Promotion Health and Preventing Ill Health: Development of Health Profile

University / Undergraduate
Modified: 3rd Dec 2020
Wordcount: 4880 words

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Promotion Health and Preventing Ill Health


The aim of this assignment is to develop a health profile of an individual living in the London borough of Newham, and to identify health risk, in addition to advice and support in promoting the health and wellbeing as a healthcare professional. This assignment explains the importance of the nurse in terms of promoting health and wellbeing, and also the importance of ethical principles and policies influencing the roles of a nurse. The health profile examination would be conducted using combination of data analyses, questionnaire and motivational interview skills (see appendix). According to Garret et al (2019) motivational interview style helps nurses to put patient in the centre of their care and uses evidence to support positive lifestyle and behaviour change. To maintain confidentiality the name of the individual has been referred to as Ms S. Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2015) states that, healthcare professionals should respect clients right and privacy in every aspect of their care.

Accordingly, conclusion will be drawn by summarising the health risk, possible advice and support recommended in order to promotes health and wellbeing. The strengths and the weakness of creating health profile on individuals will be discussed accordingly.

The process of a person’s life has a particular relevance to the health from the time of birth to the time of death (Larkin 2013). Health promotion is the process of enabling a person to increase control over their lifestyle and improve their own health, (king’s fund 2010). Nurses provide preventive care services such as education and informing the patients about the development of health risk factor during their daily interactions with the patients. Wills (2014) states that, It seeks development of individual measures and communities to enhance the wellbeing by changing their lifestyles. According to NMC (2010) nurses are responsible for encouraging health promoting behaviour through education role model and effective communication. Therefore partnering and collaborating with populations and communities to address obstacles to health are also among the role of a nurse.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO 1948), “Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Also, the availability of highest achievable health standard is one the essential rights of an individual without distinction of political belief, religion, social or economic condition, race and environmental (world health organisation 2010).  The definition implies that sustaining a proper physical condition is not adequate for the complete wellbeing of an individual. Instead, an individual should be mentally and socially fit in order to be regarded as healthy. In this direction, recent findings suggest that mental and physical condition of an individual is highly interrelated and as the social condition of an individual may affect the mental well-being, one may infer that social, mental and physical well-being of an individual is often dependent on each other (Naidoo & Wills 2016). Accordingly, maintaining complete health and wellbeing without one of the above elements defined by WHO would be improbable. However, in order to achieve all elements, understanding more about the health status of an individual is highly significant.

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Health profile also provides relevant information regarding an individual’s family, community and neighbourhood. Keeping track of health information is a critical point for the right care and wellbeing (Brown et al 2015). A patient health profile may include medications, immunisations, special needs, and related complications in the past, remarkable health changes, household question and questions regarding physical, mental and social health of patient. This information and questions in health profile are among the influence and border determinants of health and wellbeing.

Accordingly, objectives of health profile should identify health problems, factors that affect an individual’s health, suggest areas for action to improve health, new data on indicators of health. The profile should also summarise health information relevant to the individual’s status, make health and it determinant visible, act as a stimulus for action, set targets for achievements related to health, inform the relevant individuals, doctors and family about matters that affect health in an understandable language and record the professional views on health issues of an individual (Billingham 2010).

Examination of Health Profile and outcome

Ms S is 38 years old, lone parent who lives in the London borough of Newham, in a One bedroom council flat which is situated on top of fast food shops with her three young children, A is 16 years old, B 13 years old and C is 8 years old. Ms S was born in the London borough of Newham. Her parents moved to the United Kingdom from Africa in the 1960s before she was born. She was the only child of her parent whom they both passed away. Ms S is a secondary school leaver who holds good general GCSE and works as a fulltime estate agent at Morgan star estate agents in central London. Ms S earned an average wage and poor living and financially unsecured. She was married and separated from the husband three years ago. During the interview she expressed her loss of hope and trust in men, and her mother to whom she was very close too has passed away. After the death of her mother and separation from the husband she started consuming 16 units of alcohol per week and smoking a pack of cigarette everyday. She drinks alcohol and smoke cigarette  which helps her to cope with the pain of her loss and stress levels, she knew drinking and smoking heavily has health problems, however she does not know the way of quitting. Recently she’s has been diagnosed of Hypertension in which she is receiving medications for. This answer came in after asking Ms S general health like, see (appendix q5 no.7).


