Evaluation of Work Practices in Care Setting

University / Undergraduate
Modified: 19th May 2020
Wordcount: 3320 words

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Portfolio  collection for work practice

Key Features of work practice 0rganisation and Group work

a)     Evaluate the work practice organisation in term of status and size in relation to both the Irish economy and world economy.?

The care setting I’m doing my work placement practice is a long term health care for the elderly people originally opened as a workhouse under the auspices of the Board of Guardians in 1853 and its history includes “St Columba’s was first opened as a workhouse under the auspices of the Board of Guardians in 1853 and its history includes providing care for homeless persons and single mothers. Since 1952 the premises had been utilised specifically for the care of older people in the region.”  3 story , it is a long stay residential  hospital. It has 90 beds. 80% of health care for the elderly is long stay. It delivers care for elderly mostly age 65,  . The hospital  employs approximately 110 staff and there is 24-hour care and support provided by registered nursing and healthcare staff with the support of housekeeping, catering, administration, laundry and maintenance staff this is beneficial for the people in the local area and the economy  as it gives employment to the local cummunity. The hospital twined with mine is a residential care and respite hospital with 20 beds,  Comparing to a similar healthcare setting for the elderly in Northern Ireland ran by the NHS it has 70 beds it cares for the elderly ages mostly 65 years and over, staffing over 110 people in its rural area.  For the first time in history most people are living into their 70s and beyond. The world report on ageing and health responds to these challenges by recommending equally changing ways that the health policies for aging clients are formulated and services are provided because of this healthcare is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. Countries could economically benefit from people living much longer they should invest more in health to raise life expectancy. The International Longevity Centre said that as people live longer productivity also increases, in terms of ‘output’ per hour worked, per worker, boosting the economy. Improving health and ensuring that people live longer should therefore be a key goal for governments, the analysis, based on OECD figures from 35 countries

B) Summarise the work practice organisations structure, main aims, and overall objectives.

The hospital I do my work practice is aimed at the independent of  older people giving the highest quality care with empathy, dignity, and respect also promoting independence. The Objectives of the care home is to provide a high standard of care in accordance with the evidence based practice. To provide a a living environment that would have been as similar as possible to what they would have had in their own home and also to ensure that residents live in a comfortable, clean and safe  in the environment.

The structure of the company.  There is policies that would inform staff on their aim and the standards they hold.

c) Determine the organisation cultures and values as demonstrated by the management practices and staff client engagement

Training is done in the home by the manager funding

By the and ran by the HSE.  I feel the manager takes pride in the values of the nursing home and they act upon their  aims and ethos every day and encourages all There workers to work upon them as well for the best quality care for all the residents. All workers work by all policies and values to the best of their abilities every day Using the guidelines from the policies and their training which is provided by the HSE . The ETHOS : Person centred care for all resident’s , staff and visitors, they aim to provide the highest level of holistic person centred care in a homely environment enabling resident’s to enjoy an excellent quality of life. In order to achieve this we strive to tailor clients/residential care based on choice and participation; therefore, we strive with any developments to have the choice and participation of residents as our guide. We provide opportunities for client/residents take part in and enjoy appropriate activities of their choice. They achieve this goal by being open to new ideas. Staff should have a proper understanding of their responsibilities . They ,manage their resources, staffing level , skill mix and continuing professional development in order to carefully manage our ageing care environment. Management strive towards the goal of meeting resident’s needs.

b)   Key Factors which impact the work practice organisation


a)      Evaluate the impact of globalisation, New technology and science in the work practice organisation.

There is new technology’s and science in my work practice to help make it a safe environment  for the patience and the staff at the hospital and to avoid injury for everyone. The Shower chair  that helps lift patience safely  in to the bath without manually lifting avoiding injury from the patient and the staff members There is chair and bed alarms that are provided for clients that are a high falls risk which lets the nurses and carers know if the clients are up from there chair or bed and to be monitored while they move to prevent a fall. England — Provide free health care to their people regardless of what class. Healthcare in England is mainly provided by England’s public health service, the National Health Service, that provides healthcare to all permanent residents of the United Kingdom that is free at the point of use and paid for from general taxation.

“So I feel that” Irelands healthcare system could be better as from the above examples, other countries have more perks than Ireland in their healthcare system

The carer’s service will always be the same but I feel the clients in different countries may have it easier such as having enough beds.

