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Working In The Nursing Profession

Info: 2328 words (9 pages) Nursing Essay
Published: 11th Feb 2020

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The decision making framework was developed by the ANMC to assist nurses to recognise their scope and to consider their knowledge and experience when making care decisions. The purpose of the framework is aimed to ensure that nurses/enrolled nurses’ work safely and within their scope and make consistent decisions.

When using the decision-making framework, differences in education, experience, individual competence and the context of practice must be taken into consideration. In other words, what we do in our day-to-day work must ‘fit’ within our own individual level of education, our competence, within the context of where we are practicing, and within the legal and professional framework. It is vital to understand the standard of principles when using the practice framework as it may be called to account for in some practice decisions circumstances.

The National Framework also includes decision-making tools which can be used to provide guidance and support for enrolled nurses to makes decisions about and within their scope of practice. It also enables the nurse to stimulate discussion regarding emerging issues and contribute in group discussions.

As an Enrolled Nurse there codes, guidelines and ANMC Competency Standards that must be followed. These codes and guidelines provide us with the framework for assessing our competence, as well as informing us of what behaviours, attitudes and the general conduct that we will be expected. Therefore it is important that we understand the professional codes and guidelines that govern the nursing profession before participating in the delivery of nursing care to patients and residents.

Together, these codes, guidelines and standards make up a framework for accountable and responsible nursing practice and ensure that the individual nurse maintains his or her competence to practice and act within the legal and ethical basis.


A. The Nursing and Midwifery Continuing Profession Development Registration Standard document outlines the requirements necessary to meet the continuing professional development standards.

The document contributes to our life-long learning by encouraging the development of nurses and other health professions. In order to continue professional development, all nurses are required to:

Participate in at least 20 hours of continuing nursing professional development per year.

One hour of active learning will equal one hour of CPD; examples of CPD include involvement in a professional body or interest groups, courses or further education or research.

Keep written documentation of CPD that demonstrates evidence of completion of a minimum of 20 hours of CPD per year.

It is our responsibility as nurses to maintain, improve and broaden our knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop the personal and professional qualities required throughout our professional lives. Not only does this benefit us as nurses, but also our patients or clients and other professionals.

With the understanding of this document and continuing professional development we are able keep up to date with the rapidly changing health care environment and extend our career further as nurses.


Nursing theory is important to nursing practice as it provides a foundation for establishing evidence-based practice in nursing care. It aids and guides nurses in assessing, identifying the needs and problems of the patient, or explaining patient conditions. Nursing theory has many useful purposes for nursing practice such as assessment, establishing a care plan, implementation of medical interventions and evaluation and directing nursing research.

A great example is Florence Nightingale. She is the most recognised name in the history of nursing. Her theories focused on the holistic approach to patient care, emphasizing on the patient’s psychological and human needs and providing a clean environment for the patient.

To utilize this theory in the nursing practice, the nurse would provide clean environment and maintain hygiene to prevent infection.

Although so many aspects of nursing have changed since Florence Nightingale’s era, her theories and many other theories will also remain an integral part of nursing and healthcare today.


Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)

The Nursing Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) is the legally constituted body in Australia responsible for:

Registering nursing and midwifery practitioners and students

Developing standards, codes and guidelines for the nursing and midwifery professions

Handling notifications, complaints, investigations and disciplinary hearings

Assessing overseas trained practitioners who wish to practise in Australia and,

Approving accreditation standards and accredited courses of study.

The National Board works in partnership with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) to keep the public safe by ensuring that the public has access to qualified and competent nurses and midwives to provide nursing and midwifery care.

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC)

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council is the accreditation authority responsible for accrediting education providers and programs of study for the nursing and midwifery profession.

Australian Nursing Federation (ANF)

The ANF is the national union for nurses, midwives and assistants in nursing. It advocates for nurses, midwives and assistants in nursing who face challenges such as a frustration with the health system, not enough money, underfunded hospitals, not enough nurses, midwives or beds, and not enough time to spend with patients and residents

Royal College of Nursing Australia (RCNA)

ACN is a national membership organisation open to nurses and nursing students in all areas of the profession.

ACN contributes to the enhancement of the nursing profession in many ways, including:

Supporting members in their continuing professional development

Keeping members up-to-date with critical issues affecting the nursing professions

Administering over $20 million in Australian Government and ACN-funded scholarships every year to address nursing workforce issues, promote the importance of professional development activities and create ongoing educational opportunities for nurses and nursing students across Australia

Offering a series of honours and awards to recognise excellence within the nursing profession.