Life path of human life cycle can be influenced by the events and experience in which individuals go thorough during their lifetime. Marmot (2010) review, suggest that every child deserve best start in life as well as enabling all children, young people and adults to increase capabilities of taking control over their lives. Therefore Ms S and her children need help to enable them to achieve maximum best out of life.

Realistically, Ms S. has many determents that has effected on her health and wellbeing. According to the data collected on Ms S appeared to have health risk involving mental and social issues. She is a lone parent taking care of three young children and also suffering from overcrowding accommodation. She needs to be referred to counselling as she is emotionally unstable due to her life experience. Evans (2006) stated that living in overcrowded home may affect well -being of children and lack of privacy can result in stress, difficult social interactions and behavioural within household members. Leventhhal  and Newman (2010) speculate that poor living condition affect the well-being of individual and resulting in health and social inequality. Therefore Ms S. needs to be referred to Newham council about her over crowded accommodation and NewhamConnect which they support families to receive the right help as they needed. 

Newham has a range of public health functions. The council is responsible by law (Annual review 2016/17). These include paying and organising for sexual health service, providing a wide range of health promotion services, helping people for the dangers of environmental threat and infectious disease, and providing specialist public health recommendations for primary services such as community health and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), (2016/17 Annual). The annual public health report of Newham (2016/17) focusing on women’s health indicate that women in Newham are diverse and young, and women are less likely to be employed and they have lower pay. On the other hand, Newham women can expect to live shorter lives compared with the average for women in England and London. Accordingly, the life expectancy of female in Newham is 82.5 years while the life expectancy for England is 83.1 and 84.1 years for London (Annual 2016/17). Also the life expectancy of female babies born between 2013 and 2015 is 80.5 in deprived areas while 82.5 years for Newham. In the light of this information, one may infer that Newham women can expect to live longer compared to the average for women in similar areas of deprivation.

The challenges for women and health in Newham include deprivation, overcrowding, income, crime and fuel poverty.  43% of female worry about crime in Newham while 36% of male worry about crimes. The significant statistics that 93% of lone parents are women and indicate that women’s health may be affected significantly by mental and social factors (CCG, Annual 2016/17).

On the other hand, physical inactivity, smoking, obesity, and hypertension are among the modifiable risk factors for critical health issues with 36%, 13%, 28% and 15%, respectively; however, 4 out of 10 females may be undiagnosed in general (“2016/17 Annual”).
In general, the percentages and statistic for Newham women reveal that their health condition seems to inferior compared to the whole England, and demographic status of the area may affect the social and mental health of Newham women in a negative way.

Physically, it was found that Ms smokes a package of cigarettes per day and drinks 16 units of alcohol a week. It is widely recognised that smoking cigarettes and cardiovascular diseases and cancer are highly related to each other (Evans et al. 2017).  This habit may lead to significant health problems and she is already 38 years old. The chief Medical Officers guidelines (CMO) (2015) suggest that consuming 14 units of alcohol a week increase risk of death from long term illness, injuries and accidents. Evans et al.( 2017) also speculate that individual that is not sportively active and smoking, consuming such a large amount of strong alcohol intake is also considerably hazardous to both physical and mental health. Consuming so much alcohol could lead to brain damage, heart diseases, damage to the nervous system and liver diseases (Brown et al 2015). In light of this information, she should quit smoking, and try drink less alcohol as both have tremendous impact on her overall health and wellbeing. Recent findings suggest that the body can recover itself from the smoking effects in a quite rapid manner it takes up to less than a year (Hubley et al 2013).  It is highly recommended for her to quit smoking as she is still young and recover from the harms quickly, before it’s too late. Also, smoking and ingesting alcohol are considered interdependent and quitting one of either habit may lead to an extremely major improvement of overall health, both in short and long term (Hubley et al. 2013). Therefore Ms S will be recommended to seek help from National health `service (NHS) smokefree also Newham council provide help for individuals that want to stop smoking.

During the motivational interview Ms S was comfortable to share her emotional feelings. Miss S stated that she does not feel happy with her life and she drinks and smokes as an alternative comfort. She is experiencing stress during the daily routine and her self-love and esteem has decreased dramatically. Research suggests that, while short-term stress may result in a boost in confidence and overall efficiency whereas long-term stress may have considerable negative impacts on the human body and may lead to psychosomatic disorders (Brown et at. 2015). The human body is not designed for long-term stress though, Miss S. indicated that she has been suffering from stress for a of time. A suggestion for Ms S is for her to consult her General Practitioner (GP) so that GP can get multi-diciplinary team involve with her care. However, as a recent search suggests, being active and doing sports may have an exceedingly positive effect on the inclusive mental status of an individual (Brown et al. 2015). Therefore the of Five Ways to Wellbeing is highly recommend for Miss S to be involved in a variety of activities: Gym, biking, swimming or doing any kind of physical or mindful sport that can help her mental state.

