Heart Condition Case Study

Modified: 11th Feb 2020
Wordcount: 1934 words

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  • Samantha O’Shea

Course: Healthcare Support

Module: Human Growth and Development




I got permission from Ned to do my assignment on him. Some of his information has been changed for confidentiality reasons.

Ned is sixty and the oldest of nine children. Ned has heart condition which is hereditary in his family. His mother had an enlarged heart which the never knew till after she died. Both his father and younger sister also have a heart condition. His father died from the heart condition over twenty years ago. She died at the age of forty two years of age, five years after giving birth to Ned’s younger sister. She also had eight of her children at home which included a set of twins.

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Ned had a heart attack about ten years ago while he was in. He found it hard to breath and pains in his chest but didn’t realise he was taking the heart attack. When he was brought to the hospital there was test done and the discovered that he had suffered a heart attack. Ned had a second one year’s later. Before Ned had the heart attack he an unhealthy diet and a heavy smoker. He worked full time in a hotel but now is only working part time. Ned enjoys working as he gets to meet other people and it keeps him busy.

A heart attack is when arteries become blocked or damaged. Plaque builds up in the arteries causing a blood clot. The muscles become damaged or die which cause the heart attack. Symptoms are:

  • Chest pain which is most common.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Upper body pain i.e. jaw, back and arms
  • Weakness
  • Tiredness

To diagnose a heart attack is getting an Electrocardiogram (ECG). Can be done in a hospital or you’re local GPs.

(Irish Heart Foundation 2015)

Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social (P.I.E.S) of development during late adulthood

Late adulthood is from the age of sixty-five plus. Their development is completed.


People in this age group will be going through different physical development caused by aging, their walking be getting slower. In some cases people will get lose some of their fine motor skills such as writing or open a door. Also some people’s ears grow. By 65 a lot of people will have grey hair, wrinkles, their muscles weakening and skin will losing or not as flexible. Also their bones will get weaker.

According to Erikson’s, he believes that people in the 65+ age have more health problems when they get older. Examples off health problems such as diabetes, refluxes, heart condition dementia and motor neuron (MN).


A lot of people will be fully developed. In some cases some people will lose their memory from dementia or their thinking will start to slow down. Some people won’t be quick enough to remember stuff e.g. birthdays. People won’t be quick enough to solve problems.

According to Cliff Notes older people will learn work or information a bit slower than other people or even to remember any work. Their memory won’t be as good as a younger person. But believe that they can still learn as much as a younger person.

(Cliff Notes 2014)


Some people could be upset because they are losing people around them such as friends and family. They could be upset because they have to retire. They could be used to working and they don’t want to be sitting around doing nothing which could cause a person to become depressed or lonely. Some people could be emotional because of an illness they have or they could be dying

According to Kubler – Ross a person has to go through the different stages of dying. There are five different stages which are Denial, Anger Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. A person will go through a lot of different emotions from an illness or dying and will go through Kubler – Ross theory.

(Cliff Notes 2014)


A lot of people at this age will have a lot of people around them such as family and friends. If they are retire the can spend a lot more time with people by doing activities or even some lunch. Another side of retiring people will become anti social because the fell that they have know one around them, which can cause people to become depressed.

According to Erikson’s Integrity VS Despair 65 + a lot of older people recall on their past. They look back at their pride and their dignity. Erikson believes that people in this age category accept death. He then believes that elderly people start isolating themselves from peer groups. They start looking back at their achievements, mistakes and/or missed opportunities. He often believes that people at this age will start isolating themselves from others.

Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social (P.I.E.S) of development of individual as well as your own personal prejudices, fears and anxieties

Ned’s Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social (P.I.E.S) didn’t change much throughout his late adulthood from the heart attack


Before Ned had his heart attack he lived an unhealthy lifestyle which included unsociable working hours and he was a heavy smoker. He only works part time now. After having the heart attack he became more tired and he wouldn’t be able to do much work. Ned does certain jobs and he can become weak or breathless.


