Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care

Modified: 11th Feb 2020
Wordcount: 2971 words

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Safeguarding is aimed at protecting vulnerable children or adults from abuse and neglect in all situations. Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the wellbeing of people of all ages and protect them from harm. It means to protect people from abuse and from getting mistreated and preventing harm to children’s health or development, as a child they should never suffer from any mistreatment as they may affect their health and well-being and their future and how they achieve in life and see things in different perspectives and views

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The Children Act 2004 determines parental responsibility and motivates partnership with parents. This Act basically reinforces the message that all organisations and communities that work with children have a goal in keeping children safe by using the safeguarding policy. The Children Act provides a legislative that improves a children life. Once turned 18 it is considered as a legal adult which means they are responsible for their actions and decisions. Children’s Hearings and child protection orders, a child is defined as a young person under 16 years of age.

The Care Act 2014 sets out how legally the frame works and for how local authorities the system protects the adults at the risk of abuse and mistreatments because it has been set the tension that many neglects and abuse have occurred during the years and the system has done something about it to protect the adults from suffering, they have made requirements for them to support every adult with the care needed when they sense that abuse is taking apart and that there is a risk of it happening so they need to find out what actions may be needed.

Section 2- protecting individuals

Abuse may take up to many forms for example physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse and discriminatory abuse. These type of abuses are the 4 most common, to identify Possible Indicators of Physical Abuse they may be Multiple bruising the victim might be trying to hide bruises by wearing unusual type of clothes such as long sleeves and turtle neck tops. Fractures and Burns the individual may give different excuses every time they appear.

Bed sores most often develop on skin that covers bony areas of the body, such as the heels, ankles, hips and tailbone. Bedsores are caused by pressure against the skin that limits blood flow to the skin. Constant pressure on any part of your body can lessen the blood flow to tissues. Fear, when the individual afraid of doing certain things or say, scared to get in trouble, Depression and Unexplained weight loss.

The Possible Indicators of Neglect Are Malnutrition which is lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat. When an individual is self-neglecting there are some noticeable indicators such as untreated medical problems, Bed sores and Confusion.

Indicators of Emotional Abuse Are Fear such as scared to admit how they feeling or scared of consequences. Depression as well as if they are constantly overreacting may mean something is wrong. Confusion, the individual can’t tell right from wrong or gets simple things or tasks mixed up. Loss of sleep which can lead into Unexpected or unexplained change in behaviour

Possible indicators of Discriminatory Abuse. This type of Abuse can be experienced as harassment, insults or similar actions due to race, religion, gender, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation. The most known indicator in this Abuse is loss in appetite, low self-esteem, deference, unexplained fear, defensiveness, emotional withdrawal, sleep disturbance and self-harming behaviour.

If there is a situation where the carer suspect abuse of an individual but they haven’t actually said anything, there are a number of steps to take. The carer should Continue to talk to the individual, most individual who are being abused find it very difficult to talk about it. By having conversations with the individual creating trust so the individual feels comfortable to communicate. Keeping a diary, this is a good way to keep a note of what the carer thinks are something or any other concerns, it can also help to spot patterns of behaviour. Talking to people who are friends/ family of the individual asking for any unusual behaviour or concerns. Getting other people perspective may help the situation. Be supportive at most times to avoid the individual feel bad about it. Stay close to the alleged victim to provide some sense of physical security.


Training and responsibilities

Whistleblowing is the act of reporting a concern about a risk, wrongdoing at work and in public interest, which is very essential to reporting straight away as soon as seen. Training of staff is crucial to support good practices and procedures and know what to do when there is any problems occurring and how to treat the patients. Carers will have to report to their manager. The manager will decide whether the concerns warrant a referral to another agency such as NSPCC and the police will assess if the individual is at immediate risk of harm or in need. In most cases the individual and family of concern need support. Services will work with the family, not against them. Unless the level of risk requires the courts to get involved immediately, care proceedings will only start after extensive efforts are made to keep the family members with their family by working with them to address any risks. It is a responsibility to take if any concerns are being raised and report immediately or whistleblowing which gives the manager an opportunity to put things right before any risks are taken place.