In contrast to this, she revealed that, she does not have an active or social friend group and she tends to stay home, watch TV on a regular basis. Adding to that, she does not feel highly confident in very crowded/social environments; it is exceptionally recommended for her to take part in communal activities as there are numerous communities, groups and events all over London and in Newham. Sustaining a routine consisting of work and staying home may have some destructive impacts on an individual’s emotional/mental and social health, in which affects the physical state additionally. Therefore, Miss S. should take part in either of these activities to feel socially connected with locals instead, of keeping track with the work and home routine daily. It is also argued that, maintaining an active communal life has a positive impact on a person’s general physical health, mental health and well-being. (Brown et al. 2015). While researching on this it becomes clear that health can be sometimes described as subjective. “Wellbeing  is a key concept in positive approaches to health, it can be subjective; individuals assessing themselves in how satisfied or happy they are feeling” (Baggott 2011).
As of the 21st century, a new trend such as social media is rising among people. Social media has somewhat an impact on various individual’s mental health and can trigger psychological conditions such as, anxiety and major depression (Brown et al. 2015). Consequently, Miss S. is also recommended to be aware of the negative impacts of social media on a being; the world is speedily and constantly changing in terms of economic levels, changing landscapes and lifestyles also, it is now harder to keep up with the popular needs of modern society. Subsequently, these factors also affect the mental status of people. Mental, physical and social health, are all interrelated to each other, in order to have complete full health, as WHO definition stated, an individual should comply with the needs of all three elements (“2016/17 Annual”).

According to the information provided earlier in the survey, Miss S. is highly in the risk of cardiovascular diseases or cancer due to the excessive smoking, chronic back pain and significant depression stemming from her lifestyle. For further advice, she should get help from the Local Health Council of Newham, regarding her smoking and drinking problems. She could also get a psychological evaluation and further, relevant also regarding her mental status to prevent future, chronic conditions. Prior to the recommendations, the overall statistics and indicators of health index are taken into account. As of the reports that are revealed, cardiovascular diseases and cancer are vastly prevalent among women in Newham (“2016/17 Annual”). Hence, Miss S. should take further necessary actions in order to prevent future difficulties.


As a result, nurses provide care services by educating and informing the patients about the development of the specific risk factors during their daily interactions with the patients (Wills 2014). Partnering and collaborating with populations and communities to address obstacles to health are also among the roles of a nurse (“The Roles”). In this assignment, the importance of a nurse in terms of promoting health and wellbeing, and the policies influencing the role of a nurse are examined by using the combination of questionnaires of a specific patient. Accordingly, the health risks of the patient are analysed and possible advice and support are recommended in order to promote proper health and wellbeing.

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The good thing about the interview and the interviewee comfortably talking and sharing. The challenges of conducting face to face was be helpful to Due to time constrain the interview was cut short From this health profile I have learnt that the environment that we live in can have impact on our physical, emotional and social wellbeing. It was interesting to find out that you can live in the same borough, one side of the road can be seen as deprived area. Also it is important to seek help and stay connect with family, community and other professionals. 
Mrs S might drink because it helps her reduce stress and anxiety and calms her down. Mrs S should stop drinking to achieve a healthy lifestyle as it reduces chance of cancer and heart attack and it also reduces negative thought which lead to a positive mental health.