Ned has his full senses in his age. He has great memory and is able to solve problems. Ned is able to interact with other people. Ned’s intellectual development didn’t change.


Ned is nervous because he is retiring in a few years. He is used to working because he is working since he was fourteen or fifteen so he has been working for over fifty years. After Ned having the heart attack he was upset because he was going through a difficult time but now he is fine.


Ned has a good social life. He sees his family regularly and also his friends. He enjoys going to occasions such as weddings to have a good time. Also he enjoys going to his sibling’s house for dinner and a chat. He also has a good relationship with some of his work mates They all started in one of the factories in town and then got the job in the hotel.

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My own personal prejudice, fears and anxieties on Ned’s Hearth Condition. I am worried that Ned will take another heart attack that would affect his development. It could affect him physically by getting weaker and he mightn’t be able to return to work. Intellectual it could affect him by him losing his memory which wouldn’t be good for Ned. Emotionally and socially it could affect him by being depressed by not able to work if he has another heart attack. Ned could become anti sociable and depressed.

Variations/Factors affecting the individual at this stage of life

Ned at this stage is still working part time and is enjoying it as is working since he was young. Ned’s health doesn’t affect him that much, unless he is doing something that is making his heart over work such as lifting something to heavy or rushing. It could make him tired or breathless.

If Ned does something to put straining on his heart it could affect him by having another heart attack. A way he could manage it is by not lifting anything to heavy or eating unhealthy food which will help his heart. He could go for little walks to keep fit.

Another thing that could affect Ned is if he over does something like too much exercise, pushing something he can’t. Ned would be putting too much strain on his heart which could leave him breathless, tired or even in hospital. Ned could do some light exercise.

When Ned hits retirement his routine will be out because he won’t be working. Ned won’t be able to interact with as many people because he won’t be working and also he is a single man. He won’t have anyone to talk to.

Another way is that Ned stops or cuts down on smoking as it affects his health.

Recommendations to respond confidently to needs of person

I would recommend Ned to start getting involved with age action so that he can get involved with other people. He won’t become isolated or non sociable with other people. He can meet up with people for an hour or two a week for a chat and a cup of tea.

I also recommend that Ned gets involved with the day care centre the days he isn’t working. He can interact with other people and also get his dinner there for little as five euro. In the day care centre they provide activities.

I recommend he joins the Active Retirement Association Tullamore (T.A.R.A). This is on one day a week for people over the age of 55. The get to go on trips over Ireland, have social gatherings, exercise and creative opportunities.

Another organisation Ned could join is the Arden View resource centre. It allows the people to meet up and socialise with other people, go on day trips, and get to do activities.

Ned could do any of these organisations that won’t be too stressful or to harmful on his heart. Ned will get to interact with other people and become more sociable. He would enjoy the activities and socialising with other people because he likes talking and getting involved.

Also these would help Ned to get used to being in organisations because he will be retiring in the next year or two. If he starts now he will get used to being in organisations and where as if he leaves it to the last minute he mightn’t have the confidence to join.


From doing this assignment I learnt that Ned’s family heart condition is genetic in his family. His family should be getting themselves checked for heart condition because the could be affected.

I also learnt more about a heart disease and what it’s physical and mental affects are on someone. I learnt that it could kill of some of your heart and I learnt more on the signs and symptoms such as the upper body pain.



Creative Training Book 2015

Web sites

Cliffs Notes (2014) Development in Late Adulthood [online], Available: http://www.cliffsnotes.com/sciences/psychology/psychology/developmental-psychology-age-13-to-65/development-in-late-adulthood [accessed 30th March 2015]

Cliffs Notes (2014) Intelligence and Memory age 65 [online], Available: http://www.cliffsnotes.com/sciences/psychology/development-psychology/physical-cognitive-development-65/intelligence-and-memory-age-65 [accessed 30th March 2015]

Irish Heart Foundation (2015) Heart Attack [online], Available: https://www.irishheart.ie/iopen24/heart-attack-t-7_19_61.html [accessed 29th March 2015]


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