Section 3 – Safeguarding and self 


Carers have a different types of roles about safeguarding. They can be ones that will notice and report it right away as themselves may be vulnerable to harm and abuse. Carers may be involved in situations that require a safeguarding response including witnessing or speaking up about abuse or neglect which can be really tough to report. Carers have to demonstrate the importance of ensuring individuals are treated with dignity and respect when providing health and care services. Facing intentional or unintentional harm from the adult they are trying to support or from professionals or groups they are in contact with unintentionally or intentionally harming or neglecting the adult they care on their own or with others.

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They are many risks that increases in relative to abuse of carers themselves for example risk of abuse increases when the carer is isolated and not getting any practical or emotional support from their family, friends, professionals or even paid care staff. Possible situations where abuse of carers is more likely comprise those where the person supported has health and care necessities that exceed the carer’s facility to meet them does not consider the needs of the carer or family members treats the carer with a lack of respect or manners rejects help and support from outside, including breaks refuses to be left alone by day or by night. Control over financial, property and living arrangements involves in abusive, aggressive or frightening behaviours has a history of affluence mistreatment, unusual or offensive behaviours does not understand their actions and their impact on the carer is angry about their situation and pursues to punish others for it has wanted help or support but did not meet thresholds for this.

Section 4 – Professional practice

The main goal of a safeguarding adults is to make sure that through safeguarding arrangements partners act to help and protect adults in its area who meet the criteria set out in the Care Act 2014. These boards promote information sharing between workers and organisations to make sure that the care meets all of the needs of the individual. If a worker has concerns they must share the information with the managers or report to the office and build up a full picture and discuss in detail the individual’s situation. Carers will need to find out from the manager, service users’ needs so they can make arrangements and keep the main goal intact.

Managers make decisions by following what is agreed locally and by their workplace as the threshold, or the point at which something becomes a safeguarding issue. For example, they are short on staff on a busy day shift regardless of to find a replacement, may not be seen as a safeguarding issue in this work placement but in another situation where individuals have specified needs and many other multiple needs, this may be seen as a problem or even a risk to people’s health and wellbeing and a safeguarding concern. If this service user needs assistance a worker from the office should make their way to the services user house and take care of the users’ needs.

Partnership working allows services to be delivered in a joined-up way. This has benefits both strategically, in terms of providing a well-balanced service which shows service users that they are competent in what they are doing also this shows everyone in general that they can be trusted as in for example if someone needs urgent care they know there is plenty of staff to come by and get her needs sorted in time. Through coming together and focusing on a common goal which is keeping service users happy and safe, a shared vision is formed of what partners want to achieve and how they want to achieve it which they will be able to come into a conclusion and achieve as soon as possible. Service users most likely influence the service.

Section 4 – part 2

A breach of confidentiality starts when confidential information is not allowed to be shared by the person who provided it or to whom it relates, putting said person in danger or causing them embarrassment or pain, this may cause serious problem to the person that shared the information. It’s not a breach of confidentiality if the information was provided on the understanding that it would be shared with a limited number of people, or where there was consent to the sharing. Confidential information should only be shared with professional managers in case of concerns to the individual or to someone that has been mention to in the case. if it’s in the public interest for example where not sharing it could be worse than the outcome of doing so. The decision should never be made as an individual, but with the backup of managers, who can provide support, and sometimes ensure protection.

There are three criteria for sharing information without consent, or overriding refusal to give consent which are where there is evidence that an individual is suffering, or is at risk of suffering, significant harm in these cases it is necessary to tell someone professional to insure that the individual is being safeguarded. Where there is reasonable cause to believe that the individual is or may be suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm. To prevent significant harm arising to children and young people or serious harm to adults, including the prevention, detection and prosecution of serious crime.

Confidential information is ‘personal information of a private or sensitive nature’ that is not already lawfully in the public domain or readily available from another public source and has been shared in a relationship where the person giving the information could reasonably expect it would not be shared with others. Staff can be said to have a ‘confidential relationship’ with families. Some families share information about themselves readily and should be consulted about whether this information is confidential or not. Where third parties share information about an individual, staff need to check if that is confidential, both in terms of the subject sharing the information and the person whom the information concerns. Confidential information before sharing the individual should take notice that whatever is been said will be taken into consideration which if there is anything concerning as safeguarding the staff has the right to report it to the head managers to make sure they are safe.

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Content relating to: "safeguarding"

Safeguarding means to prevent an accident, injury or maltreatment of other people. The term safeguard is used to describe the things we do to stop something from happening, and the actions we take to continuously stop someone from getting injured or abused.

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