  • Annual Public Health Report(2016/2017). Available at: care/AnnualPublicHealthReport20162017.pdf [Accessed October 19, 2019].
  • Billingham, M. (2010) BTEC Level 3 National Health and Social Care. London: Excel.
  • Brown, J.S., Learmonth, A.M. & Mackereth, C.J., 2015. Promoting public mental health and well-being: principles into practice, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Constitution. World Health Organization. Available at: [Accessed October 19, 2019].
  • Department of Health (2016) UK Chief Medical Officers’ Alcohol Guidelines Review, Summary of the proposed new Guildelines. (accessed on 30th October 2019)
  • Frequently asked questions. World Health Organization. Available at: [Accessed October 19, 2019].
  • Garrett, B, Ong, P and Galdas (2019) Essential knowledge for nurses expanded &fully revised, Clinical Pocket Reference for Nurses, Clinical Pocket Reference  Ltd,  fourth Edition, Oxford UK
  • Hubley, J., Copeman, J. & Woodall, J., 2013. Practical health promotion, Cambridge: Polity.
  • Marmot, M., 2019. The health gap: the challenge of an unequal world, New York, NY: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Marshal, L., Finch D., Cairncross, L. and Bibby J. (2017) The Nation’s Health As an Asset
  • Larkin, M. (2013) Health and Well Being across Life Course, Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Naidoo, J. & Wills, J., 2016. Foundations for health promotion, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Newhamconnect: Early Help Partnership Team: available at (accessed on 1st November 2019  )
  • NHS Choices. Available at: [Accessed October 19, 2019].
  • NHS Smoke free: (Accessed 04 November 2019)
  • NMC (2010) Standards for Competence Registerd Nurses, (accessed on October 28, 2019)
  • Marmot M. (2010) Institute of Health Inequality, Fair Society Healthy lives (The Marmot Review); (accessed 29th October 2019)
  • Owen, S. , (2011) Professor Of Nursing And Dean Of The Faculty Of. Nursing for public health: promotion, principles and practice, Oxford University Press.
  • The Role of Nurses in Health Promotion and Preventive Care. Available at: [Accessed October 19, 2019].
  • Wild, K. & McGrath, M., 2019. Public health nursing and health promotion for nurses at a glance, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


 Dear Sir/Madam

I am conducting a study on health profile in promoting health and preventing ill health. I would appreciate, it if you could offer me the necessary support by answering the questions with full honesty. I assure you that the information gathered here will be strictly for academic purposes only; there it would be treated with outmost confidentiality.

Household Questionnaire
What Is Your Name?


Please Circle Your Answers
1.) Are You Male Or Female?

Yes          Or            No

2.)What Is Your Date Of Birth?


3.) What Is Your Legal Marital Status?



4.) Do You Stay At Another Address For More Than Thirty Days A Year?

Yes         Or         No

If Yes Please State= ______________________________________

5.) Are You A School Child Or A Student In Full Time Education?

Yes        Or          No

6.) What Is Your Country Of Birth?


ii) If You Were Not Born in UK, When Did You Arrive Here?


7.) How Is Your General Health?  What would you say about your weight?

8.) Do You Look After or Give Any Help or Support to Family Members, Friends, Neighbours or Others?

If So Please State=


ii) How Many People Live in Your Household?


iii) What Type of Accommodation Do You lives in?


9.) How Do You Describe Your Natural Identity?


10.) What Is Your Ethnic Group?


11.) What Is Your Main Language?


12.) What Is Your Main Religion?


13.) Are Your Day To Day Activities Limited Because Of Health Problems Or Disability
Which Has Lasted At Least 12 Months?

Yes, Limited A Lot     Yes, Limited A Little     No

14.) Which Qualifications Do You Have?

15.) Last Week Were You?
Working As An Employee    Self-Employed    Away From Work/ILL    Unemployed

16.) How Do You Travel To Work


17) Have you always Been a Happy person?


18)  What’s Your Diet Like?



19.)  How Many Portions Of Fruit And Veg Do You Eat Through A Week Period?



20) How Often Do You Order/Buy Fast Food?



21,) Have You Ever Smoked Or Drank Alcohol?
Yes              Or              No

ii) If Yes Would You like to Quit and Why?



iii) Have You Tried to Quit in the Past?



IV) How often do you take up exercise  and are you involve in  any Support?



V) Does emotional problem interfere with you normal social activities with family, friends and neighbours  or groups?



VI) If You Are Quitting, Do You Know Where To Get Advice?


22.) Do You Have Any Smoking/Tobacco or Alcohol Related Illness?


23.) How Often Do You Drink Or Smoke?


24.)How Often Did You Fail to Complete Your Daily Routine Due To Drinking Or Smoking?


25.) Has A Relative, Friend, Doctor Or Health Worker Had Concerns About Your Status Or Given You Advice To Cut Down?



26) Do You Have Any Other Comments about Smoking or Drinking?

If you want advice on quitting smoking or drinking pleases contact stop smoking /drinking services on:02 04589 3621

Thank you for taking your time to fill in this questionnaire, your feedback is exceedingly helpful!


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