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Essay On Population Health

Info: 2793 words (11 pages) Nursing Essay
Published: 13th Apr 2021

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Population Health in Minnesota and Children's Hospitals


Population health is one of the emerging issues of healthcare. Population health ensures that people receive better care and treatments so that they do not get suffer. The final project is describing the importance of population health problems and solutions that all generalized populations understand how to treat patients and how to overcome the problems that people are currently suffering. Without the population health, all healthcare organizations would distrust themselves along with patients would not survive that they are suffering, and it would be difficult to explore the outcomes of the healthcare problems.

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There are several case studies of population health problems discovered in the State of Minnesota and ten Children’s Hospital in the United States. In the State of Minnesota, majority underserved population have difficulties to receive oral health care because of a lack of oral healthcare organizations and the oral health providers. By increasing oral healthcare facilities, the underserved populations can effectively treat their oral health conditions. Similarly, ten children’s hospital across the United States had difficulties to understand and define the population health. However, they have introduced population medicine so that they can instill others to understand population health and how they can serve to populations.

The significant aspects of the final projects are two of respective healthcare organizations, and two electronic health record system has taken population health project to improve supports and treatments towards populations across the nation. Having a significant impact on the population health educates us about the future health problems and how we can overcome the problems by addressing concerns to our healthcare providers so that we do not suffer the problems in future.

Population Health- Problems and Solutions

  Population health is one of the essential aspects of Health information technology. Population health defines health outcomes of groups and individuals across the population of a nation. It is used to determine the health outcome of the population. According to Swarthout & Bishop (2017), population health examines geographic regions that people live in, whether they are suffering from public health issues, and how the region cope with healthcare problems, which allows healthcare providers to intervene based on the geographic areas. The purpose of population health is to help healthcare providers understand population trends about public health and healthcare treatments, and will enable healthcare providers to improve and overcome the patients conditions. Another significant benefit of conducting research of population health within the healthcare organization is understanding how population health is an integral part of healthcare.

 Population health provides data on health outcomes of treatments and allows healthcare providers to deliver patient-centered care in a practical approach. The origin of use of population health dates back to World War II, when a group of epidemiologists had come up with the idea to determine social conditions that may have an effect on public health (Swarthout & Bishop, 2017). According to Bishop (2017), population health studies what different population of the nation face, such as unemployment, healthcare conditions and living standards, which could help the healthcare system in the United States. During World War II, the world saw a devastating loss of lives, financial breakdowns of participating countries, and increased medical conditions (Swarthout & Bishop, 2017). Population health alleviated the health outcome and reduced public crisis that every country was facing. Learning the importance of population health helps hospitals explore ideas about how to determine the outcome of diseases that are harming the population. In short, the rise in usage of population health data helped the medical society to reduce health conditions and guide people to live better lifestyles.

Population Health of Minnesota: Case Study 1

 The use of population health data has shown benefits to the population of the United States. In Minnesota, several oral healthcare organizations have delivered better oral healthcare to the underserved populations after finding that public health of oral hygiene was low (Brickle et al., 2016). Based on Brickle et al. (2016), significant underserved populations were not able to get care for their oral health problems because of a lack of dental providers and disparities in affordable care. Without dental providers or affordable care, these underserved population suffered several oral health problems. Because of this, Minnesota added more clinics and improved the health plans so more patients could receive care (Brickle et al., 2016). Due to increasing oral health problems in Minnesota, population health data showed that underserved patients required oral health insurance to pay for treatment and a need to be seen more often by dental providers. According to Brickle et al. (2016), local dental clinics have been set up to treat the underserved population in Minnesota. Above all, having population health benefits serves the purpose of treating the underserved population and improves the health outcomes of the entire population of Minnesota.

