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Promoting regional and global disease prevention

Info: 302 words (1 pages) Nursing and Healthcare Question
Published: 11th Feb 2020

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How do we continue to promote regional and global disease prevention?


The spread of communicable diseases remains an ongoing global threat, and the UK is not immune to the rapid transmission of infection. Recent examples of cases like the Zika virus throughout the Americas and managing anti-microbial resistance within the UK and Europe demonstrate the World Health Organization’s (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) desires to raise awareness of the need to manage these risks globally. Malaria also remains a global health threat that places countries with high rates of tourism and immigration. As the UK seeks to manage its domestic health and social care concerns following its recent political restructuring, global health concerns cannot be ignored. Collaboration will be needed with the EU and global health organisations to respond to pandemics and epidemics affecting the UK, EU and the world. Immigration may contribute to the potential for the spread of disease, with many immigrant population members not receiving the same access and exposure to education and preventative efforts. Managing these risks will require a collaborative approach across the UK and the EU to respond to immediate threats, allocate funding to needed areas and to secure the future of research in this area. Some researchers have suggested that the Brexit may present additional challenges for health and social care researchers due to potentially unforeseen restrictions on the dissemination of findings derived from studies throughout the EU. These restrictions may ultimately hinder disease prevention efforts. Promoting collaborative health care throughout the EU and the world will serve as a high priority in the future.



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