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US Healthcare Regulations and Laws

Info: 2073 words (8 pages) Nursing Essay
Published: 11th Feb 2020

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Regulatory agencies are at present influencing the industry of Health Care. There is a great deal displeasure above the existing healthcare situation in the USA. A regulatory agency is a body of government mandated or formed beneath the tenure of a legislative act to make certain conformity with the requirements of the act, and in executing its function. Regulatory agency surveys within organizations are performed to improve the business in addition to its employees. The intention of the regulatory surveys is to spotlight on those areas that needs growth in addition to endorse superior access of health care to the community people. Regulatory agencies serve up as authority to control laws by the government. Several instances of regulatory agencies are AHRQ, FDA and OSHA. There are numerous instances of regulations and laws that are at present being complied in health care. Health care regulations analysis assists one to realize their effects on the supplier. There are several ways that regulations and laws have an effect on our community lives.

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The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Food and Drug Administration (AHRQ), is an agency of federal beneath Health & Human Services working to advance the effectiveness, quality and safety of health care. The FoodandDrugAdministration [FDA] is accountable for the oversight of medical devices, drugs, blood products vaccines, and biologics, instituting the rules for clinical trials, testing, and authorizations of new products. The Occupational Safety Health Administration [OSHA] agency monitors and institutes regulations of safety regarding all workers as well as health care workers. OSHA affords inspections on-site to assess hazards of workplace, inspect accidents and offer educational materials to endorse safety of workplace, for instance, regulations for operational in hot weather.

While the majority concurs that reform of health care in the course of laws and regulations is essential, policymakers deliberate whether reform must be comprehensive or incremental. There are as well questions regarding whether precedence must be given to financing system reforming or to improving delivery of organization. The regulatory agencies will as well aid in the efforts of reforming being prepared to health care reform throughout a comprehensive and incremental reform, in addition to discuss the circumstances that may make financing probable. One existing regulation of Health care inside the Department of Health and Human Services concerning group health plans and health care issues is the Patient Protection and Affordability Act. States are in need of the Affordability Act law to increase their Medicaid programs to further low income persons and families as well as those up to 133% of the line of poverty. Within the Affordability Care Act a further legislation which comprises preventative health services for instance sterilization procedures, contraceptive methods, counseling for women and patient education have an effect on health care community and the health care professional (Federal Register, 2012).

Within the Health Care Reform Act, The Affordability Care requires all state to broaden their Medicaid to include their populations of low income groups. The states that don’t broaden their programs of Medicaid would lose funds of Federal Medicaid which they are employing currently for their programs. “The federal government in 2014, would shell out the state’s entire cost of the Medicaid expansion. [Hight (2012)] The share of federal cost will be steadily reduced till it attains 90% of the cost of the states in 2020” (p. 1). Expansion of Medicaid was conventionally for disabled, low income parents, children, and the pregnant women nevertheless with the extension to cover poor adults with no children living with them and childless adults would be included. The Supreme Court has recently ruled that states who opts out of the programs of expansion; will lose the funds of federal for the expansion, but will obtain the financing for their existing programs. The execution of this law would aid providers of Health Care for instance clinics and hospitals providing care to those person in need devoid of rising their operation loss in view of the individuals not having any insurance.

“Medicaid at present cover ups 60 million people, and the Affordable Care Act will expand eligibility to millions beginning in 2014” (Sommers (2012) p.1). The other legislation in the Affordable Care Act comprises preventative health services for instance sterilization procedures, contraceptive methods, and counseling for women and patient education devoid of cost sharing affects health care community and the health care professional. Other services in this law that would be covered for women would comprise an annual well being checkup, counseling on domestic violence and screening for illness that source diabetes and cervical cancer through pregnancy. Some organizations under the legislation may perhaps not cover the birth control. There may perhaps be amendment that would cover those for instance religious employers which has a religious values inculcation, it chiefly employs and serves up those with the similar religious tenets, and local non-profit organization. The law would be relevant to all birth control contraceptives that are endorsed by the Food and Drug administration. Numerous religious organization in 2013 were fighting for the execution of the law as they have effect on those women after consuming RU-486 abortion pills in the morning and feel that they shouldn’t have consume them owing to their religious views. A Guttmacher study found that 100% of evangelicals and 98% of sexually lively Catholic women almost have utilized contraception measures at some point, compared to 99% of overall women” (Aizenman (2011) p.12). At present Medicaid cover ups birth control contraceptives at no extra cost to the receiver. Currently in the national news media there is a dispute whether religious organizations with employees will have to provide contraception programs devoid of a cost to their employees and the management did let insurers a few leeway in determining what they will in reality cover. The grandfathering of spiritual organizations may perhaps have an effect on those working in a church or a religious based hospital organization.

