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Describe two pieces of legislation relating to the safe care of individuals

Info: 231 words (1 pages) Nursing and Healthcare Question
Published: 11th Feb 2020

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Describe two pieces of legislation relating to the safe care of individuals


The Care Act 2014 provides the legislative framework relating to the provision of care and support for adults. The legislation will not only give rights and provide guidance to the person in care, but also the carer.

The provisions set out how an individual’s care and support requirements are to be met. The central theme in the act is the “wellbeing principle” which ensures the local council prioritise individual’s well-being and cater for different people’s needs.

The aim of the Care Act 2014 is to allow individuals, as far as possible, to be independent and have control over their own lives.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides a legal framework for individuals with reduced mental capacity. The act aims to protect and empower individuals with reduced mental capacity, who perhaps cannot make decisions about their treatment or care.

The act will aim to ensure the individual is at the heart of the decision-making process, and all decisions are made with their best interests considered. The act also allows individuals to plan ahead in the event they do lack mental capacity later in their lives.

In order for the legislation to be applicable, the individual must undergo a capacity assessment.



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