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Arguments for the Regulation of Sugar

Info: 1096 words (4 pages) Nursing Essay
Published: 25th May 2020

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Many governments around the globe are increasingly concerned about their citizens’ decreasing health owing to bad diet. According to world health organization,” health is the state of complete physical, mental, social well-being not merely but the absence of the disease and infirmity”. A nature problem states that sugar is poisonous. In the world approximately 76.7 grams sugar should be used per day. It is around 19 table spoon or 306 calories per day. According to, American heart association recommendation, women should consume less than 100 calories of added sugar which is approximately 6 table spoon per day and man should consume 150 calories almost 9 table spoon per day. America said that we are a sweet country on sugar. The average American adult drops 22 table spoon of sugar a day and studies have discovered that teenagers swallowed 34 tea spoons per day.

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The heavily quoted research in neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews discovered that sugar as omnipresent as it is, meets the requirements for an abuse drug may be addictive to those who binge it. This is done by influencing the limbic systems chemistry, the portion of the brain connected with emotional control. The study found that “intermittent access to sugar can lead to behavioural and neurochemical changes that resemble the effects of a substance of abuse.” It is drug like alcohol and tobacco. The spurred paul van der velphen, head of Amsterdam’s health service aware the people that “sugar is the most dangerous drug of this time and can still be easily acquired everywhere.” So that Dr david sack, Ceo of elements behavioural health, comments that “The difference is that we don’t sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 21, but you can buy high sugar content foods at any age.

Sugar impacts upon health: The lead author of the article is Dr.Robert lusting of the University of California, San Francisco, and Department of paediatrics claims that sugar, particularly fructose creates fat deposits in the liver, leading to insulin resistance, also he describes that in much the same manner they process alcohol and other poisons, our bodies process fructose. In this situation, sugar is not just a cause of empty calories, responsible for obesity and type-2 diabetes. It is a full-fledged toxicant at large amount and adds to many non-communicable disease like heart disease and cancer and many more likes liver failure, tooth decors, high blood pressure, cholesterol etc. In the world more than half of people become overweight and obese and they are suffering from the above mention diseases, metabolic disorders and also diet related disorders. Government support texting sugar products and controlling sales to children under the age of 17 to counter our consumption. 17% of U.S. kids and adolescents are already obsessed and the consumption of sugar worldwide has tripled in the last 50 years and the rise contributed to global pandemic of obesity contributing to 35 million annual fatalities globally.

Sugar triggers surge and plummeting of glucose concentrations. unstable sugar in the blood can leave you with mood swings, tiredness and headaches. It also adds to the cravings that start the fake hunger cycle. On other hand, those who prevent sugar report fewer cravings while feeling more balanced and energized mentally. While we all like to indulge once in a while foods that rapidly influence blood sugar contribute to an increased danger of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes-1. Emerging study also indicates link between these high-glycaemic diets and multiple types of cancer-2,3,4. These impacts often result from added sugars operating in your body, so be sure to read those nutrition labels.

The study compare the sugar with alcohol and tobacco and said that, ban the sale of sugary drinks to children under age of 17 also ban the beverages like soft drinks, fruit juices, candies and sweets, baked goods-cookies, cake, fruits canned in syrup, low fat or diet foods and high sugar foods around the schools. Sugar has many names like fructose, sucrose, fructose com syrup so avoiding this type of ingredients in foods. Studies have shown that sugar can interfere with how your body fights diseases, as if being sick was not bad enough. Bacteria and yeast feed on sugar, so surplus glucose in the body leads these bacteria to grow and cause diseases. Our bodies instantly kick into flight or fight mode when we are under stress, releasing big quantities of hormones. Surprisingly, when blood sugar is small, the body has the same chemical reaction. Stress hormones start to compensate for the crash by increasing your blood sugar after you consume a sweet snack. They lead anxiety, irritability and even shakiness.

Overall, concluded by saying that, regulating sugar won’t be easy- especially in developing countries emerging economies’ where soft beverages are often cheaper than drinking water or milk. We recognize that societal action to decrease supply and demand for sugar is facing a rising political fight against a strong sugar lobby and will involve active participation from all stakeholders. We are talking about soft ways to make consumption of sugar slightly less comfortable, thus moving individuals away from the focused dose. What we really want is to boost the decision of people by making foods that are not loaded with sugar relatively easier and cheaper to get.


  1. Lusting, R 2009, “Sugar: The Bitter Truth”, University of California, san francisco,26 May 2009. 
  2.  Rochman, B 2012,  Family matters, Parenting From Time,

Should Sugar Be Regulated Like Alcohol And Tobacco?

http://healthland.time.com/2012/02/02/should-sugar-be-regulated-like-alcohol-and-tobacco/ , e notes, 02 Feb,2012.

  1.  Krans, B 2013 , Assistant Editor, Health line Media, “Addiction Sugar Acts Like Drug In The Brain And Could Lead To Addiction”

https://www.healthline.com/health-news/addiction-sugar-acts-like-drug-in-the-brain-and-could-lead-to-addiction-091813#1 , e notes, 18 Sep, 2013.


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