Population Health in Children’s Hospitals: Case Study 2

Population health data is not used in every hospital. Adult hospitals across the United States have a population health management program while most of the children hospitals do not (Skinner et al., 2018). The study has shown that interventions based on population health data in adult hospitals across the United States may be used to uncover the social determinants of health (Skinner et al., 2018). However, Skinner et al. (2018) stated that the majority of the children’s hospitals around the United States have fewer ways to formulate and define the impact of population health data on the population. It is because these children’s hospitals are confused about the difference between population health versus population medicine, and those two topics are different.

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Furthermore, these children’s hospitals are trying to define the population health data and how data applies to pediatric health to treat children from various diseases from which they suffer. In many cases, hospitals have failed to collect population health data in children’s hospitals, so the influence is inconclusive. To explore this, more than ten children’s hospitals across the United States participated in a research survey of the population (Skinner et al., 2018). In order to overcome various diseases, the researchers believed that it was essential for these ten children’s hospitals to introduce population health data collection within their systems to treat and serve the population of children. Based on Skinner et al. (2018), these ten children’s hospitals lack an understanding of population health and how the data would apply to the patient outcomes. Correspondingly, by introducing population health in these ten children hospitals, it may help the providers better understand the social determinants of their patients, which will improve the outcomes of patients (Skinner et al., 2018). By and large, instilling population health into numerous children’s hospitals are beneficial to improving the lifestyles of children and providing quality-based care.

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and their electronic health record system have embarked on the project of collecting population health data to deliver community-based care to their patients. The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and six other community health centers have been involved with the population health to support the patient groups and community (“BIDMC’s community health centers,” n.d.). This healthcare organization has been providing care to more than 90,000 patients across the State of Massachusetts. The vendor used by Beth Israel is the Open Notes electronic health record system (Chimowitz & Bell, 2018). The Open Notes electronic health record system has been working with population health data collectors to improve patient outcomes so that entire populations can benefit from receiving the best care from their providers (Chimowitz & Bell, 2018). In short, both Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and their vendor has been actively engaging with population health management.

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is an academic and teaching-based healthcare organization located in an urban area of Boston. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center serves more than 600,000 patients of different diverse groups (“About BIDMC,” n.d.). This also includes the births of 5,000 babies that are born in this respected healthcare organization (“About BIDMC,” n.d.). It is affiliated with Harvard Medical School and provides various types of medical services including primary care, gynecology, cardiology, hepatology and a wide range of other medical specialties to treat patients with different medical conditions (“About BIDMC,” n.d.). It has been engaged with the research of population health that helped populations of underserved, low-income communities that hope to improve healthcare treatments and provide affordable care (“BIDMC’s community health centers,” n.d.). This healthcare organization provides services that ensure that treatments are the most beneficial for patients. This healthcare organization provides the population health research data within the populations of underserved, low-income communities so that they can receive a variety of low-cost treatments from their healthcare coverage. Overall, the healthcare organization is helping their patient population to serve their needs.

 The electronic health record that is used by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) is Open Notes. The Open Notes electronic health record system has been part of this healthcare organization since 2010, and it is located within the BIDMC organization (“Our history,” n.d.). They have been in business for eight years, serving both providers and patients (“Our history,” n.d.). Initially, this electronic health record system was never merged with other electronic health record systems or other healthcare organizations. However, by the year 2018, the Open Notes electronic health record system is now serving other healthcare organizations across the United States (“Our history,” n.d.). According to Chimowitz (2018), the implementation of Open Notes and its has allowed patient data to be shared more comfortably, which allows providers and patients to easily access their medical records. Also, patients and providers of the BIDMC feel more open to this electronic health record system because of its simplicity; it is easy to add medical history, which improves patient satisfaction, and both patients and providers can share their notes (Chimowitz, 2018). In summary, having an electronic health record system helps improves the circulation of patient population data, which helps both hospitals and patients overall.

Another healthcare organization has embarked on the population health project which is the New York-based Mount Sinai hospital (“Facts and Figures,” n.d.). The electronic health record system which is Athena Health electronic health record system is also part of the population health research (“Our story,” n.d.). The Athena health is not working with Mount Sinai Hospital on this population health project. In brief, both Athena health electronic health record system and the Mount Sinai hospital have embarked with the population separately to engage with patients and providing community services to those who need the most.