B).          Review the impact of relevant government policy on the work practice organisation

There is many policies in my work practice organisation and I feel that there is a need for them because it keeps staff and clients including visitors safe. The health and safety policy is there for the health of the clients and visitors and staff members , The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005, The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 and associated legislation govern the area of health & safety.

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 for employers, and all the  HSE to ensure, a reasonably practicable, that their activities are managed and conducted in such a way as to ensure the safety, health and welfare of staff, patients, visitors and others.

Infection and control policy Infections are caused by germs such as bacteria, fungi or viruses entering the body. They can be minor and stay in one area, like a boil, or they can spread throughout the body, like flu. Often, infections are easily dealt with, but sometimes they can cause serious problems. The policy covers way to prevent the spread of infection and disease in the care setting by cleaning  equipment and the care environment safely for example Use of PPE (gloves and aprons) to stop the spread of infectious bacteria; Use invasive devices only when clinically needed, as they increase the risk of infection; Promote sneezing and coughing good adequate .Complaints policy There is a policy in the hospital that visitors like family or staff or clients to make a complaint to the hospital if they feel they need to also =because HIQA is also the watch dog for the policies making sure that they are all out in place and best practice is used a com[plaint can also be made to them about the hospital. Manual Handling is a policy that is HSE (2011) Guidance on the Management of Manual Handling in Healthcare. It is the Policy of the HSE to minimis  the risk with manual handling and people handling activities. Where the manual handling of loads cannot be avoided, the HSE will take measures or employ appropriate means to minimis any associated risks through risk assessment by Avoiding or reducing, injury Provide the highest quality of care to service users.

C) Assess if Social or ethical issues have affected the Work practice organisation or may impact in the future.

I feel that there is a lot more cultural diversity in the Ireland as there was , more people are travelling and

“The “Equal Status Act 2000 was recently amended by the Equality Act 2004; together they are known as the Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2004. Their main aim is to promote equality by forbidding discrimination in employment, vocational training, advertising, collective agreements and the provision of goods and services.” I feel there is a lot of different cultures in my work practice  and I feel that they aren’t treated any different than anyone else. Because Ireland is more socially cultural aware and the fact that there is so many different cultural backgrounds in Ireland and that it is so common now that it doesn’t really effect my work placement.  The HSE have policies on the Equlity act stating The purpose of the Equal Opportunity/Diversity policy is to create a workplace which provides for equal opportunities for all staff and all potential staff and protects their dignity at all times. It covers all aspects of employment including recruitment and selection, dignity at work and conditions of employment. They have their staff training regular on ways to prevent it in the workplace also. All the residents have their own interests which are always taking note of and put in their client profile.  Some women rather other women  when they are using the commode or showering. This is some women’s set way of privacy only wanting women’s assistance. It is important to have a good men to women ratio staff  as also some men would prefer to be bathed by men. The work placement I am in would try accommodate  clients as best they can and to make them feel comfortable as they can while been cared for. “The “Equal Status Act 2000 was recently amended by the Equality Act 2004; together they are known as the Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2004. Their main aim is to promote equality by forbidding discrimination in employment, vocational training, advertising, collective agreements and the provision of goods and services.”

comment on any impact to the work practice organisation in relation to economic and population shifts.

More people are living longer therefore there is a lot more older people than younger on the economy and that means that the work practice will be under strain as it is all ready for beds in the residential care hospitals, there will be more carers needed and more beds and research on how to deal with the growing population of the older people. Over the past years almost all countries are suffering from the global economic recession which is characterized by a rise in unemployment or reductions in wages leading to a lower income.  In Ireland though it not globally it is also a good thing that they are living longer for the health care all so as there will be more jobs in that area and profession.

Summarise the main legislation and regulations relevant to your work practice organisation, specifically relating to health, safety and welfare at work, employment, equality and matters related specifically to the context of the organisation.

“The main legislation providing for the health and safety of people in the workplace is the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005”. “It applies to all employers, employees (including fixed-term and temporary employees) and self-employed people in their workplaces.”