National competency standards for the enrolled nurse

The national competency standards for the enrolled nurse are the core competency standards by which your performance may be assessed to retain your license to practice as an enrolled nurse in Australia.

These core competency standards also provide a framework for enrolled nurses in assessing their performance. They may also be used to assess nurses returning to work after breaks in service and assessing nurses in professional conduct.

Code of ethics for nurses in Australia

This Code of ethics outlines the importance of nurses “recognising, respecting, actively promoting and safeguarding the right of all people to the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental human right”. NMBA

It contains eight value statements which all nurses and students of nursing are encouraged to use as a guide when reflecting on clinical practice.

The purpose of the Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia is to:

Identify the fundamental ethical standards and values to which the nursing profession is committed, and that are incorporated in other endorsed professional nursing guidelines and standards of conduct

Provide nurses with a reference point from which to reflect on the conduct of themselves and others

Guide ethical decision making and practice

Indicate to the community the human rights standards and ethical values it can expect nurses to uphold.

Code of professional conduct for nurses in Australia

The Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses is the standard in which a person should behave in the nursing profession. The nursing profession expects that nurses will conduct themselves personally and professionally in a way that will maintain public trust and con¬dence in the profession.

The purpose of the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia is to:

Set an expected national standard of conduct for the nursing profession,

Inform the community of the standards for professional conduct of nurses in Australia, and

Provide consumer, regulatory, employing and professional bodies with a basis for decisions regarding standards of professional conduct.

Principles for the Assessment of National Competency Standards

The purpose of this document is to provide a resource for people assessing the competence

of nurses and for nurses whose performance is undergoing assessment. The information

provided in this document is designed to give guidance when assessing competence against

the Australian Nursing Council National Competency Standards for Registered and Enrolled


The assessment process is important in:

Determining the eligibility for registration or enrolment of people who have undertaken nursing courses in Australia;

Determine the eligibility for registration or enrolment of people who wish to practice in Australia but have undertaken nursing courses elsewhere;

Assess nurses who wish to return to work after being out of the workforce for a defined period; and

Assessing qualified nurses who are required to show they are fit to continue working


Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC)

Enrolled Nurse Accreditation Standards

This document outlines the standards and criteria for the Accreditation of Nursing and Midwifery Courses Leading to Registration, Enrolment and Authorisation in Australia. The framework establishes a process, within which courses are granted recognition and approval.

National Accreditation Framework

The purposes of a framework for professional course accreditation:

The primary purpose of external professional accreditation of nursing and midwifery courses is to ensure that graduates who have achieved agreed professional standards, and to provide assurance that every graduate has in fact achieved the agreed standards. A secondary purpose of professional course accreditation is to enable continuous improvement in the quality of professional education.

The purpose of the National Accreditation Framework:

Creating a process for accrediting courses that is nationally consistent or that operates within a national framework and facilitating the consistency in assessing overseas applicants for registration or enrolment with criteria for local graduates in all Australian jurisdictions.

Australian Nursing Federation (ANF)

Performance review

Performance review and development systems are sets of guidelines for enhancing employee performance, identifying and strengthening staff development activities, cultivating management and staff relationships, and identifying career development opportunities for staff.

Higher Education Indicator Framework

Discuss about the Australian Government’s agenda for higher education and its support of these proposed measures to form an indicator framework for higher education performance:

• To increase the number of Australians with bachelor-level qualifications

• To increase the higher education participation of people from underrepresented groups

• To enhance engagement and thus improve student outcomes, and

• To improve the quality of learning and teaching.

Royal College of Nursing Australia (RCNA)

Privacy Policy

Purpose is to ensure the College collects, manages, uses and discloses personal information in accordance with all relevant legislation and standards as outlined in the document.

Safe Working Practices in Clinical rooms.

Purpose is to minimise work place injuries within the clinical rooms. They are set up to resemble a typical hospital environment and, as such, are prone to similar hazards that can occur in a hospital environment. This policy is applicable to all staff and students who undertake classes in the Clinical rooms.


Employment Opportunities

– Health services websites/ directing calling the organisation

– Department of Health website

– Recruitment Agencies

– Nursing Agencies

Requirements for Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Examples of possible interview questions

– What made you choose nursing as a career?

– How has your training prepared you for a nursing career?

– What do you find difficult about being a nurse?

– How would you handle a patient who constantly complains about pain?

Professional development opportunities for an EN

– Many employers offer in-service programs

– Short courses and educational forums through public and private providers

– For nurses wishing to specialise there are a range of postgraduate courses available


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