Hygiene

5 Moments for Hand Hygiene I know how doing.

Prevent Infectious Agent

(Staff, Clients, People around me).

3. Assisting

Assisting with my mentor with the Client’s needs

(ADL, s).

I will be able to doing job in the future.

4. Risk Asses

Attention for details keeping eyes for any issues.

Motivation to keeping work place safe for service users and residents.


Technical Skills

Skills I hope to learn/ improve upon in the workplace

How I will improve these skills

Benefits of these skills to an employer or to a workplace

1. Team Work

Working with service users

To build trust and relationships.

Good atmosphere in the work place be a friendly

2. IT/Epicare

Mentor show me epicare software how use and for what.

Ergonomics in the workplace, fast access to patient data is an asset knowledge of the system

3. Hoist/Slide Sheet

Manual Handling, my mentor explain show my how use correct hoist and slide sheet.

I will be a able to use the Hoist and Slide Sheet because I have already Manual Handling Certificate

4. Customer Service

Speak with the Client Family

Communication, Customer Skills will be very important in the work place to keep ergonomic on the higher standards.

Learner Signature


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Reflective practice is as a medium for an individual’s reflective capacity to be communicated and examined both internally and externally. Self directed learning is emphasised through reflective writing as students engage in a more holistic approach which uncovers the reasons behind their actions.

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