Incremental reform proposals often focus on financing. Their goal is to reduce the number of people uninsured. This can be done by employer mandates which mandate that all employers above some precise size criterion provide their employees’ health insurance which might or might not be convoyed by tax credits or subsidies to the organizations. There are advantages and disadvantages related to this kind of mandate. On the other hand, the expenditure of care for uninsured workers are habitually passed all along to the insured in the course of taxes, this sort of mandate may perhaps effect in loss of employment for workers who merely receive minimum wages. Subsides are an additional approach of incremental that would assist the uninsured, typically in the course of tax credits, to acquire insurance in the individual market. The benefit of this sort of approach is the raise of autonomy of choice and the reality that it does not encroach straightforwardly on the labor market.

Medicare and Medicaid programs are two additional approaches for reducing the figure of uninsured people. Enlarging these programs would engage elevating the level of income for Medicaid eligibility and age lowering for the Medicare eligibility. If working-age non-poor, people turn out to be entitled for these programs of public, there would most likely be a reduction in the figure covered up by insurance of employer-based and even in a few reductions in participation of labor-force. (Fuchs & Emanuel, 2005) For me being temporarily employed in a firm and being on temporary basis not covered under employer insurance, Medicare and Medicaid programs are a boon to me.

This kind of reform entitles for universal coverage, which offer with health insurance for each American. It is a great deal different from our existing system in relation to how providers would be repaid and how funds would be raised to finance the system. By assuming individual mandates and subsidies, each American will have health insurance that meet a few least standards and the government would offer tax credits or subsidies of income-related to the near-poor and poor to aid them acquire insurance in the individual market.

Whether the government chooses for comprehensive reform or an incremental one, there is no uncertainty that reform is required. Providing the best quality of care for all Americans ought to be the most important main concern every time while choosing upon which reform is most outstanding for our nation. With the financial system being in a recession and as a result several people losing their jobs, there is an instant requirement for a plan that will cover up with minimum wage paying jobs for individuals, in addition to those who are unemployed, and ought to be accessible and affordable to all. As a result, this proposal has conversed the diverse types of reforms being discussed and rendered ahead of our government with anticipations of instant completion and change. Despite the fact that both proposals appear better than the structure we at present have in place, it is very important that policymakers turn out to be more educated on the key issues that smother the progress of a operating healthcare system in our nation consequently that a new plan can be position into place to assure quality healthcare to all citizens of U.S..

These particular health care regulations and laws have influenced both my community and personal life. For instance, my family and several in my community have coverage under Obama Care and however their access to care is extremely restricted. There are no physicians within 20 miles of our place that accept Obama Care; consequently, they are countenanced to go exterior of their communities to obtain medical care.


Health care regulations and laws are in position to safeguard tall Americans rights from prospective risks of health whilst as well helping those Americans who are not capable to aid themselves. Regulatory agencies are at present affecting the Health Care industry. As technology persists to progress, subsequently will the need for regulatory agencies of federal to control health care organizations. The whole thing is further technology driven and health care organizations are progressively transitioning to electronic versions to decrease waste and construct information further available. It is our obligation to make certain we are following all laws and guidelines while treating patients to eradicate the chance of violating any rules and paying considerable fines. If laws and regulations of healthcare did not subsist, the industry of healthcare would be absolutely chaos. The industry of healthcare is one of the major industries in America; consequently, it merely makes sense that our government would be a great deal involved in it.


Birth Control Coverage proposed for most Health care Insurance Plans. Aizenman, N. C. (2011, July 19). Washington Post, pp. 10-13.

Health care vouchers-A proposal for universal coverage. Fuchs, V., Emanuel, E. (2005). New England Journal of Medicine 352, no. 12 1255-1260.

Group Health Plans and Health Insurance Insurers relating to Coverage of preventative Services under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Federal Register. (2012, February 15). 77(31).

Under Health Care Law stated consider refusing Medicaid Expanion. Hight, J. (2012). Health Care, 1-10.

Expanding Medicaid Cuts death rates: Study Finds. Krauskpof, L. (2012, July 2).CPF, pp. 1-4.

Michigan’s Medicaid Enrollment has Grwon More Rapidly Over the Last Decade than the National Average. Nicole, B. (2012, March 7). CRC , pp. p.1-4.

Expanding Medicaid to Low-Income Adults Leads to Improved Health:Fewer Deaths. Sommer, B. (2012). 1-5.


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