Mount Sinai Hospital is a teaching hospital located in the urban area of New York. The Mount Sinai hospital is affiliated with Mount Sinai School of Medicine (“Facts and figures,” n.d.). It serves more than 3,000,000 patients, and more than 16,000 babies are born in a year in this hospital (“Facts and figures,” n.d.). This healthcare organization provides wide ranges of specialties to its patients to treat their health problems. According to Bresnick (2017), after the population health management introduced into different healthcare organizations to explore the outcomes for patients, Mount Sinai has introduced population health to treat diverse groups of patients. In order to reduce health issues, the population health was very significant to introduce within this renowned healthcare organization (Bresnick, 2017). With the help of population health, it can improve outcomes and patients lifestyle. In conclusion, by working with population health data will improve the effectiveness of medical treatments and providers can serve their patients to meet their goals.

Additionally, the electronic health record system that is responsible for the population data research is Athena health. The Athena Health electronic medical record system has been taken population health research to improve provider patients relationship (“Features and services,” n.d.). It increases the usability of population health data so that it can help to improve patients’ satisfaction and increase quality-based medical treatment to treat numerous health conditions (“Features and services,” n.d.). Athena Health is located in the city of Watertown, Massachusetts where it provides services to all healthcare organizations to improve the efficiency of electronic health record system and was created in 1997 (“Our story,” n.d.). Athena Health provides billing, helps to engage with patients by providers, coordinated medical care so that patients can check their health condition by their providers without losing times (“Features and services,” n.d.). Based on McKinney (2016), Athena Health provides training to medical providers so that patients can exchange their data with ease and engage with the medical care team effectively. In short, having the electronic health record vendor at healthcare organizations improves the population health so that all patients can be benefitted.


  • About BIDMC. (n.d.). Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Retrieved from https://www.bidmc.org/about-bidmc
  • BIDMC’s community health centers. (n.d.). Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Retrieved from: https://www.bidmc.org/about-bidmc/helping-our-community/community-initiatives/community-benefits/bidmcs-community-health-centers
  • Brickle, C. M., Beatty, S. M., & Thoele, M. J. (2016). Minnesota extends oral healthcare delivery to impact population health. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice, 16, 68-76. doi: 10.1016/j.jebdp.2016.01.018
  • Bresnick, J. (2017, December 4). Big data, PCP engagement aid Mount Sinai with population health. Health IT Analytics, Retrieved from: https://healthitanalytics.com/news/big-data-pcp-engagement-aid-mount-sinai-with-population-health
  • Chimowitz, H., & Bell, S. K. (2018, March 15). Helping caregivers help patients. OpenNotes, Retrieved from: https://www.opennotes.org/helping-caregivers-help-patients/
  • Facts and figures. (n.d.). Mount Sinai, Retrieved from: https://www.mountsinai.org/about/facts
  • Features and services. (n.d.). Athenahealth, Retrieved from: https://www.athenahealth.com/healthcare-solutions/population-health-solutions
  • McKinney, M. (2016, December 15). Five best practices for your next implementation. Athenahealth, Retrieved from: https://www.athenahealth.com/blog/2016/12/15/six-best-practices
  • Our history: Fifty years in the making. (n.d.). OpenNotes, Retrieved from: https://www.opennotes.org/history/
  • Our story. (n.d.). Athenahealth, Retrieved from:  https://www.athenahealth.com/about
  • Skinner, D., Franz, B., Taylor, M., Shaw, C., & Kelleher, K. J. (2018). How U.S. children’s hospitals define population health: a qualitative interview-based study. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-10. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3303-7
  • Swarthout, M., & Bishop, M. A. (2017). Population health management: Review of concepts and definitions. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 74(18), 1405-1411. doi: 10.2146/ajhp170025


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