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Communication And Team Work Nursing Essay

Info: 1698 words (7 pages) Nursing Essay
Published: 11th Feb 2020

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There are Several factors related to health care professionals that are crucial in intervention. These factors play a key role in the maintenance and the enhancement of health and well being of patients. (in the maintenance, enhancement of health and well-being of the patients) It also plays a significant role in the development of an individual as a professional (Washer, 2009). This assignment discusses two factors related to HCP such as effective communication and team work.

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Effective communication is fundamental for healthcare professionals. It is vital among professionals, patients and the organization providing care. (can say extremely vital for interaction between) The basic components of communication include sender, message, and receiver (Ellis et al., 2003). According to Williams, 1968 “communication is the passing of information, ideas, and attitudes from person to person” (cited in Turner et al, 2002). The method of communication can be verbal and/or non-verbal or both. Non-verbal communication can be through gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, sign language, writing, fax, emails so forth (Burnard, 1992). Communication in any form should be effective and meaningful to both sender and receiver. All health care professionals should be effective communicators. A good clinician requires superior communication skills along with clinical theory practice. An effective therapeutic communication is essential to deliver appropriate care and management. Researches (research conducted shows that) show that good communication can reduce stress and burnout among professionals. Another benefit of effective communication is reduction in the amount of complaints and ligation (Washer, 2009).

Effective communication skills will help to build relationship and trust among clinicians and patients. Both clinician and patient will equally benefit from this relationship. It also provides reassurance and relieves stress of the patient (Kamarck et al., 1998). Health care professionals who can communicate effectively with the patients can build trust in their patients and encourage them to take more interest in their condition, ask questions, and develop understanding and self-care (Crow et al., 1999). Thus clinicians can understand and gain information about patient’s strengths, weaknesses, needs and areas they wish to improve. According to Washer (2009), patients will experience maximum health potential when health care professionals provide accurate information, promote positive motivation and use therapeutic communication.

Ineffective communication can lead to failure in conveying information, misconceptions and distrust among people. The major problems involved in communication are “lack of self-awareness, lack of systemic interpersonal skills training, lack of a conceptual frame work, and lack of clarity of purpose” (Ellis et al., 2003). Lack of awareness of oneself can negatively affect interactions with others. Lack of clarity of purpose will cause misunderstanding and communication purpose will not be served. There is a potential for conflict in many healthcare professions. Communication skills are essential to deal and manage conflict. Berry (2007) stated that the primary factor to manage and resolve conflict is communication. Healthcare practitioners must be able to manage conflict so that patients receive the best care they can offer.

Any professional in healthcare practice should work towards improving their communication skills. Berry (2007) confirmed that the skills required in health care settings are questioning, explaining and providing information, listening, reinforcement, reflection, and opening and closing interaction. All these skills are important while dealing with any patient. To improve communication skills, a clinician needs to practice some skilled techniques. Systemic interpersonal skill training is the best way to make one proficient in using communication skills. A theoretical structure of communication is required for the application of interpersonal skills, which can provide a configuration for the analysis, manifestation, and evaluation. An effective communicator should have appropriate choices for the situation, which will enable to select what suits the best for the specific situation (Ellis et al., 2003). Professionals need to put effort to develop communication skills through constant practice and exposure to clients.

Teamwork or multi-professional collaboration is another essential factor in health care settings. West (2004) describes work teams as groups of people embedded in organizations, performing tasks that contribute to achieving the organization’s goals. Belbin (2010) reported that teamwork is an efficient way to resolve complex tasks and missions. In Western culture health care system has a holistic approach towards treatment. Multi- disciplinary workings can offer better treatment to patients and better quality of working life for the practitioners (Gorman, 1998).

When health care practitioners are in a team, group performance and understanding are important than individual performance. Team members should support and encourage each other. Biech (2001) suggests that clear goals, defined roles, open and clear communication and effective decision making are the foundation characteristics for building a team. Clear goals are essential for the team, so that group members are aware about the purpose and vision of the team. Clearly defined roles help group members to understand why they are in that team. Effective communication should be maintained throughout for the better outcome of the team.

Multi- disciplinary working will enhance the relationship between individuals. This gives the opportunity to bring their beliefs, attitudes and vales to the team. By developing self awareness, each team member can view their contribution to the team. The team members need to be open and should consider other peoples’ values and beliefs that may influence their behaviours and attitudes (Hutchings et al. 2003

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Washer (2009) suggests that multi-disciplinary working has high importance in heath care settings, because a co-ordinated approach will enhance the patient’s reassurance. Stewart (1995) believes that client centred care is the common factor which binds health care professionals together (cited in Hutchings et al. 2003). Gorman (1998) identified that there are some benefits from multi-disciplinary working. The benefit of multi-disciplinary working is that it will facilitate a better working relationship and a quality outcome for the patient. It is vital when dealing with highly complex and serious issues. The roles and responsibilities of the team members are transparent to others. The whole team is working towards a single treatment plan and have one voice to the patient and their family in stressful situation.

As the organizations have grown in size and more complex in structure, the need of people working in groups to achieve common objectives has become increasingly urgent. The multi-professional working will provide the high professional standards and will promote health and social care practice of the highest calibre (Hutchings et al., 2003).Gage (1998) suggests that health care practitioners as a team can provide better care for patients as this will enable to achieve a holistic outcome (cited in Hutchings et al.,2003). Some of the reasons to implement team-based working in organizations are this will enable to develop and deliver products and services quickly and cost effectively, facilitate effective learning in the organization, provide improved quality of management, time management, promote creativity and innovation, and give opportunity to undertake radical change (West, 2004).

Teamwork will not be effective if the team members do not support each other and work in co-operation. Every team member should have good observation, turn taking, compromising, negotiating and reasoning skills. If these skills are not practiced, the discussions will be futile and development of an effective treatment plan may not be possible. Each member should contribute to the team, share their views and the issues should be discussed in detail. Professional relationship and behaviour are important among group members. According to Belbin (2010), the strains in working relationships can be classified into three groups. They are “a failure to see how a relationship can be established, an actual experience of a relationship which has been found unsatisfactory for both parties in spite of trying, both parties enjoy a measure of success on one plane but on another plane or in a particular setting their relationship falls apart”.

To work effectively in the team, it is essential to communicate with each other. Gorman (1998) describes “communication is the bread and butter of teamwork”. In fact this is the challenging area for health care practitioners which they have to deal. To work on the communication is the quickest way to improve team working. Communication in a tem is all about sharing, understanding, and expertise. It is the team leader’s job to ensure all the team members are communicating effectively with each other. Exclusive of effective communication, the team are unable to utilise the knowledge and expertise of they have (Gorman, 1998). The health care professionals should train to both reflect on and listen to, the values and voices of others (Drinka & Clarke, 2000).

In health care settings and among health care professionals, effective communication and teamwork are two imperative factors. Without these, most management schemes developed by any organization and health care system will be unsuccessful. Both factors are equally important, and it will facilitate better growth, management and promotion of the patients, caregivers, professionals and organizations. We can conclude that effective communication and teamwork are fundamentals of any healthcare management system (Hutchings et al., 2003).


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