“It is to protect the health and safety at work for all the employees,” “It also covers other people visiting the workplace premises such as temporary workers”, “casual workers, self-employed workers, clients, visitors and the general public. “Terms of employment info acts 1994-2014”

“The Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994–2014 provide that an employer is obliged to provide an employee with a written statement of terms of employment within the first 2 months of the commencement of employment “For example a few relevant to me: “The title of job or nature of work ”“The date the employment started ”“If the contract is temporary, the expected duration of the contract ”“If the contract of employment is for a fixed term, the details”

“Details of rest periods and breaks as required by law “The rate of pay or method of calculation of pay “The pay reference period for the purposes of the National Minimum Wage Act 2000”“Pay intervals”

“Hours of work “Equality legislations relevant to my work place are,”

“The employment equality acts is relevant to my work place”

“The equality act 2004 determines that no person should be discriminated against the grounds of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, family status, disability or as a member or the traveller community. “ The equality authority formed in 1999, has the responsibility of ensuring that discrimination does not occur.”

c)     Internal and external policies and procedures


Privacy and dignity – This is relevant to my work place because everyone is entitled to privacy and dignity. It is very important to keep everyone’s private data confidential. It is also important to respect the residents.

“The privacy, dignity and respect policy clearly relates to the ways in which healthcare users and their careers are to be treated while being cared for. behaviours and values outlined in this policy is by no means to be confined simply to the healthcare users and carers.” My role is to ensure I keep the privacy of everyone’s personal files and what they tell me confidential and to respect them every day and to maintain their dignity and independence

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Documentation Policies Documentation is important in every way in the work placement. Documentation is vital for information to passed along or stored  to give the best care possible My role and the role of the staff members are to make sure everything , MY role and the staffs role in my work practice is to make sure all documentation is filled correctly and factually and if there is anything unusual to report it to your supervisor.  My role and the other staffs roll is To read the policies and know how to fill them out correctly.  To read the policies and to follow correct procedure.

Safeguarding the venerable- This is important to my workplace because the vulnerable should be looked after properly and to minimise any abuse.

“The HSE Social Care Division is committed to safeguarding vulnerable persons from abuse and a key priority for 2014 was to publish a policy spanning both Older Persons Services and Disability Services. ‘Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse’ now provides one overarching policy to which all agencies will subscribe and implement in their place of work ensuring” A consistent approach to protecting vulnerable people from abuse and neglect

All services have a publicly declared ‘No Tolerance’ approach to any form of abuse

A culture which supports this ethos is promoted

My role is to ensure the safety of every resident the best that I can and report any risk or harm, harm or any kind of abuse.


Infection control– this policy is put in place to stop the spread of infection and to save venerable people from catching any illness which may result in death. These policies are put in place for all workers all clients at all times. “This guideline applies to best practice amongst Healthcare Workers in caring for all Patients within the healthcare environment.” This is “to prevent the spread of cross infection. To uphold standards of safe practice. To protect both healthcare staff and every individual in their care at all times from the transmission of infection during care/hazardous procedures whether the risk is known or unknown. To ensure maximum protection of patients, visitors and staff without the need to divulge the individual’s diagnosis or other information that may be confidential. To ensure evidence based research underpins best practice.” My role is to follow all of these guidelines and stop the spread of infection and wear PPE gear when needed.

Fire Safety – All staff are trained in fire safety and emergency procedures by the competent person. My role is to be fully aware of the fire safety procedure. Such as knowing where the alarm panel is to allocate where the fire is exactly. My role is to try keeping the residents as safe as possible and not putting myself in danger. My co-workers have the same role as well as everyone is expected to go to the alarm panel as it is our fire point for fires and fire drills. My co-workers are also expected to keep the residents as safe as possible but also not put themselves in danger. I feel every other work place would be the same as everywhere needs fire safety policies and procedures. I think maybe higher dependency homes may have some different procedures. I think it is good as the alarm panel shows us where the fire is to reframe us from getting hurt and all fire doors close automatically. Fire safety is mandatory in every workplace.

Safeguarding venerable adults– These policies are put in place to maintain the safety of the residents in the nursing home. To stop any harm or any risk of harm to happen to any venerable person. My role is to ensure the safety of each resident every day. To make sure no risk of harm or harm is being done to them. To make sure every resident is safe from any abuse or danger. That all have equal person centred care to the best quality. My co-workers have equal responsibility to ensure the best care and safety of every resident from any harm, danger or abuse is maintained 24/7. This policy is very good because it ensures that all staff are aware about how to ensure the safety of every resident. This helps to keep a safe environment and happy residents.

“There isn’t an agency, aside from the Gardaí, that is obliged to investigate a complaint and direct state agencies and others to provide additional support if required to the vulnerable person. Neither is there a body setting out standards to ensure vulnerable people are protected in the first instance



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